
American Forces Press Service

 August 2002


Ridge Calls for New Thinking, not Just New Money      

WASHINGTON - Just spending money is not enough to protect the homeland, said Tom Ridge. The United States also must have new ideas, new thinking and new structures to confront the terrorist challenge.


Helping Children Cope With Sept. 11 Anniversary      

WASHINGTON - Many adults will have a tough time coping with the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. But children and adolescents were also affected. What should parents do to help their kids get through this period?


Growing Past the Trauma of Sept. 11      

WASHINGTON - As the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks approaches, people may find themselves experiencing emotions they felt they were past.


Football Fans to Get Glimpse of Military Sacrifices  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Throughout the upcoming season, American football fans will get a glimpse of the sacrifices the men and women of the armed forces make.


Myers to Americans: 'Conduct Business as Usual'      

WASHINGTON - The nation's ranking military officer has a message for the American people: Live your lives to the fullest, and don't cower in fear of terrorists.


A Brother's Commitment  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - 59 passengers and crewmembers aboard the aircraft and 125 service members and civilian workers.


Service Members Pledge Support for Anti-Terror War  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Sailors and Marines in San Diego and nearby Camp Pendleton were glad to see Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld during his recent California visit and are proud to serve their country in the war against global terrorism.


American Legion Honors Five Service Members for Volunteer Service  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON, Aug. 29, 2002 -- Five enlisted members, one from each military service, were honored Au - leaders lead. They make things happen. They're team players with the right attitude and vision."


No Question U.S. Would Pre-empt Another 9-11, Cheney Says    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON, Aug. 29, 2002 Vice President Dick Cheney said today the terrorists who struck America - that the United States seeks to thwart terrorists' plans and hunt them down one-by-one to bring them to justice. "Wherever terrorists operate, we must stop them," he said.


TRICARE Looking to Let New Contracts for Care, Support      

WASHINGTON - TRICARE officials are looking to revamp their system of contracts to provide medical care to military members, family members and retirees in the United States.


New Homeland Security Department Would Identify, Assess Threats      

WASHINGTON - Intelligence is essential for preventing acts of terrorism, according to White House officials. Timely analysis and dissemination of information will improve the nation's ability to disrupt and prevent terrorist acts.


'Can Do' Attitude Turns 'Years to Finish' Pentagon Repairs to 'Finished Years Early'  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Less than a month after a terrorist- hijacked airliner slammed into the Pentagon last year, the building's chief renovation official estimated that repairs to the stricken building could take years to accomplish.


WWW.Huh?: Pay Information Available at Your Fingertips      

WASHINGTON - Anything you ever wanted to know about your military pay but didn't know who to ask is now available with a couple of mouse clicks. The Office of the Secretary of Defense has a military compensation Web site at


Afghan Weapons Cache Discovered, Deminers Wounded      

WASHINGTON - U.S. troops found another weapons cache in Afghanistan, Joint Combined Task Force 180 officials said.


AFIP Scientists Perform 10,000 Tests to Help Stem Anthrax Crisis  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Anthrax. When the disease was the first thing on everyone's mind last October, a team from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology here was poring over thousands of samples to answer the second: What's going on?


DoD To Develop Biological Agent Early Warning System      

WASHINGTON - Say you wake up one fine morning in Anytown, U.S.A., walk over to the open window and take in a deep breath of fresh air ahhhhhhh!


Cheney Salutes War Veterans, Pledges Better Service    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney saluted America's war veterans Monday as an example for the nation and said, "Every veteran deserves a response that is fair, respectful and prompt" when dealing with the federal government.


Dead Men Do Tell Tales  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - When a Special Forces soldier died unexpectedly of malaria in Puerto Rico recently, one of the first military medical officers notified was Army Maj. (Dr.) Lisa Pearse.


Rumsfeld Praises Sailors, Marines in San Diego, Camp Pendleton  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

SAN DIEGO - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today received thunderous cheers from thousands of sailors and Marines here and at Camp Pendleton as he thanked them for their efforts in the global war on terrorism.


Rumsfeld Town Hall Meeting Available Worldwide      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's Town Hall meeting with Marines and sailors at Camp Pendleton, Calif. will be available worldwide through the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service and satellite transmission.


Coalition Forces Complete Operation Mountain Sweep      

WASHINGTON - More than 2,000 U.S. and coalition forces completed Operation Mountain Sweep in the former al Qaeda and Taliban areas of Southeastern Afghanistan.


Cheney Says Grave Threats Require Pre-emptive Action    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - the battle must be taken to the enemy. "We will take every step necessary to make sure our country is secure and we will prevail," he said.


Cheney: Enemies Must Face 'Swift, Certain, Devastating Response'    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - The United States and the civilized world have only one option against terrorists, Vice President Dick Cheney said today.


Terrorism Refocused Attention on Force Health Protection      

WASHINGTON - The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 last year and events since have made DoD leaders pay closer attention to force health protection measures.


New Department to Ensure Nation Prepares to Respond      

WASHINGTON - The upcoming anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks is a vivid reminder that the nation must be prepared to respond to acts of terrorism and other disasters.


Observances to Mark Sept. 11 Anniversary      

WASHINGTON - A year ago, the World Trade Center's Twin Towers stood tall on the New York City skyline, people at the Pentagon barely noticed the planes flying low overhead, and a rural field southeast of Pittsburgh was just a field.


Services' Tax Form Assistance Programs Garner IRS Award      

WASHINGTON - The Internal Revenue Service has recognized the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps tax form assistance programs with its Exemplary Electronic Return Originator award.


TSP Postpones New Record Keeping System Until November      

WASHINGTON - Federal Thrift Savings Plan investors who are looking forward to the daily transactions promised by a new record keeping system will have to wait at least another two months.


All Services Set to Make 2002 Recruiting Goals      

WASHINGTON - The Army threw a very public party today to mark the service's meeting its recruitment goals for 2002. And the news is just as good across the services.


Military Police Safeguard the Pentagon  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The mission began with fire and smoke, chaos and confusion. For the first time in history, terrorists had attacked the Pentagon. In the immediate aftermath, defense officials called on the Army's military police to help restore security and safeguard the military headquarters.


Troops Cheer Rumsfeld at Texas Base  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was a big hit with soldiers and other service members at the Army's Fort Hood when he told them he's all for hiring more civilians to let troops concentrate on warfighting.


Mortuary Affairs: Taking Care of People Who Fight for Freedom      

WASHINGTON - When a hijacked airliner forced the evacuation of the Pentagon Sept. 11, thousands of personal items were left behind in offices that were damaged or destroyed.


Rumsfeld Praises Civil Affairs' Work in Afghanistan    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today praised U.S. and coalition civil affairs teams in Afghanistan that are helping to rebuild that war-stricken country.


Deadline Nears to Register for Pentagon Memorial Contest      

BALTIMORE - Aug. 23 is the deadline to register to submit ideas for a memorial to be built at the Pentagon to commemorate Sept. 11, 2001.


Rumsfeld's Annual Report Outlines Lessons Learned in War on Terror      

WASHINGTON - U.S. service members' capacity for adaptation is a precious commodity that made possible American and coalition successes in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in his Annual Report to the President and the Congress.


DoD Provides Transitional Health Care for 60, 120 Days      

WASHINGTON - Family members of certain service members separating from active duty are eligible for up to 120 days of TRICARE health care benefits.


Senior Civilian Returns To Pentagon, Recalls Attack  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Around 9:30 a.m. on September 11, 2001, lawyer Peter M. Murphy recalled he was standing near a window in his fourth floor Pentagon office transfixed by television images of two airliners flying into the Twin Towers of the New York World Trade Center.


Young Entrepreneurs Visit Pentagon Command Center  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - About 60 business professionals, members of the Young Entrepreneurs Organization, visited the Pentagon Thursday to get a glimpse of how the military conducts business and to learn about the war against terrorism.


New Drug Policy Expands Testing to Catch More Users      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is continuing its anti-drug efforts with a new policy that involves more frequent random testing of active duty military, reservists and civilian employees.


Pentagon Offers Help with 'Youth at Risk'      

WASHINGTON - Deployed parents, frequent moves and foreign lands add to typical teen-age turbulence. That can mean trouble for military parents and their commands.


Officers May Qualify for Joint Duty Credit      

WASHINGTON - Officers who served at joint task force headquarters in nine operations can qualify for retroactive cumulative joint duty credit, Joint Staff officials said recently.


More Aid Needed to Help Afghan Government Transition    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Security is not the most serious concern inside Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said today. Rather, supporting the new civilian government is now the international community's most pressing priority.


Rumsfeld Submits Annual Report to Congress      

WASHINGTON - New threats call for a new approach to defense and highlight the need to transform the nation's armed forces "now," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told the president and Congress in his annual report.


Commander Explores Youth Issues      

WASHINGTON - When defense officials launched a pilot program to assess youth-at-risk issues, Navy Cdr. Joanne Marie Fish was one of three commanders whose request for an assessment was granted. A team of youth development professionals visited her command at the end of April.


U.S. Northern Command Setup Becomes Clearer      

WASHINGTON - When U.S. Northern Command stands up Oct. 1, the new organization in charge of homeland defense will have "combatant command" of a small number of specialized units.


New Department to Protect Against Catastrophic Terrorism      

WASHINGTON - Terrorists aim to get their hands on weapons of mass destruction -- chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear. If they do, the results would be far more devastating than what happened Sept. 11, according to White House officials.


Two U.S. Choppers Crash in Afghanistan, Crews Safe      

WASHINGTON - Eight U.S. service members received minor injuries in helicopter crashes today and Aug. 13, military officials reported.


Absentee Voting Program Kicks Into High Gear      

WASHINGTON - If you think your vote doesn't count, just ask George W. Bush and Al Gore.


Demystifying 'Transformation'      

SUFFOLK, Va. - When Thomas Edison's electric light replaced oil and gaslights, that was transformation. When Henry Ford's Model T replaced the horse and buggy as the common mode of transportation, that was transformation. When computers replaced typewriters and began talking to each other, that was transformation.


Air Force Grabs Victory at Women's Softball Championship  This story contains photos.    

NAVAL AIR STATION JACKSONVILLE - The overcast skies and occasional sprinkles couldn't dampen the spirits of the military women's softball teams when they met here Aug. 7-9 for the 2002 Armed Forces Women's Softball Championship.


Teacher of the Year Calls Teaching America's No. 1 Patriotic Job  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Calling the "National Teacher of the Year" a wonderful award, Chauncey Veatch said he's "a little uncomfortable" about winning because "I have my reward every day as a teacher."


U.S., Philippines Contacts to Expand      

WASHINGTON - The Philippines and the United States reached an agreement this week that will expand an already robust defense alliance, DoD officials said.


Law Allows Pre-separation Counseling Up to 2 Years Before Retirement      

WASHINGTON - Retiring service members are entitled to pre-separation counseling and job-search assistance up to two years before their retirement date.


Uncle Sam Recruits World-Renowned Heart Surgeon  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - After a career as a world- renowned, pioneer heart surgeon, one would think William C. DeVries would kick back and enjoy some golf. Nope -- not Doc DeVries.


Rumsfeld 'Impressed' With Troops' Efforts in Afghanistan    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today said he continues to be impressed with the daily work of U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan in locating pockets of al Qaeda and Taliban and uncovering weapon caches.


Counselors Say Transition Counselors Institute is Godsend for Them  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - "We try to use our little bit of power for the benefit of the children," high school guidance director Betty J. Thomas-McBride recently told more than 50 counselors and trainers at the Transition Counselors Institute training session in San Antonio, Texas.


Forces Conduct Cordon, Search Operation in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - U.S. forces conducted a "cordon and search" operation in Afghanistan, and forces detained three suspected al Qaeda fighters, Defense Department officials said Aug. 12.


Virtual Battle Space Blends Reality with Simulation  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Step behind the blue curtains with Annette C. Ratzenberger in the test bay at Millennium Challenge and you'll enter a world familiar to Star Trek fans.


Retirement Home Gets First Active Duty Director Since 1885  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - As a youngster, Arnold Smith used to tag along with his pastor to what was affectionately called "The Old Soldiers' Home." Young Smith tagged along mainly because the preacher gave him money to buy candy.


Rumsfeld Describes What He'd Like to See in Iraq Government    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld today described his vision of an ideal replacement government for the regime of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. He told reporters about four things he'd like to see.


Myers Doubts Chinese Government Helping al Qaeda    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Air Force Gen. Richard Myers expressed doubt today that the Chinese government is providing weapons to al Qaeda forces believed to be hiding in Pakistan.


Licensing, Certification Info for Military Jobs Available Online    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - Separating military members can now get help earning professional certification or licenses related to their military jobs for the civilian world before they leave the service. Where to go? Online.


Fisher House Offers Free Web Sites For Hospital Patients      

WASHINGTON - Families of patients at any military medical center or hospital can now receive up-to-the-minute reports on a loved one through their own customized Web pages.


Rumsfeld Says Transformation Vital to Global Stability      

WASHINGTON - Transforming the Defense Department is as important to the success of the global war on terrorism as other steps the military is doing to combat the threat, said Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.


Parents of Special Needs Children Need to Do Homework  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Parents of children with special needs have homework to do before they move from one base to another.


Cheney Vows to Destroy Terrorists      

WASHINGTON - The war against terror won't end in a treaty or negotiations with the terrorists, but "will end only in their complete and utter destruction," Vice President Cheney said today.


No Rift Between Senior DoD Civilians, Military Over Iraq    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - There is no great divide between senior military officers and DoD civilian officials over planning for possible action against Iraq, top Pentagon officials said here today.


Flag Program Sends 'Piece of Pentagon' to Field Units      

WASHINGTON - DoD officials expect to mail 1,000 U.S. flags to military installations worldwide as part of a Sept. 11 terrorist attack observance initiative.


Rumsfeld Tells Pentagon Workers Transformation Critical to Success    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - If transformation was important on Sept. 10, 2001 -- which it was -- then it is even more so now, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told Pentagon employees today in a town hall- style meeting here.


Taking Animal Medicines Sounds Fishy    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - It sounds like a "well, duh" statement, but fish antibiotics are not meant for people.


Skelton: History Important to Students' Growth, Understanding      

WASHINGTON - Quoting ancient politician and philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero, Missouri Congressman Ike Skelton told attendees at the fourth-annual conference of the Military Child Education Coalition that "gratitude is the greatest of all virtues."


New Department Would Create 'Border of the Future'      

WASHINGTON - Safeguarding the geographic perimeter of the United States and the nation's transportation systems would be one of the main missions of the Homeland Security Department proposed by President Bush, according to White House officials.


Military Children Deserve First-Rate, First-Class Education      

WASHINGTON - The theme for this year's Military Child Education Coalition conference was "Creating a Legacy for Children." Army Lt. Gen. James T. Hill said this theme is important to parents, educators and service members because all parents want the best for their children.


General Says Military Must Ensure 'No Child is Left Behind'      

WASHINGTON - Just as President Bush is pushing for the nation to ensure 'no child is left behind,' the armed forces must guarantee that no military child is left behind, Air Force Gen. John Hopper said.


'Field Trip' Gives Wolfowitz First-Hand Look at Forces in Action  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - "Remember, sir," an Air Force weapons specialist told Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz, "without weapons, an F-15 is a single-seat airline." Another airman added, "If you ever need air supremacy, sir, give us a call."


Defense Secretary to Hold Pentagon Town Hall Meeting      

WASHINGTON - Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld will host a town hall meeting at 11 a.m. Aug. 6 in the Pentagon auditorium, Room 5A1070. The secretary will make brief remarks on the need for military transformation and the way ahead on the war against terrorism, then take questions from the audience on those and other topics.


Strengthened GI Bill Needed to Draw Recruits      

WASHINGTON - Today's Montgomery GI Bill needs to more closely resemble the World War II-era program to be a useful recruiting tool, according to a senior congressional staff member.


Cooperation, Flexibility Keys to Homeland Security      

WASHINGTON - All levels of government must cooperate to prevent or lessen the consequences of another terrorist attack, said Peter Verga, who directs DoD's Homeland Security Task Force.


Top General: When It Comes to Education, 'Good Enough' Isn't Good Enough      

SAN ANTONIO, Texas - The Military Child Education Coalition's work is vitally important to service members, says Army Chief of Staff Gen. Eric K. Shinseki. But that work is equally important to military children who are both "blessed and cursed for being born into military families."


New Programs Propel DoDEA Students Toward Excellence  This story contains photos.    This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - New elective high school reading and algebra support classes will soon be available throughout DoD's school system.


Ironworker Feels 'Privileged' to Help Rebuild Pentagon  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - When terrorists struck the Pentagon Sept. 11 last year, they didn't know they'd be contending with John S. Bremerman and countless stalwart Americans just like him.


Military Always Looking for New Ways to Go After Al Qaeda    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military is constantly trying to find new ways to find and kill al Qaeda and Taliban terrorists, Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke said today during a briefing.


Military Pushes for Blood Donors    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Service members have been donating blood in record numbers -- and they need to keep it up, said Army Col. Mike Fitzpatrick, director of the Armed Services Blood Program Office.


U.S. Intends to Reduce Sinai Force    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - The United States intends to cut the number of U.S. soldiers serving with the Multinational Force and Observers in the Sinai, said Douglas Feith, defense undersecretary for policy.


Pending Legislation Designed to Help Veterans Find Jobs      

WASHINGTON - Legislation passed by the House of Representatives and pending in the Senate is designed to improve the Department of Labor's role in helping veterans find jobs.


Pending Bills Could Provide Tax Bennies for Service Members      

WASHINGTON - Several initiatives in various bills before Congress now could sweeten military members' tax benefits if they become law.


Institute Teaches Counselors Military Children's Hang Ups, Hang Outs  This story contains photos.    

SAN ANTONIO, Texas - Fifty-two school counselors from around the world gathered here for a day-and-a-half conclave seeking better ways to help military-connected students as they move from one school to another across the globe.


Utica's Talented Kids Pay Tribute at Pentagon  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - It was hot and humid, but the 12- to 18-year-old singers, dancers and musicians from upstate New York knew the show must go on.


Rumsfeld: 'Mission Complete' When Afghanistan Is Secure    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Afghanistan is "an untidy place, but it's a lot tidier than it used to be," said Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

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