
American Forces Press Service

 August 2004


Myers Tells Nashville Crowd Prospects in Iraq 'Good'      

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - The ceasefire brokered in Najaf was a good sign for the Iraqi interim government, the top U.S. military leader said here today, adding that the long-term prospect in Iraq "is very, very good."


DoD Official Outlines Personnel-Recovery Work to Be Done      

ARLINGTON, Va. - The thousands of Americans who put themselves in harm's way in dangerous and inhospitable environments as members of the armed forces and various government agencies "must be confident that should something happen to them in the course of their service, they will not be abandoned," DoD's senior official for prisoner of war/missing personnel affairs said here today.


Cadet Tells About Journey to Air Force Academy  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The road to the Air Force Academy was a special journey for 21-year-old cadet Nicholas Butler.


MyPay E-Mail PINs Now Available to Navy Members      

ARLINGTON, Va. - Sailors are now able to receive personal identification numbers for myPay, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service's system to manage individual pay accounts, at their official Navy e-mail account.


Olympic Hopeful Represents United States in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD, Iraq - While American Olympians represented the United States in Athens, Greece, one U.S. Olympic hopeful is representing his country in Iraq.


Why I Serve: Reservists Reflect on Firefighting Duty in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

BALAD, Iraq - "I always dreamed about being a firefighter, but I never actually thought I'd become one," said Army Spc. Everad Lewis.


Upcoming Smithsonian Exhibition Honors Service Members  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Smithsonian Institution will launch a major permanent exhibition honoring American armed forces on Veterans Day.


Reconstruction Projects Continue Across Iraq      

WASHINGTON - The roadside bombs favored by insurgents in Iraq continue to be deadly, as one U.S. soldier was killed and two were injured south of Mosul on Aug. 29 as their convoy detonated an improvised explosive device.


Coalition Beats Back Afghan Insurgent Attack      

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces in Afghanistan beat back an insurgent attack launched Aug. 30 in the Konar Province region.


Test Program Protects Troops' Food, Water Supplies      

FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas - Napoleon Bonaparte first noted that an Army moves on its stomach. But that Army isn't likely to do much moving -- except maybe to the latrine or hospital or worse -- if its chow happens to be infected with salmonella or E. coli or another food- or waterborne bacteria or pathogen.


Veterans Group Donates $20K in Support of Wounded Soldiers  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A late-April visit to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany prompted the "Forty and Eight" veterans group to raise $20,000 to benefit the Landstuhl Chaplain's Fund. The check was presented today during a ceremony at the Pentagon.


Militia Division Disarms in Kabul, Becomes 'Heroes of Peace'      

KABUL, Afghanistan - The 31st Division of the Afghan militia forces' Central Corps disarmed in a Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration event held at the division's barracks in Mataw Qala, West Kabul, Aug. 23.


Coalition Medics Respond to Afghanistan School Bombing      

WASHINGTON - Coalition special operations forces medics, along with Afghan National Army personnel, rushed to help Afghan victims of an Aug. 28 explosion that ripped through a school in Zormat, killing 10 people, including a man, five teens and four young children. About 15 other people were injured.


Browne Finishes 65th in Olympic Men's Marathon      

ATHENS, Greece - Oregon National Guard Capt. Dan Browne pushed himself to the limit Aug. 29 to finish 65th in the men's marathon in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games.


Iraqis Looking Toward Much Brighter Future      

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq's future is a little brighter on many fronts. Another electricity generator been brought on line and a shelter for abused Iraqi women has opened its doors, and Iraqi border guards now have night goggles and new Jeeps.


Iraq Detainee Board Reviews 300 Cases During First Week      

Baghdad, Iraq - The newly formed Combined Review and Release Board considered the detention of 300 security detainees during its first week of deliberation ending Aug. 28.


Reporters Offered Look Inside Combatant Status Review Tribunals      

NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - As the world's attention was focused on the first hearings in war-crimes trials against four enemy combatants here this week, another type of proceeding was going on elsewhere on the base that ultimately will involve all 585 detainees held here.


Anti-Iraqi Forces Active Over Weekend      

WASHINGTON - Multinational forces came under attack today near Mosul and Samarra, a Coalition Press Information Center release from Baghdad, Iraq, said.


Army Pentathlete Says He 'Walked Away With No Regrets'      

ATHENS, Greece - The day after his competition went awry, Army 1st Lt. Chad Senior said he had no regrets about his 13th-place performance Aug. 26 in the Olympic men's modern pentathlon.


Many Issues Raised in First Week of Commissions Hearings      

NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - As the first week of military commissions hearings here comes to a close, officials on all sides are working hard to resolve issues that came to light during the proceedings.


Allen Finishes 18th in Olympic Modern Pentathlon      

ATHENS, Greece - Army Capt. Anita Allen defied all odds by finishing 18th in women's modern pentathlon today in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games at Goudi Olympic Complex.


R&R Program's 100,000th Passenger Receives Hero's Welcome  This story contains photos.    

DALLAS-FORT WORTH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, Texas - Stepping off the plane here to a hero's welcome, Army Sgt. Charles Petty of Gillette, Wyo., was greeted today by more than 100 well wishers, airport volunteers and community groups as the 100,000th servicemember to have participated in the Defense Department's rest and recuperation leave program.


Team Brings Progress to Afghanistan's Ghazni Province  This story contains photos.    

GHAZNI PROVINCE, Afghanistan - In many regions of Afghanistan, provincial reconstruction teams are helping the people rebuild their war-torn country.


Commission Hearing Ends in Continuance at Defense Request      

NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - The fourth hearing this week for an enemy combatant charged with war crimes ended after an hour in a continuance on the basis that the defense attorney had not had opportunity to prepare.


Iraqi Security Forces Proving More Capable, U.S. General Says      

WASHINGTON - Iraq's security forces are improving and assuming a growing role in establishing law and order across the country, a senior U.S. military officer stationed in Baghdad said today.


Coalition Makes a Difference for Afghans  This story contains photos.    

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - The convoy crested a dusty hill and the riders could see Shah Wali Kot below. The village is nestled in a small valley with brown hills that reach skyward on either side. Children in the village stopped to look as vehicles rolled into town. They turned and waved.


Search and Rescue Operations Keep Coast Guard Crews Busy  This story contains photos.    

COAST GUARD AIR STATION ELIZABETH CITY, N.C. - With their plane running low on fuel and darkness approaching, the crew of the Coast Guard C-130 got word from headquarters to call off its search and rescue mission.


Afghan Police Prepare for Upcoming Elections  This story contains photos.    

JALALABAD, Afghanistan - With Afghanistan's Oct. 9 presidential election quickly approaching, the nation's police are gearing up to handle this busy time. They not only are preparing to ensure the election goes smoothly, but also are learning how to handle any crisis that may arise.


Sailor to Compete in Three Events at Athens Paralympics  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Casey Tibbs is heading to Athens next week, looking for gold in the 400-meter, 4x400-meter relay and the pentathlon track and field events.


Rumsfeld Says Democracy Worth Effort in Middle East  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Iraq and Afghanistan's transition to democracy will be a long and hard effort, but it is worth the pain and sacrifice of so many, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told Marines and sailors at Yuma, Ariz., Aug. 26.


Officials Working on Commissions Translation Issues      

NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - Officials are resolving translation issues when they are raised, assured a senior official with the commissions today.


Why I Serve: Maj. Gen. J.D. Thurman  This story contains photos.    

FORT HOOD, Texas - "I came from a very patriotic family," explained Maj. Gen. J.D. Thurman on why he joined the Army.


Army's Senior Finishes 13th in Olympic Modern Pentathlon      

ATHENS, Greece - Army 1st Lt. Chad Senior saved his best for last, but it wasn't enough as he finished 13th in men's modern pentathlon today in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games at Goudi Olympic Complex here.


New AFRTS Movie, Family Channels Debut In September      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department's American Forces Network television system will start broadcasting new movie and family channels to overseas audiences Sept. 3.


Better Dialogue Improves Maritime Security      

WASHINGTON - U.S. maritime security has improved since 9/11 because of better dialogue between government agencies and emergency first responders and heightened scrutiny of vessel shipments, the Coast Guard's chief of port security told a House committee Aug. 25.


Guantanamo Commissions Exceed International Standards      

WASHINGTON - The spirited arguments offered by defense lawyers at the military tribunals show the cases against detainees charged with crimes will exceed the international standard for such tribunals, the legal adviser to the appointing authority at the Defense Department's Office of Military Commissions said here today.


Yemeni Detainee Asks to Represent Self, Admits to Being al Qaeda      

NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - A Yemeni man accused of crafting terrorist propaganda appeared before a military commission here today and asked to represent himself.


Coalition, Afghan Forces Gear up for October Election      

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces in Afghanistan are gearing up for the Oct. 9 elections in that country, Pentagon officials said today.


Australian Detainee Pleads Not Guilty, Meets With Family      

NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - Australian detainee David Hicks, accused of fighting for the Taliban in Afghanistan, pleaded not guilty here Aug. 25 to war-crimes charges and met with his family for the first time in five years.


Hearing Tackles Medical Preparedness for Mass Casualty Event      

WASHINGTON - The 9/11 Commission report failed to allow for immediate medical response in the event that the next attack on the homeland resulted in mass casualties, Rep. Christopher H. Smith, Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs, said during a hearing here today.


Singer Teams With Army in Campaign to Keep Soldiers Safe  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Sixty years ago, a mother wrote to her three sons fighting in World War II. Her request of them was simple: "Make it home, make it safe."


'Angels of Mercy' Program Helps Combat Casualties, Families  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - After accepting the first place 2004 Newman's Own Award during ceremonies in the Pentagon's Hall of Heroes on Aug. 24, Marian T. Chirichella told the audience that she considers the award "a tribute to all the volunteer organizations who have supported our active duty military."


Najaf Standoff Continues As Militants Still Hold Shrine  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - As the standoff in Najaf continues between Iraqi, U.S. and coalition troops and forces under the command of radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, Iraq's top Shiite holy man apparently is ready to use his prestige to resolve the situation, according to news reports.


Abu Ghraib Article 39A Hearings Held in Germany      

MANHEIM, Germany - Article 39a hearings were held here Aug. 23 and 24 for four soldiers named in the Abu Ghraib Prison abuse investigation.


Guantanamo Gate Witness to History, Unique Exchanges      

NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - There is but one break in the 17.4-mile fortified border between this isolated U.S. Navy base and communist Cuba: the remote North East Gate.


First Military Commission Hearing Ends in Continuance for Defense      

NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - The first military commission hearing for an enemy combatant held here ended Aug. 24 with the presiding officer granting a continuance for the defense.


DoD Reviewing Information Classification Decisions      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is probably overly cautious in classifying information that doesn't necessarily require it and is reviewing the situation, a senior DoD intelligence official told a House subcommittee Aug. 24.


Report Faults Intelligence Soldiers at Abu Ghraib      

WASHINGTON - Military intelligence personnel did participate in abusing some prisoners in Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, the three top officials in the Army's investigation said at a news conference here today.


Volunteer Groups Earn Newman's Own Awards for Military Support  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Sixteen volunteer organizations operating on military installations took home between $1,000 and $10,000 today for presenting an "innovative plan to improve the quality of life for their military community" in the fifth annual Newman's Own Awards competition.


Air Guard Squadron Makes Mark in Operation Iraqi Freedom      

WASHINGTON - The most recent deployment for the Air National Guard's 107th Fighter Squadron was one of firsts, the unit's commander said here today.


Panel Cites Direct, Indirect Responsibility for Abu Ghraib      

WASHINGTON - Abu Ghraib prison was "chaos," said members of the Independent Panel to Review DoD Detention Operations today, but commanders on the ground and up the chain of command should have recognized the problems and corrected them.


Air Strike Near Fallujah Targets Foreign Terrorists      

WASHINGTON - Multinational Force Iraq conducted a precision aerial attack shortly after midnight today on anti-Iraqi forces near Fallujah, according to a Coalition Press Information Center news release.


'Courage to Care' Launches Help for Returning Combatants, Families      

BETHESDA, Md. - A team of experts in military medicine and health communication at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences here launched a new health education campaign today -- "Courage to Care."


Wood Loses First Two Olympic Greco-Roman Wrestling Matches      

ATHENS, Greece - Army Sgt. Oscar Wood lost his first two matches in pool competition for the 66-kilogram Greco-Roman wrestling division today, ending his chance of advancing to the semifinals in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games.


Smith Places 9th Overall in Olympic Lightweight Four Rowing      

SCHINIAS, Greece - Army Capt. Matt Smith's lightweight four crew finished third in the "B" final Aug. 21 to place ninth in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games rowing event at Schinias Olympic Rowing and Canoeing Centre.


Separate Attacks Kill Two Soldiers, Wound Three Others      

WASHINGTON - Two U.S. soldiers were killed and three others were wounded Aug. 23 in two separate attacks in Iraq.


Guantanamo Bay Base Has Storied Past      

NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - The eyes of the world are focused on this remote Navy base as hearings begin in the first four military commissions for detainees from the war on terrorism.


Rumsfeld Praises Servicemembers at Fort Bliss  This story contains photos.    

EL PASO, Texas - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld stopped by this west Texas city Aug. 23 to thank Fort Bliss soldiers for their service during the war against terrorism.


Marine Commandant Wants 'Big W' in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - The sports world is awash with war analogies, and today the Marine Corps' top officer turned the tables by applying a sports term to war.


Dulohery Misses Bronze in Olympic Skeet Shoot-Off      

ATHENS, Greece - Army Sgt. 1st Class Shawn Dulohery lost a three- way shoot-off for a bronze medal and finished fifth in men's skeet shooting Aug. 22 in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games here.


President Hosts Defense Strategy Meeting      

WASHINGTON - The world has become a safer place, thanks to the United States and its coalition allies who are leading the world in the war on terror, President Bush told reporters today following his annual defense strategy meeting at his ranch in Crawford, Texas.


Rifle Shooter Wins U.S. Military's First 2004 Olympic Medal  This story contains photos.    

ATHENS, Greece - Army Maj. Michael Anti won a silver medal Aug. 22 in men's 50-meter three-position rifle shooting in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games.


Navy's Nuzum Places Sixth in Double Sculls Rowing      

SCHINIAS, Greece - Navy Lt. j.g. Henry Nuzum teamed with Aquil Abdullah to finish sixth in the men's double sculls rowing "A" final Aug. 21 in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games.


Guardsman Finishes 12th in Olympic 10,000-Meter Final      

ATHENS, Greece - Oregon National Guard Capt. Dan Browne challenged the Ethiopians and Kenyans Aug. 20 while running to a 12th-place finish in the men's 10,000-meter final in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games at Olympic Stadium.


Afghan Election Security, Reconstruction Efforts Continue      

WASHINGTON - Coalition and host-nation forces in Afghanistan continue providing security for the country's upcoming elections as the nation's rebuilding goes on, a military spokesman in the Afghan capital of Kabul said at a news conference today.


Why I Serve: Soldier Re-Enlists for Country, Honor  This story contains photos.    

AYER, Mass. - "I once saw this special on television that stated for every one soldier serving, that soldier protects 80,000 civilians. I am the defender and protector of 80,000 civilians," stated Army Staff Sgt. Jamie A. Delmolino, personnel specialist with the 94th Regional Readiness Command.


DoD 'Plowing New Ground' in Military Commissions, Media Coverage      

NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - Defense Department officials are "plowing new ground" in conducting the first military commissions since 1948 and in how civilian media will be allowed to cover the proceedings, a spokesman for the commissions said.


Najaf Standoff Continues; U.S. Soldier Dies In Attack      

WASHINGTON - Militia under the command of radical cleric Muqtada al Sadr are apparently still in control of a holy shrine in the Iraqi city of Najaf, news reports say today.


Civilian Leaders Witness Life-Saving Simulation Training      

FORT CARSON, Colo. - Educators, business owners and civic leaders from throughout the United States traveled here Aug. 20 to witness high-tech simulation training being used to prepare soldiers for upcoming deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.


Eastler, Nunn Earn Olympic Race Walk Respect for U.S. Military      

ATHENS, Greece - Air Force Capt. Kevin Eastler and Army Sgt. John Nunn finished 21st and 26th respectively Aug. 20 in the men's 20-kilometer race walk, the opening athletics event in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games.


'Freedom Calls' Helps Deployed Troops Connect With Family  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A non-profit organization is building a communications network dedicated to keeping deployed troops in touch with family back home, all at no cost to the troops or their families.


New Program Aims to Help Military Spouses Interested in Teaching      

WASHINGTON - Spouses to Teachers, DoD's latest endeavor to assist military spouses interested in teaching, is serving a similar purpose as the popular Troops to Teachers program, an official said.


Civilian Leaders Gain Appreciation for U.S. Space Capabilities      

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - A trip inside the Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center highlighted an intensive look by civic leaders from throughout the United States into how the U.S. military is using the skies and space to protect the homeland against terrorism.


New-Home Construction, Renovations Shine at Fort Meade  This story contains photos.    

FORT MEADE, Md. - About 100 families have already moved into Potomac Place, the first Picerne Military Housing community to be built here.


New Division Assists in Added Afghan Election Security  This story contains photos.    

KABUL, Afghanistan - Afghan citizens want added security leading up to the Oct. 9 presidential elections. That's exactly what the Afghan National Police, backed by the U.S.-led coalition and the International Security Assistance Force, intends to provide with the emergence of a new Rapid Action Division.


Army's Smith, Navy's Nuzum in Olympics Rowing Finale      

SCHINIAS, Greece - Army Capt. Matt Smith finished sixth in his lightweight four rowing semifinal Aug. 19 and will row in the B final for places seven through 12 Aug. 21 in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games.


Long History Behind Military Commissions      

Washington - The United States Army, and before that the British army, have used military commissions to try war crimes at several different points in their long history.


Officials Committed to Helping Military Members Vote      

WASHINGTON - Defense officials are committed to ensuring military members have the ability to vote from anywhere in the world, DoD's top personnel officer said.


Why I Serve: Love, Pride and Honor Drive Two Soldiers  This story contains photos.    

FORT HOOD, Texas - "I love my country. I love my family. Serving makes me feel like I'm doing something good for my family," said Army Staff Sgt. Jesse Prater. "It makes me feel like I'm doing something with my life, something I can be proud of."


Callahan Finishes 19th in Olympic Pistol, Vows to Shoot for Beijing      

ATHENS, Greece - Army Reserve Staff Sgt. Elizabeth "Libby" Callahan finished 19th in women's 25-meter pistol shooting today in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games at Markopoulo Olympic Shooting Centre.


Two U.S. Military Rowers Remain in Olympic Contention  This story contains photos.    

ATHENS, Greece - Army Capt. Matt Smith and Navy Ensign Henry Nuzum remain in contention in their respective 2004 Summer Olympic rowing events at Schinias Olympic Rowing and Canoeing Centre here.


Pay Raise Shows America's Commitment to Troops      

WASHINGTON - The 3.5 percent pay raise provided for in the 2005 Defense Appropriations Bill shows the U.S. government and the American people are committed to supporting their military forces, DoD's top personnel official said today.


Rumsfeld Explains Problems in Stopping WMD Proliferation      

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. - Working with other countries to stop weapons of mass destruction from spreading isn't as easy as it may sound, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told the 7th annual Space and Missile Defense Conference here today.


Military Commissions to Begin at Guantanamo      

WASHINGTON - The first four enemy-combatant detainees held by the United States at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to be charged with war crimes will make their first appearance before a military commission when preliminary hearings begin there next week.


Rumsfeld: S. Korea Troop Moves Won't Degrade Deterrence      

WASHINGTON - Any U.S. troop realignments in South Korea won't degrade the deterrence capability against possible aggression by North Korea, DoD's senior civilian told a noted journalist Aug. 17.


Missile Defense Needed to Thwart Extremists, Rumsfeld Says      

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. - With extremists constantly looking for weaknesses to exploit and the means to exploit them, missile defense capabilities are a must, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said here today.


Situations in Iraq Leaves Persons Dead, Wounded, Detained      

WASHINGTON - Violence in Iraq left one U.S. soldier dead and seven Multinational Force soldiers wounded today.


Use of Force in Iraq Was Justified, Rumsfeld Says      

WASHINGTON - War is "a ugly, tough business," but sometimes it's necessary to resort to war to achieve important goals, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said on PBS' "Newshour With Jim Lehrer" Aug. 17.


Sadr Situation 'Will Have to Change,' Rumsfeld Says      

WASHINGTON - The Iraqi government will eventually have to deal with the problem of renegade cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and his militia, DoD's senior civilian told a noted journalist Aug. 17.


Marksmen's Final Scores Fall Short of Medals      

ATHENS, Greece - Army Sgt. 1st Class Jason Parker watched his world record fall Aug. 16 while shooting to an eighth-place finish in the men's 10-meter air rifle event in the Summer Olympic Games.


Global Posture Realignment to Take Place Over Time      

WASHINGTON - "The first message I would pass to troops and their families is that they needn't pack their bags," a senior DoD official said today, referring to just-announced plans for globally realigning U.S. armed forces.


Forward-Deployed Civilians Play Vital Role in Terror War      

WASHINGTON - The death of a Department of the Air Force civilian in Iraq Aug. 8 brings attention to some of the unsung heroes of the war effort: thousands of Army, Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy civilian employees who have voluntarily put themselves in harm's way to support the war on terror.


Intelligence Reform Won't Be Achieved Immediately, Rumsfeld Says      

WASHINGTON - Any U.S. intelligence system reform won't be achieved overnight, DoD's senior civilian told the Senate Armed Services Committee today.


'Mail Call' Host Raises Money for Military Charities      

WASHINGTON - -- Though he's earned fame and fortune portraying rough and tough military figures on television and in feature films, R. Lee Ermey has a soft spot when it comes to caring for troops.


Szarenski Frustrated With 13th in Olympic Air Pistol      

ATHENS, Greece - Army Sgt. 1st Class Daryl Szarenski finished in a four-way tie for 13th place in the men's 10-meter air pistol event Aug. 14 at Markopoulo Olympic Shooting Centre here in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games.


Johnson Places 14th in Olympic Air Rifle Competition      

ATHENS, Greece - Army Spc. Hattie Johnson opened and closed her Olympic 10-meter air rifle competition with a bang Aug. 14, but she failed to reach the final of the first medal event in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games here.


Magazine Recognizes Defense Logistics Agency's IT Operations      

FORT BELVOIR, Va. - CIO magazine has named Defense Logistics Agency's information operations directorate as a recipient of the 2004 CIO 100.


Generator Brings Electricity to 156,000 More Iraqi Homes      

BAGHDAD, Iraq - For the third time in two weeks, Iraqi and U.S. engineers have brought more electricity to the people of Iraq by commissioning a power plant.


Guardsmen Support Hurricane Charley Recovery Operations      

ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. - More than 4,000 members of the Florida National Guard were on duty today to support recovery operations from Hurricane Charley's devastation Aug. 13 across southwest and central Florida.


Air Force Crew Chief Follows, Sets Example  This story contains photos.    

LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz. - "I want everyone I meet to know how proud I am to be part of the best air force in the world," said Scott V. Stout, F-15 Eagle maintenance trainer assigned to Detachment 12, 372nd Training Squadron here.


Blacks in Government Conference Honors Servicemembers      

WASHINGTON - Expressions of support for the troops fighting the global war on terror highlighted today's opening here of the Blacks in Government 26th annual conference.


Bush Announces Global Posture Changes Over Next Decade      

WASHINGTON - The United States will redistribute forces now stationed at overseas locations "where the wars of the last century ended," President Bush announced in Cincinnati today.


'Significant Portion' of Troop Shifts to Be Europe-Based Forces      

WASHINGTON - "A significant portion" of U.S. troop moves caused by a reworking of America's global military posture "will come from Europe," a senior Defense Department official said here today.


Blast Kills Soldier in Northern Baghdad      

WASHINGTON - A Task Force Baghdad soldier was killed today in an improvised explosive attack, military officials in Baghdad reported.


Iraq, Afghan Olympians Send Messages of "Freedom and Hope"      

WASHINGTON - President Bush asked Americans watching this year's Olympic Games at home to "think about the many Americans deployed overseas to defend our nation."


Forces Capture Suspected Cell members, Kill Insurgents      

WASHINGTON - Three suspected anti-Iraqi cell members were captured during a cordonand-search mission near Tuz, Iraq, today, reported Multinational Force Iraq officials.


Rumsfeld Thanks Azerbaijan for Terror War Support      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld thanked Azerbaijan for "important support in the global war on terrorism" during an Aug. 13 press conference in Baku, the capital city.


Roads Promote Stronger Infrastructure in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

GHAZNI PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Members of the Ghazni provincial reconstruction team and the local government are looking at long-term improvements to be made in their region, adding to the redevelopment taking place throughout Afghanistan.


Status-Review Tribunals Under Way at Guantanamo      

WASHINGTON - Cases have been opened for about 150 detainees to appear before status-review tribunals at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.


Military Cannot Confirm Radical Cleric Wounded in Najaf      

WASHINGTON - The multinational force in Iraq cannot confirm reports that radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr had been wounded during a week of intense fighting in Najaf, a spokesman said today in a written statement.


Alaskan Military Get Extension to File for Dividend Payment      

WASHINGTON - Eligible Alaskan service members serving overseas in support of the war on terrorism who were denied state dividend payments because of late filing will get another opportunity to receive the payment, according to an Alaska Department of Revenue release.


Afghan National Army Brings Security, Sets Example      

JALALABAD, Afghanistan - The Afghan National Army is more than just a security force for the nation; it is an example.


Military Athletes Have Proud Olympic History      

WASHINGTON - As 21 servicemembers report to Athens to participate in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games, they carry on a proud tradition.


Parents, Educators Advised to Caution Children About News Reports      

WASHINGTON - Parents and educators must warn children they can't believe everything they see on TV, a Fox News Channel commentator said recently at the Military Child Education Coalition's annual convention in Colorado Springs, Colo.


Online Education Program Ready for Armywide Deployment      

WASHINGTON - Bringing the virtual classroom to soldiers throughout the Army, including those deployed, is another step closer to becoming a reality, an Army education official said here today.


Military Helps Florida Prep For Storms' One-Two Punch      

WASHINGTON - Military units are bracing for two major storm systems poised to slam into Florida.


DoD Helps Local, State, Federal Agencies in Disaster-Response Exercise  This story contains photos.    

PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. - It was a nightmare worst-case scenario. But that's what U.S. Northern Command officials had intended for "Determined Promise '04."


Helicopter Crash in Anbar Province Claims Two Marines      

WASHINGTON - Two Marines were killed and three others were injured the night of Aug. 11 when a CH-53 helicopter flying in support of security and stabilization operations in Iraq's Anbar province crashed, a Multinational Force Iraq news release reported today.


Offensive Begins But Holy Sites Not Targeted, Officials Say      

WASHINGTON - Multinational and Iraqi forces launched an offensive against outlaw militia loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr in the Iraqi cities of Kufa and Najaf today.


One Killed, 14 Injured in Afghanistan Black Hawk Crash      

WASHINGTON - One Marine died and 14 others were injured today when a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter crashed Afghanistan's Khowst province.


Joint Chiefs Chairman Notes Improvement in Afghanistan      

JALALABAD, Afghanistan - Each time he goes to Afghanistan, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said here Aug. 11, conditions in the country seem better than during his previous visit.


Myers Meets With Strategic Central Asian Ally      

TASHKENT, Uzbekistan - Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers met with Uzbek leaders today to cement relations with "an important strategic partner" of America.


Iraqi Prime Minister Asks Militias to Put Down Arms      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi today called on armed fighters in his country to "drop their weapons and return to society."


DoD Report Recommends Changes to Red Cross Program      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department and American Red Cross, with their long history of working together to support the military, have completed an assessment that recommends some Red Cross services be refocused toward current needs while eliminating redundancy.


Afghan Voter Drive Shows Country Ready for Democracy      

KABUL, Afghanistan - The number of people who have registered to vote in Afghanistan's presidential elections in October has exceeded the rosiest expectations, Afghan and American officials said here today.


Rumsfeld Addresses State of Afghanistan's Terror Fight      

WASHINGTON - While en route to Afghanistan by way of Oman, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld spoke today about Afghanistan's progress in its war on terrorism.


International Community Works to Rebuild Iraqi Health System      

WASHINGTON - When the United States and international aid organizations began to look closely at Iraq's health-care network, they found a system in ruins after decades of neglect and misuse, the man now responsible for that health-care system said here today.


DoD Intel Chief Addresses 9/11 Commission Recommendations      

WASHINGTON - The 9/11 Commission's report has the Defense Department looking closely at its intelligence mission, the department's chief intelligence officer told a House panel here today.


Military Kids Need Educators' Help in Overcoming Fears  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Educators always try to help children overcome their fears. But when they work with military kids, they find all kinds of fears they hadn't encountered before, said a retired Marine major general and former astronaut at a recent conference.


Terrorists Akin to 'Notorious Nazi Groups,' Says Wolfowitz      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department's No. 2 official compared radical Islamic terrorists to Adolf Hitler's dispensers of death - the dreaded "Schutzstaffel," or SS -- during Aug. 10 testimony on Capitol Hill.


U.S., Iraqi Forces Prepare for Major Assaults in Najaf      

WASHINGTON - U.S. Marines and soldiers and Iraqi National Guardsmen engage in joint training exercises in preparation for major assaults against enemy forces in the Iraqi city of Najaf, a Multinational Force Iraq news release said today.


Wolfowitz Favors Intelligence-Sharing, But Urges Caution      

WASHINGTON - Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told a House panel Aug. 10 that he agrees with the 9/11 Commission that there should be more information sharing among U.S. intelligence-gathering agencies.


U.S. Walking Lightly, but Effectively in Afghanistan      

JALALABAD, Afghanistan - The American footprint in Afghanistan is light, but that doesn't mean its impression isn't felt throughout the country.


Troops' Plasma Needed to Develop New Anthrax Defense      

WASHINGTON - A new program starting today to develop a new defense against anthrax will depend on servicemembers' donated plasma to be most effective.


USO Distributes 300,000th Care Package, Expands Support      

WASHINGTON - United Service Organizations has distributed more than 300,000 Operation USO Care Packages to troops since the program began in September 2002, USO officials announced Aug. 6.


Ford Foundation Honors Cheney, Rumsfeld at Anniversary Dinner      

WASHINGTON - Former President Gerald R. Ford chose an occasion commemorating his presidency to honor two men who served him in the White House and continue to serve their country today.


Najaf Cemetery No Enemy Sanctuary, Marine Commander Says  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Enemy forces using a Najaf cemetery as a base of operations violated an agreement that had made those grounds off limits for military operations.


Iraqi Elections, Forces Will Determine Coalition Size  This story contains photos.    

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates - Elections and the status of the Iraqi security forces will determine the number of coalition forces in the country, said the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during interviews here today.


Professional Football Honors Purple Heart Recipients  This story contains photos.    

CANTON, Ohio - It was the Deacon's doing.


Bush Taps Congressman Goss to Lead CIA      

WASHINGTON - President Bush today announced his selection U.S. Rep. Porter Goss, a former Army intelligence officer, to take over the CIA.


Three-Time War Vet, Former Player, Delivers NFL Game Ball  This story contains photos.    

CANTON, Ohio - A retired Marine who served in three wars and played professional football for four years delivered the game ball to the field here Aug. 9 for the National Football League's annual Hall of Fame Game.


Rumsfeld 'Convinced' Iraq Has 'Good Crack' at Bright Future      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said today he is "absolutely convinced that the 25 million people of Iraq have a good crack at succeeding and building a bright future."


Violence Claims U.S. Marine, Iraqi Security Forces      

WASHINGTON - A U.S. Marine, seven Iraqi police officers and four soldiers from the Iraqi Intervention Forces are the latest casualties of violence in Iraq.


New Chairman Aims to Help More Mobile Military Children  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Retired Army Gen. Thomas A. Schwartz said his motivation for accepting the chairmanship of the Military Child Education Coalition's board of directors "is our kids military kids."


Education Coalition Founding Father Steps Down  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - "I'm leaving, but I'm not gone," retired Army Lt. Gen. Pete Taylor quipped after resigning recently as chairman of the Military Child Education Coalition's board of directors.


'Operation Purple' Camps Meet Critical Military Family Need  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The armed services offered a plethora of youth activities, but until recently there was a lack of programs that directly address children's anxieties when one or both parents are deployed overseas, a military family advocate said Aug. 5.


Joint Chiefs Chairman Myers Begins Visit to Gulf Allies      

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has begun a visit with U.S. allies in the Middle East with a stop in the United Arab Emirates.


Army Reserve Concerned About Prior-Service Recruiting      

WASHINGTON - Army Reserve officials are concerned by a downward trend in recruiting, and said they are studying the reasons so they can put remedies in place.


Rice Cites Successes in Stopping Nuclear Arms Development      

WASHINGTON - National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice disputed news reports today that say U.S. diplomacy is failing in the effort to stop countries like Iran and North Korea from developing nuclear arms.


Equipment Continues to Flow to Iraqi Security Forces      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi security forces received "massive shipments" of weapons and material from coalition partners in the last week, as the security effort to assist the Iraqi government in equipping its forces continues, a Multinational Force Iraq news release announced today.


IED Attack Kills Two Soldiers, Interpreter in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Two U.S. soldiers and their Afghan interpreter died and another soldier was wounded today in an improvised explosive device attack on their Humvee in southeastern Afghanistan.


Pro Football Has Long, Distinguished Military History  This story contains photos.    

CANTON, Ohio - Over the years, many associated with professional football have traded their team's colors for those of their country.


'Innocent People' Real Victims, Combat Team Commander Says      

WASHINGTON - Militiamen loyal to radical Shiia cleric Muqtada al- Sadr are hurting innocent Iraqis the most with their attacks on civilian targets, a U.S. military commander in eastern Baghdad's Sadr City district said.


Bush Says Government Working to Protect Nation in Danger      

WASHINGTON - The nation is in danger, President Bush told the nation this morning during his weekly Saturday radio address, and he vowed that the government is doing everything in its power to confront the danger.


Officials Report on Rebuilding Progress in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - News releases from Multinational Force Iraq today detailed continuing progress in the Iraq rebuilding effort.


Military Bolsters Team USA for Athens Games  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Twenty-four military competitors will represent Team USA in the Summer Olympic Games at Athens, Greece, Aug. 13 through 29.


Fear, Not Acts, Define Terrorism, Rumsfeld Says      

WASHINGTON - Events don't define terrorism, but the fear created by terrorist acts does, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said today in Chicago.


DoD Pushes Absentee Ballot Reforms      

WASHINGTON - DoD is pulling out all the stops to make sure the absentee voting program runs smoothly in this election year.


Coalition Soldiers Wounded, Cache Found in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Eight coalition soldiers were wounded today in two separate incidents in Zabul province, according to a release from Combined Forces Command Afghanistan.


Ideological Extremism Blocks Progress, Rumsfeld Writes      

WASHINGTON - Ideological extremists can't be appeased, so they have to be confronted, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld wrote in a guest column published in today's Chicago Tribune.


Iraqis Tired of Attacks, Want Stability, General Says      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi citizens are getting weary of the terrorist attacks that appear to be increasing and growing more lethal, a military spokesman said today from Baghdad.


Army Works to Get Intelligence From Tactical to National Levels      

WASHINGTON - Army intelligence officials are working to beef up the amount and quality of intelligence information they get straight from the soldiers who most often interact with the Iraqi and Afghan communities.


Military Kids Talk Deployment Issues at North Carolina Camp  This story contains photos.    

CHARLOTTE, N.C. - About 80 miles east of this bustling southern city lies the small town of Ellerbe, part of a rural community nestled amid pine woods that echo with the summer song of crickets.


Three-Time Olympian's Shooting Gets Better With Age  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - At age 52, Army Reserve Staff Sgt. Elizabeth "Libby" Callahan will be the oldest member of Team USA competing in the Olympic Games at Athens, Greece.


Mortgage Lender Helps USO Buy Care Packages      

WASHINGTON - One of the country's leading financial institutions has become a major supporter in the war on terror.


Marines Respond in Najaf; Soldier Killed in Convoy Attack      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi security forces and U.S. Marines battled suspected members of radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's militia during what was described as a "large-scale" and "repeated" attack on the main police station in Najaf, military officials reported today.


Bush Signs $417 Billion Appropriations Bill      

WASHINGTON - President Bush signed the Defense Appropriations Bill into law during a White House ceremony today. The money will fund the global war on terror, personnel initiatives and further the transformation of the American military.


Transformation Chief Outlines Strategy for New Battlefield      

WASHINGTON - Fighting on the new battlefield means a new strategy is in order, the Defense Department's director of force transformation said here Aug. 4 in an address to the Research and Development Partnership Conference.


Rumsfeld Discusses Intel Chief, Military Manning      

WASHINGTON - President Bush's idea of a national intelligence director outside the White House "is on the mark," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Aug. 3.


Capital Region Joint Force Headquarters Readies for Battle  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A new command is taking its shakedown cruise this week in the National Capital Region. With spanking-new systems for protecting the seat of government, a new team of joint service members to work with and the mission of safeguarding the people and their institutions, the Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region is coming into its own.


Surgeon Finds Calling in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - When Army Col. (Dr.) Richard Gonzales arrived in Afghanistan, his mission was to serve 90 days before he could return to his family and private practice in Puerto Rico. Now, six months later, his private practice is sold and he has signed on for an entire year.


Mosque Raid Sends Deterrent Message to Terrorists      

WASHINGTON - Justice Department officials said today they hope today's raid on a mosque in Albany, N.Y., will serve as a deterrent to terrorists planning attacks against U.S. citizens and targets.


Iraqi Forces Respond to Attacks in Mosul      

MOSUL, Iraq - Iraqi police and Iraqi National Guard soldiers here responded quickly today to a series of coordinated attacks targeting police, ING and multinational forces that left at least 14 Iraqi citizens dead and 31 wounded.


Captain to Row for Team USA in Athens Games  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Capt. Matt Smith had planned on retiring from competitive rowing before he discovered the U.S. Army World Class Athlete Program.


Iraq Veterans, Other Troops Take Citizenship Oath  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Four servicemembers were among 34 immigrants who became U.S. citizens in Arlington, Va., Aug. 3.


Growth, Modernization Mark Coast Guard Birthday  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Coast Guard celebrates its 214th birthday today at a time of near-unprecedented growth and modernization, the Coast Guard commandant said during a joint interview with the Pentagon Channel and the American Forces Press Service.


Military Provides Hurricane Tracking, Relief Support      

WASHINGTON - "Hurricane Hunters" from the Air Force Reserve's 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron completed their final mission tracking Hurricane Alex last night, but are already on the trail of a tropical storm in the Lesser Antilles.


Military Olympians Head to Athens Seeking Gold      

WASHINGTON - After years of hard work, only days remain before the athletes take center stage at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens.


Iraqis Graduating from Police, Military Training      

WASHINGTON - Within the week, 654 Iraqis will graduate from police academies and join the ranks of those striving to secure their country.


'Aunt Peggie' Finds Answers for Parents, Students  This story contains photos.    

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - When it comes to getting information for parents, students and educators about different state high school test requirements, nobody does it better than "Aunt Peggie."


Experts Develop Future Food for Future Warriors  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department's Combat Feeding program at the U.S. Army Soldier System Center in Natick, Mass., is a "one-stop shop for all combat-rations development, field food-service equipment and total combat feeding systems," according to the Defense Department's combat-feeding director.


Coast Guard Supports Terror War in Iraq, at Home  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Coast Guard is an active player in the war on terror, both in Southwest Asia and on the home front, according to Adm. Thomas H. Collins, commandant of the Coast Guard.


Ridge: U.S. Must Assume al Qaeda in Country, Waiting to Strike      

WASHINGTON - The United States must operate under the assumption that al Qaeda terrorists are already in the country, waiting to strike when they believe they can achieve success, Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge said today in New York City.


Afghan, Coalition Forces Hit Militants Near Pakistan Border      

WASHINGTON - Afghan troops supported by coalition ground forces and warplanes fought an all-day pitched battle with militants near the Pakistani border Aug. 2.


Service Personnel Can Also Use IG DoD Hotline      

WASHINGTON - Editor's Note: Added information, paragraph 2, revises this story first published July 28, 2004, with the headline "DoD Hotline Offers Chance to Report Outside Command Chain."


Iraq Violence Claims U.S. Servicemembers, Iraqi Guardsmen      

WASHINGTON - Four U.S. servicemembers have been killed in Iraq over the past 48 hours -- two Marines in Fallujah and two soldiers in Baghdad.


Project DE-STRESS Helps Treat Traumatic Stress      

WASHINGTON - One unavoidable fact about military action is that servicemembers will have to deal with traumatic stress. The Defense Department is working to find the best way to help troops deal with the harmful effects of the stress people face in combat. One part of that effort is a treatment trial called Project DE-STRESS.


San Quentin Inmates Join 'Operation Mom' to Support Troops      

WASHINGTON - About 50 military veterans in California's San Quentin State Prison joined forces with volunteers from "Operation Mom" over the weekend to wrap 430 care packages for shipment to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Cheney Praises Northern Command for Homeland Defense Mission      

WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney praised the men and women of U.S. Northern Command for making their two-year old command "a disciplined, professional, effective component of the greatest military force in the world."


Bush to Set Up Counterterrorism Center, Asks for Intel Adviser      

WASHINGTON - President Bush will establish a National Counterterrorism Center and will ask Congress to create the position of national intelligence director, he said during a White House news conference today.


Iraq's Central Criminal Court Convicts Insurgents      

WASHINGTON - Iraq's Central Criminal Court tried five cases last week, all related to activities directed against the multinational force and the security of Iraq.


DoDEA Pushing to Keep Schools Moving in Right Direction      

WASHINGTON - As the Department of Defense Education Activity prepares for the coming school year, DoDEA's director said efforts are under way to make DoD's good schools even better for the families of military people.


Coast Guard Modernization Moves Full Steam Ahead      

WASHINGTON - With the approach of its 214th birthday this week, the U.S. Coast Guard is undergoing the largest and most sweeping modernization in its history, the Coast Guard commandant said during a joint interview with the Pentagon Channel and the American Forces Press Service.


Iraqis Assuming More Control in Security Matters      

WASHINGTON - Several shifts in authority over the weekend demonstrate that Iraqis are assuming more control within their country.


Joint Weekend Raids Lead to Arrests in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - A cell leader and a suspected bomb maker were among several insurgents detained during joint operations by Iraqi and U.S. forces over the past 48 hours, Multinational Force Iraq officials announced in news releases today.


Major League Soccer Salutes U.S. Troops at All-Star Game  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Under the blazing July sun at RFK stadium here July 31, Major League Soccer paid tribute to the men and women of the armed services.


U.S. Soldier Killed in Explosion; Marines, Insurgents Fight in Fallujah      

WASHINGTON - One American soldier with the Army's 1st Infantry Division was killed and two others were injured when a remotely detonated improvised explosive device struck their patrol, near Samarra, Iraq, around 12:30 p.m. today.


Homeland Security Officials Selectively Raise Threat Level      

WASHINGTON - Homeland Security officials have raised the color- coded threat level to orange, or high, for parts of New York City, northern New Jersey, and Washington, D.C.

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