
American Forces Press Service

 June 2005


DoD Seeks Congressional Support in Influencing Influencers      

WASHINGTON - President Bush made the plea to the American public during his address to the nation June 28, and now Defense Department leaders are asking Congress to go out and do the same. That is to ask Americans, especially those of enlistment age, to step up and serve their country.


U.S. Recovers Fallen Chinook's Aircrew, Passengers      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military has recovered the bodies of the aircrew and passengers aboard a MH-47 Chinook helicopter that was reported shot down by insurgents in eastern Afghanistan June 28, the Defense Department announced today.


Black Hawk Crew Rescues Three Afghan Children Near Salerno      

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan - A routine orientation flight turned out to be anything but routine, at least for three Afghan children stranded in the middle of a flooded river near Salerno, Afghanistan, June 29.


Country Singer Mark Wills Supports Servicemembers, Families  This story contains photos.    

ATLANTA - Country music artist Mark Wills didn't deliver a speech during the Military Child Education Coalition lunch and opening general session here June 29, but he spoke to the more than 550 conferees in the international language: music.


Insurgents Changed Tactics After Fallujah Fight, General Says      

WASHINGTON - Insurgents in Iraq are increasingly employing suicide bombers and roadside explosives and not engaging U.S. and coalition forces in stand-up battles like the one at Fallujah last fall, a senior U.S. military officer said in Baghdad today.


Terror Suspects Captured in Iraq; Operation Sword Continues      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi security forces detained eight suspected terrorists June 29 in eastern Baghdad during combined operations, military officials in Iraq reported.


Pentagon Holds First Worldwide Town Hall Meeting  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and Joint Chiefs Chairman Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers held the first worldwide town hall meeting today at the Pentagon.


Detainees Treated Humanely as Task Force Supports Terror War      

WASHINGTON - Probably no example in modern history matches the extent of the effort going into ensuring the fairest and most humane treatment possible for enemy combatants being detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the task force commander there asserted today during questioning by the House Armed Services Committee.


Rumsfeld, Myers Call on Americans to Support Troops  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - In anticipation of upcoming Independence Day celebrations, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and Joint Chiefs Chairman Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers asked for support of the troops and expressed confidence in the American people's spirit during a Pentagon town hall meeting today.


Senate Holds Pace, Giambastiani Confirmation Hearings  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - President Bush's nominee to be the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff laid out his priorities during confirmation hearings at the Senate Armed Services Committee here today.


Families of Three MIAs From Vietnam, Korea to Receive Remains      

WASHINGTON - The families of three U.S. servicemen missing in action from the Vietnam and Korean conflicts will lay their loved ones' remains to rest in early July.


America Supports You: Couple Helps War-Wounded GIs  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - When Karen Grimord found out in August 2004 that war-wounded servicemembers were spending long days and nights at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany without any entertainment in their hospital rooms, she decided to do something about it.


Joint Task Force Respects Detainees' Religious Practices      

WASHINGTON - Members of Joint Task Force Guantanamo, Cuba, go to great lengths to respect the religious practices and beliefs of an estimated 520 enemy combatants being detained there, senior task force leaders told Congress today.


EUCOM Marines Give, Receive Key Insights in Georgia  This story contains photos.    

STUTTGART, Germany - Sworn enemies during the Cold War, the Republic of Georgia - part of the former Soviet Union -- and the United States are brothers in arms now, forming friendships and training side by side.


Overseas Basing Changes Mean Less Troop Stress, DoD Tells Senate      

WASHINGTON - The plan to relocate troops from overseas bases back to the United States as part of the Defense Department's Global Defense Posture Realignment will mean less stress on military people and their families, DoD officials told a Senate Appropriations subcommittee here June 28.


Al Qaeda Manual Drives Detainee Behavior at Guantanamo Bay      

WASHINGTON - If you're a Muslim extremist captured while fighting your holy war against "infidels," avoid revealing information at all costs, don't give your real name and claim that you were mistreated or tortured during your detention.


Education Group Seeks Ways to Help Guard, Reserve Children  This story contains photos.    

ATLANTA - More than 550 people from around the world are gathered here for the three-day Military Child Education Coalition's 7th annual conference that starts today. This year's conference theme is "Making Connections for Children."


ISAF Deploys Quick Reaction Force in Afghanistan      

KABUL, Afghanistan - NATO's International Security Assistance Force deployed its Quick Reaction Force to the area of the Farah provincial reconstruction team in western Afghanistan, an ISAF spokesman said during a news briefing at ISAF headquarters here today.


Task Force Liberty Finds Caches, Seizes Weapons      

WASHINGTON - Task Force Liberty soldiers seized a number of weapons and found a pair of weapons caches in north central Iraq today, military officials in Baghdad reported.


Military Says 17 Were Aboard Crashed Chinook, Fates Unknown      

WASHINGTON - Seventeen servicemembers were on board a CH-47 Chinook helicopter that crashed in mountainous terrain west of Asadabad, Afghanistan, June 28, military officials said today.


Bush Explains Troop Levels, Rejects Deadline for Iraq Pullout  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - President Bush said troop levels in Iraq are where military commanders want them and explained why he believes setting a deadline for their withdrawal would be a mistake in a nationally televised June 28 speech at Fort Bragg, N.C.


President Thanks Troops, Urges Americans to Thank Them Too      

WASHINGTON - President Bush tonight expressed his gratitude to the nation's military members and their families, and urged the American people to take time on Independence Day to make their own gesture of thanks.


'As Iraqis Stand Up, We Will Stand Down,' Bush Tells Nation  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - On the one-year anniversary of the transfer of sovereignty in Iraq to a transitional Iraqi government, President Bush tonight promised that U.S. forces would remain in Iraq until the job is complete, "but not one day longer."


United Nations Celebrates 60th Anniversary      

WASHINGTON - June 28 marks 60 years since representatives from 50 nations signed the United Nations Charter in a ceremony in San Francisco.


America Supports You: The Home Depot Offers 10 Percent Discount      

ATLANTA - Home Depot announced today all active duty personnel, reservists, retired service members, veterans and their families will receive 10 percent off their purchases in recognition of Independence Day.


New Guantanamo Camp to Pave Way for Future Detention Ops      

NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - Camp 4, the only medium-security camp at Guantanamo Bay, is the most sought-after camp here for detainees here. It's reserved only for those who live by the camp rules and offers them the privilege of living in a communal setting that offers more freedoms and perks than less-cooperative detainees receive.


Rumsfeld Says Media Show Only 'Negative' Side of Iraq War      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld took to the airwaves June 27 to clear up what he characterized as "misinformation" by the media about the war in Iraq, telling radio listeners in Kansas City, Mo., that "the news media seem to want to carry the negative."


Reservists, Guardsmen Bring Valuable Skills to Special Missions      

WASHINGTON - Air Force Reserve Maj. Eduardo Alzona, an Air Reserve attache with the U.S. Defense Attache Office at the U.S. Embassy in Dakar, Senegal, is proficient in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, German, Tagalog and Arabic. And DoD is targeting people like him -- reservists and guardsmen with specialized skills -- more and more to fill specific unique positions.


Army's 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment Jumps Down Under      

SHOAL WATER BAY TRAINING AREA, Australia - Dropping in and destroying enemy ground forces is the specialty of the 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment. Based at Fort Richardson, Alaska, the unit is playing a pivotal role this week in Talisman Saber '05, a combined joint exercise with Australian forces.


Training for Iraq Boosts Security in Caucasus  This story contains photos.    

STUTTGART, Germany - The $64 million Georgia Sustainment and Stability Operations Program, known as GSSOP and administered by U.S. European Command, recently began a 15-month run and is the answer to Georgia's commitment to deploy troops to support Operation Iraqi Freedom.


Official Says DoD Committed to Veterans' Health Care      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department will work with the Veterans Affairs Department to help cover a shortfall in VA funds due to increased dental benefits claimed by returning veterans of the global war on terror, a top DoD health official told Congress today.


America Supports You: Pitchers Throw 'Strikeouts for Troops'      

WASHINGTON - Oakland Athletics pitcher Barry Zito has decided to support America's troops by helping to make wounded servicemembers a bit more comfortable while they recover.


Rice: Insurgents Will Fail To Stop Iraqi Political Progress      

WASHINGTON - A year to the day after a new, democratic government assumed sovereignty in Iraq, insurgents there still are seeking to derail the country's political progress through violence, the State Department's senior official said today.


FDIC Signs Statement of Support for National Guard, Reserve  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation signed a statement of support for the Guard and Reserve here June 23.


Car Bombs Kill U.S. Soldiers; Iraqi Forces Begin Offensive      

WASHINGTON - Two Task Force Liberty soldiers were killed today in separate suicide car-bomb attacks in Iraq, military officials in Baghdad reported.


Focus in Iraq Belongs on Progress, Not Violence, Leaders Say      

WASHINGTON - A perceived increase in violence in Iraq does not mean insurgents are winning or that progress is slowed, top military leaders said today in a news conference at the Pentagon.


National Military Family Group Honors General, Mrs. Myers  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The National Military Family Association honored Air Force Gen. Richard B. and Mary Jo Myers during the group's annual luncheon today.


DoD Constantly Striving to Improve Detainee Operations      

NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - In its quest to provide the fairest treatment possible for enemy combatants detained here, the Defense Department is constantly fine-tuning the practices and procedures in place and introducing new ones as appropriate, according to DoD's detainee affairs chief.


America Supports You: Lowe's Offers Military Discount for July 4 Weekend      

WASHINGTON - A major home-improvement store chain is offering all active, reserve and retired military personnel and their immediate family members a 10 percent discount on in-store purchases made during the July 4 holiday weekend.


Marine Shares Combat Skills With Members of Other Services  This story contains photos.    

KABUL, Afghanistan - Being thrown around in the dirt after working a 12- to 15-hour shift in a combat zone may not be an ideal ending to the day. But 14 soldiers, sailors and airmen at Camp Eggers, Afghanistan, volunteered for it.


America Supports You: 'Rockin' the Corps' Premieres on Big Screen  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Marines, former Marines, family members and guests were treated to a big-screen showing of the "Rockin' the Corps" concert June 26 at the Regal Gallery Place Stadium 14 theater here.


Momentum in Iraq Favors Democracy, Casey Says      

WASHINGTON - The momentum in Iraq has swung toward democracy and against terror, Army Gen. George W. Casey Jr. said on ABC's "Good Morning America" program today.


Helicopter Crash Kills Two; Soldier Dies From Small-Arms Fire      

WASHINGTON - An American helicopter crashed at approximately 11 a.m. local time today northwest of Baghdad, Iraq, killing two soldiers, military officials in Iraq reported.


Rumsfeld Discusses Guantanamo Bay Detainee Issues      

WASHINGTON - Though a "legitimate national debate" can be had over the status of military detainees being at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld insisted today that the detainees are being treated humanely.


Iraq's Shiias Earn Rumsfeld's Praise for Outreach Efforts      

WASHINGTON - The Shiia majority in the Iraqi government drew praise from Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today for reaching out to political opponents who might be amenable to working within that country's nascent political framework.


Rumsfeld Provides Context for Army Recruiting Challenge      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today vigorously disputed the notion that the Army is in danger of being "broken" by its recent overseas commitments and recruitment challenges.


Progress in Iraq Takes Back Seat to Violence in Media, Rumsfeld Says      

WASHINGTON - The "solid progress" being made in Iraq seldom gets the same level of media attention as terrorist killings and beheadings there, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said today.


IED Kills Soldier; Suicide Bomber Lone Casualty in Failed Attack      

WASHINGTON - A Task Force Liberty soldier was killed and two others were wounded today by an improvised explosive device in Baghdad, military officials in Iraq reported.


Rumsfeld Clarifies Status of Iraqi Security Forces      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld clarified widespread media and legislative confusion over the status of U.S. and Iraqi security forces when he appeared today on NBC's "Meet the Press," ABC's "This Week," and "Fox News Sunday."


Insurgents Have 'No Chance,' CENTCOM Chief Says      

WASHINGTON - Insurgents "don't have a chance" provided the United States stays the course in Iraq, Army Gen. John Abizaid said today on CBS's Face the Nation and CNN's Late Edition.


Soldiers Discover, Neutralize IEDs in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces discovered and neutralized four improvised explosive devices June 24(in Afghanistan, Combined Forces Afghanistan officials reported today.


Two More Marines Confirmed Killed in Fallujah Car-Bomb Attack      

WASHINGTON - Two Marines assigned to the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward) who were previously listed as "duty status whereabouts unknown" are now confirmed dead, military officials in Baghdad, Iraq, reported today.


Bush Discusses 'Two-Track Strategy for Victory' in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - America has a winning "two-track strategy for victory" in Iraq that is vital to the safety and well-being of the American people, President Bush said today in his weekly radio address.


Guantanamo Bay Troops Recognize Contribution to Terror War  This story contains photos.    

NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - Talk about troops fighting the war on terror, and most minds leap immediately to Iraq and Afghanistan. But servicemembers serving here say they feel the important contribution they're making to the effort sometimes gets overlooked.


'First Fan' Sees Washington Nationals Salute Military  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - With President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on hand to enjoy a night of major league baseball, the first-place Washington Nationals paused to honor the military before the team's interleague game against the Toronto Blue Jays at RFK Stadium here June 24.


Troops Rescue Afghan Civilians Trapped by Floodwaters  This story contains photos.    

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan - The Afghan National Army and local government officials coordinated efforts with coalition forces to rescue 119 Afghans stranded on a small island by floodwaters June 23.


Environment Gets Kid-Glove Handling During Talisman Saber '05      

SHOALWATER BAY TRAINING AREA, Australia - U.S. and Australian military forces participating in Exercise Talisman Saber '05 near the Great Barrier Reef get special instruction on the unique Southern Hemisphere environment.


Despite Perception, War in Iraq Going Well, Leaders Say      

WASHINGTON - Amid recent reports of a dip in public opinion about the war in Iraq, top military leaders said that although difficult times are ahead, progress is being made in Iraq.


America Supports You: Camp Donates Slots to Military Children  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Camp Island Lake, a summer camp for kids in Starrucca, Pa., is giving away 30 free spaces this summer to children of military personnel who have served overseas since Sept. 11, 2001.


Bush: No Timetable Set for U.S. Troop Departure From Iraq      

WASHINGTON - There will not be any timetables to schedule the departure of U.S. troops from Iraq, President Bush said today at a White House news conference.


Reports of Eroding Support For War Effort Concern Troops, General Says  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Media reports that Americans are losing support for the war effort concern military leaders and troops serving abroad, the general responsible for troops in the Middle East said in congressional testimony here June 23.


World Community Pledges to Support Free, Democratic Iraq      

WASHINGTON - More than 80 nations and organizations from around the world gathered in Brussels, Belgium, June 22 to support the Iraqi transitional government and its vision and priorities for the future.


Myers: Strategy Right, U.S. Must Stay Course in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The U.S. strategy is correct, and America must stay the course in Iraq, the nation's top military officer told the House Armed Services Committee here June 23.


Results Worth Sacrifices in Iraq, Rumsfeld Says      

WASHINGTON - The results in Iraq are worth the costs, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told the House Armed Services Committee here June 23.


Cheney Attributes Spike in Attacks to Insurgents Sensing Defeat      

WASHINGTON - Increased violence and a growing number of foreign insurgents are signs that the United States is close to accomplishing its objective in Iraq, Vice President Richard B. Cheney said in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer June 23.


Car Bomb Strikes Marine Convoy in Fallujah      

WASHINGTON - Two Marines assigned to 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward) were killed and 13 were wounded when a suicide car bomber struck their convoy June 23 in Fallujah, Iraq, U.S. military officials in Baghdad reported.


Potential Recruits List Critical to 'All-Recruited' Force      

WASHINGTON - The term "all-volunteer force" is a misnomer, a senior Defense Department personnel official said here June 23. In truth, the U.S. military is an "all-recruited force," and its success depends on recruiters having access to potential recruits, David S. C. Chu, undersecretary for personnel and readiness, told reporters in the Pentagon.


'Homes for Our Troops' Recognized in Newman's Own Awards Program  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Seeing servicemembers return from battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan missing arms and legs or paralyzed was so heartrending for Victoria Mosier that she quit her full-time job to help improve their quality of life.


Political Process in Iraq Will Stay on Schedule, Rumsfeld Says      

WASHINGTON - America is not losing the war in Iraq, and despite the insurgency's efforts at disruption, the political process will continue on schedule through elections planned there for December, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said in radio interviews June 21.


Coalition, NATO Forces Take Pride in Afghanistan's Progress      

WASHINGTON - Afghanistan "has come alive," thanks to progress made during Operation Enduring Freedom, and troops serving there can't help but feel motivated knowing the role they're playing in that progress, the commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe said here today.


Air Force Transformation in Europe Aiding Terror War      

WASHINGTON - The transformation taking place throughout the Defense Department started early for U.S. Air Forces in Europe, which began reshaping and repositioning its assets 15 years ago and is now better prepared to support the war on terror, the command's top officer said today.


Rumsfeld: Operations at Guantanamo 'Transparent'      

WASHINGTON - There has been no torture at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said in a series of radio interviews June 21. In fact, he added, the facility there is being run as a model detention facility.


Leaders Say Timetable for Troops to Return Home Would Be Mistake  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Setting a timetable for U.S. troop withdrawal in Iraq would be a mistake, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told the Senate Armed Services Committee here today.


DoD-Funded Device May Be Useful in Breast Cancer Fight      

WASHINGTON - A device for detecting early stages of breast cancer is being developed at the University of Pennsylvania and partly funded by the Defense Department.


Operation Purple Kicks Off Second Year of Summer Camps  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The second year of "Operation Purple" summer camps had its ceremonial kickoff with a reception at the Russell Senate Office Building here June 22.


Review Under Way to Expand, Refine Nonlethal Weapons Training      

FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. - With increased awareness about the capabilities and uses of nonlethal weapons, the Marine Corps detachment here that instructs trainers for all the military services may soon be expanding its program.


U.S., Iraqi Forces Complete Operation Spear Near Syrian Border      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi security forces and U.S. Marines and sailors with Regimental Combat Team 2 completed Operation Spear on June 22, concluding a five-day operation in and around the city of Karabilah, near Iraq's border with Syria, military officials in Baghdad reported today.


Coalition Forces Destroy Zarqawi Terror Group Hideout      

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces raided and destroyed a hideout used by associates of fugitive Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi today, military officials in Baghdad reported.


Air Force Addressing Problem of Religious Intolerance      

WASHINGTON - Air Forces officials have instituted changes designed to stop instances of religious intolerance. The changes came as a result of an investigation into allegations of religious disrespect at the U.S. Air Force Academy.


Officials Work to Clear Up Misconceptions About Funding in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Money dispersed by the Coalition Provisional Authority from the Development Fund for Iraq were properly distributed to the new Iraqi government in an open and transparent manner, Defense officials told Congress June 21.


America Supports You: 'Tight-Knit' Group Supports Troops Worldwide      

WASHINGTON - Just a month after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, Ellen Harpin sat in her Florida home and began to knit a pair of slippers for a sailor aboard the USS Bataan. The sailor had responded to an "any sailor" letter and had asked Harpin, an avid knitter, if she'd make her a pair of slippers.


Americans, Aussies Train Together 'Down Under' in Talisman Saber '05      

CAMP ROCKHAMPTON, Australia - Friendship and firepower reigned June 12 as American and Australian forces kicked off Talisman Saber '05.


More Violence Expected as Next Afghan Election Approaches      

WASHINGTON - More violence by Taliban extremists is expected when Afghan voters go to the polls Sept. 18 to elect a national assembly and provincial councils, Defense Department officials said today.


Humanitarian Assistance Advances Partnerships With Host Nations  This story contains photos.    

STUTTGART, Germany - Often overlooked and little-publicized, the people who work in the Defense Department's Humanitarian Assistance Program are accustomed to living in the shadows, content to go about the business of winning hearts and minds in the host nations the program serves.


America Supports You: Group Lends Heroes a Helping Hand      

WASHINGTON - "Operation Purple Hearts" is not about the well-known medal awarded to those wounded in war, but about honoring heroes by helping them and their families overcome difficulties associated with military service.


Defeating IEDs Demands Going After Munitions Source      

FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. - "There's no silver bullet" for dealing with improvised explosive devices killing and wounding U.S. troops in Iraq, the chief of staff for the Army Engineer School here told American Forces Press Service.


Brussels Conference to Build International Partnership for Iraq      

WASHINGTON - The Iraqi government and the international community are in Belgium today discussing priorities, aspirations and expectations for the future, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in opening remarks at the Brussels Conference hosted by the United States and the European Union.


'Operation Helping Hand' Helps Families of Wounded War Vets  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A $10,000 check is a wonderful reward for doing something you'd do anyway without even thinking about being paid for your efforts. That's how much money "Operation Helping Hand" was granted on June 20 as the first-place winner in the 2005 Newman's Own Awards competition.


Fighting in Afghanistan Leaves 40 Insurgents Dead      

WASHINGTON - Afghan and coalition forces killed about 40 enemies June 21 in fighting southwest of Deh Chopan, Afghanistan, after insurgents attacked with small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades, military officials reported today.


Soldier Killed Near Ramadi; More Suspects, Weapons Seized      

WASHINGTON - A soldier was killed June 21 by small-arms fire during combat operations near Ramadi, Iraq, according to U.S. officials at Camp Fallujah.


Marines Adapt to Protect Against Threats from IEDs      

WASHINGTON - The Marine Corps is adapting the way it protects its servicemembers against improvised explosive devices, according to a statement read to the House Armed Services Committee here today.


Bush, Vietnamese Prime Minister Focus on Mutual Security Concerns      

WASHINGTON - Today's meeting between President Bush and Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai represents an important step forward as the two countries put the past behind them and build on common ground, the Pentagon's international security affairs chief said today.


Lowry Redevelopment Assists Denver's Economic Renaissance  This story contains photos.    

DENVER - When Lowry Air Force Base, Colo., was selected to be shuttered as part of the 1991 Base Realignment and Closure Act, many recession-battered Denver residents thought the end had come to the "Mile High" city.


Ground Forces Commander in Iraq Cites Progress      

WASHINGTON - With the one-year anniversary of the return of sovereignty to the Iraqi government approaching, the commander of ground troops there today said he is pleased with the progress being made in the country.


America Supports You: Girl's 'Freedom Rocks' Raise Money for Troops  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Five-year-old Lydia Townsend, of Rockford, Mich., loves the troops and wants them to know To show her appreciation for their sacrifice, she has transformed ordinary rocks into "Freedom Rocks" by painting them with American flags.


Insurgency Can't Long Disrupt Iraqi Political Progress, Rice Says      

WASHINGTON - The recently escalating insurgency in Iraq cannot stop the rapid, revolutionary political change that is occurring there, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in a TV interview June 20 in Cairo, Egypt.


New Facility to Support WMD Response Capabilities      

FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. - First responders will soon have a state-of-the-art facility here to hone the skills they'll need to deal with weapons of mass destruction and other chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological incidents.


Pentagon Channel Adds New Markets, More Growth Expected      

WASHINGTON - The Pentagon Channel, a Defense Department news and information service, has added two new television markets to its audience.


Vietnam Allows Access to Crash Site; Families Elated, Hopeful  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - They were elated, yelling with joy. Some of them even hugged the defense official who announced June 17 that the Vietnamese government had agreed to allow Americans to visit the site where seven soldiers perished in a plane crash on Jan 3, 1971. But the excitement didn't last long.


IED Kills Soldier in Iraq; Several Suspects Detained      

WASHINGTON - A soldier with the 1st Corps Support Command was killed today in an improvised-explosive-device attack while on patrol west of Rutbah, Iraq, military officials in Baghdad reported.


Newman's Own Awards Presented at Pentagon  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Eleven volunteer organizations that reach out to help improve the quality of life of military families took home between $2,500 and $10,000 today to help them continue their work in military communities.


Coast Guard Ready to Meet Security Requirements, Commandant Says      

WASHINGTON - To meet post-Sept. 11 security responsibilities, the United States Coast Guard has crafted and is implementing a transformation policy to ensure America's coastlines and waterways are safe, the Coast Guard's top official said June 17.


President, EU Leaders Affirm Commitment in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - The upcoming international summit on support for Iraq sends "an important signal for people to hear loud and clear," President Bush said today during a news conference in the East Room of the White House.


Bush: Guantanamo Detainees Receiving Humane Treatment      

WASHINGTON - While awaiting a federal court ruling about how to try detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the United States continues to treat them humanely and according to the Geneva Conventions, President Bush said today during a news conference at the White House.


MP School Infuses Combat Realism into Training  This story contains photos.    

FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. - Recognizing that many of their students are likely to deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan within three or four months of leaving here, the cadre at the U.S. Army Military Police School is stepping up the curriculum to infuse as much realism as possible, the school's director of training told the American Forces Press Service.


Soldier, Marine Killed in Iraq; Soldiers Capture 24 Terror Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Two U.S. servicemembers died in recent days in operations in Iraq, military officials in Baghdad said.


Iraqi, Coalition Forces Kill, Capture Terrorists, Seize Weapons      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi security forces and multinational forces killed two terrorists, detained 17 terror suspects, and seized a large cache of weapons in northern Iraq June 19, military officials said today.


Fort Leonard Wood Communities Prepare for Growth      

FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. - The communities surrounding Fort Leonard Wood are preparing for the growth anticipated due to upcoming base realignments and the return of forces from Europe and Korea to stateside bases -- and applying important lessons they learned from the past.


Family of Missing Serviceman Copes With Lack of Closure  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - The Defense Department annually briefs families of servicemen still missing in Southeast Asia, and in their quest for closure, mother and daughter Jeanette Lilly, 79, and Susan J. Harvey, 58, haven't missed a meeting in more than 15 years.


Researchers Give Congress Glimpse of Army's Future  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department gave Congress a look at the Army of the future during a "Soldiers Modernization Day" exhibit at the Russell Senate Office Building here June 16.


Iraqis, Coalition Combine to Snare Terror Leaders      

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraqi soldiers and coalition forces, working together and independently, captured 11 known terrorists in a series of early-morning raids in central and western Baghdad, Iraq, June 17. One other terror suspect was also taken into custody.


Iraq Operations Result in Captures, Arms-Cache Discovery      

WASHINGTON - Operations throughout Iraq this weekend resulted in the capture of violent extremists and the discovery of weapons.


Baghdad Attacks Kill, Wound Iraqi Civilians, Police      

WASHINGTON - Two attacks in Baghdad, Iraq, today have left at least 16 civilians and five Iraqi police officers dead and scores wounded. A mortar attack in Mosul killed one civilian and injured five more.


U.S. Marines, Iraqis Continue Operation Spear in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Marines and Iraqi security forces continue Operation Spear, called Rohme in Arabic, in Iraq's Anbar province, finding weapons caches and calling in air strikes on terrorist strong points.


Militants Die in U.S. Air Strikes in Afghanistan      

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan - An unprovoked attack on a coalition patrol today left 15 to 20 militants dead in Afghanistan, U.S. officials said.


Americans Can't Neglect Signs of Progress in Iraq, Rice Says      

WASHINGTON - Americans cannot forget the progress being made in Iraq, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said from Jerusalem today.


Two Soldiers, Two Marines Killed in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Two Task Force Liberty soldiers were killed near Buhritz, in Iraq's Diyala province, June 17. One Iraqi civilian and one detainee, who was being transported by the combat patrol at the time of the engagement, were also killed.


Marines Continue Operation Spear, Begin Operation Dagger in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Operation Spear continues in Iraq's Anbar province. Marines and Iraqi soldiers are making good progress, according to a Marine press release issued today.


Bush Calls on Americans to Unite Against Terror in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - While people may disagree on the decision to liberate Iraq, all should agree that the country is the central front in the war on terror, President Bush said in his weekly national radio address today.


DoD Launches Sexual Assault Prevention Web Site      

WASHINGTON - Servicemembers who are victims of sexual assault or who need information on the DoD policy on preventing sexual assaults can find the information at a new Web site.


DoD Cautions Servicemembers Against 'Loan-Shark' Lenders      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department has launched a new effort to educate servicemembers about the dangers of borrowing from "loan-shark" lending companies and to teach them how to avoid ending up in a spiral of compounding debt, a DoD official said here today.


Flintlock Exercise Trains Africans to Handle Defense      

WASHINGTON - There is more than one way to fight terrorism, as U.S. servicemembers participating in Exercise Flintlock '05 are finding. The biennial exercise now under way in Africa is designed to enhance African nations' ability to patrol and control their own territory


Fort Leonard Wood Provides Blueprint for BRAC Realignments      

FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. - For a look at what's ahead following the next round of base realignments, you'll find few better examples than the U.S. Army Maneuver Support Center here in the Ozarks.


General Cites Influencers as Part of Recruiting Challenge  This story contains photos.    

FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, Md. - The greatest challenge facing recruiters is the people who influence young men and women of the "Millennium Generation" not to serve, the commander of the Army Recruiting Command said here today.


DoD Strongly Supports Stabilization Office      

WASHINGTON - In line with the idea that all aspects of national power must be applied against terror, the Defense Department is working closely with the office of the State Department's Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization, DoD officials said before a Senate committee June 16.


Task Force Liberty Soldiers Reverse Effects of War      

WASHINGTON - U.S. and Iraqi soldiers this month continued their efforts to repair and rebuild areas battered by war, improve the lives and education of children, and help the citizens of Iraq advance toward a safe, secure and democratic nation.


Rice Urges Patience as Iraq Continues Progress to Democracy      

WASHINGTON - Amid voices on Capitol Hill calling for an exit strategy in Iraq, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice asked for patience as America helps establish democracy and unity in the Middle East.


General Promises Families DoD Will Continue Searching for MIAs  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - A top Army general this week thanked more than 270 family members of servicemen still missing in Southeast Asia for their service and sacrifice during the Defense Department's 2005 annual government briefings for Vietnam War-era families.


Operation Spear Begins; Iraqi Farmer Turns In Weapons Cache      

WASHINGTON - U.S. Marines and Iraqi forces today began Operation Spear, aimed at rooting out terrorists and foreign fighters and disrupting terror support systems in and around Karabilah, Iraq.


Kitchen Builders Serve Up Safer Humvees  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - If there is a government building here in the nation's capital, said James Phillip Poole of American Metal Fabricators Inc., chances are his company has built its food-service equipment.


DoD Issues Guidance for Medical Personnel Dealing With Detainees      

WASHINGTON - DoD officials this month issued new guidelines for military medical personnel dealing with detainees.


2005 POW/MIA Recognition Day Poster Unveiled  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The 2005 POW/MIA Recognition Day poster was unveiled here June 15 in honor of the sacrifices made by prisoners of war and servicemembers still unaccounted for, spanning World War II to Operation Iraqi Freedom.


Task Force Liberty Soldier Charged in Deaths of Unit Officers      

WASHINGTON - A soldier in Iraq has been charged with two counts of premeditated murder in connection with the June 7 deaths of two other soldiers in his unit, military officials in Baghdad announced today.


Americans Need to Recognize Progress in Iraq, DoD Spokesman Says      

WASHINGTON - Americans need to go back and evaluate the progress that has been made in Iraq, Pentagon spokesman Larry Di Rita said today.


Pentagon Does Not Favor Deadline for Troop Withdrawal  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A deadline on pulling out U.S. troops from Iraq would simply encourage the enemy, defense leaders said today.


Woman Soldier Receives Silver Star for Valor in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - For the first time since World War II, a woman soldier was awarded the Silver Star Medal today in Iraq.


DoD Employee Lauded for Improvements to Iraqi Education  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Good Housekeeping magazine has recognized a Defense Department employee for getting the Iraqi education system up and running.


Citizens Providing More Help to Iraqi, Coalition Forces      

WASHINGTON - More and more, Iraqi citizens are helping suppress the insurgency in that country, a senior U.S. officer in Baghdad said today.


Insurgency Unpopular; Iraqi Forces Growing More Capable      

WASHINGTON - The June 14 capture of Muhammad Khalaf Shakar reflects the growing intolerance of the Iraqi people for an "unpopular insurgency" and shows the increasing capability of Iraqi security forces, a U.S. military official in Iraq said today.


America Supports You: 'Operation Gratitude' Gears Up for Shipment  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Over the Memorial Day weekend, "Operation Gratitude" assembled and shipped almost 20,000 care packages to deployed troops as part of its "Patriotic Drive," the group is gearing up for another big push.


Vietnam Vets Impressed by Scope of POW/MIA Efforts  This story contains photos.    

BRANSON, Mo. - Active-duty servicemembers here for "Operation Homecoming USA" are giving Vietnam veterans faith that the U.S. military is working aggressively to account for some 1,800 Americans still missing from the Vietnam War.


Coalition, Iraqi Raid Nabs Mosul's Top al Qaeda Operative      

WASHINGTON - Coalition and Iraqi security forces captured al Qaeda's top operative in Iraq's Mosul region without incident June 14, military officials in Baghdad announced today.


Sailor, Five Marines Killed in Iraq; Car Bomb Attack Fails  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Five Marines assigned to 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed near Ramadi, Iraq, June 15 when their vehicle hit an improvised explosive device. A sailor assigned to the same unit also died June 15 from wounds received from enemy small-arms fire.


Vietnam War Disc Jockey Cronauer Praises Families of MIAs  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The man who became famous bellowing "Good morning, Vietnam!" to his military radio audience today praised the families of servicemembers still listed as missing in action in Southeast Asia.


Official Cites Progress in WMD Countermeasure Development      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department has made progress in several areas of chemical and biological defense, is coordinating regularly with other federal agencies, and has developed a long-term science and technology investment strategy to protect U.S. forces well into the future, a DoD official said June 14 at a congressional hearing.


Australian Leader Praises Iraqi, U.S. Forces for Hostage Rescue      

WASHINGTON - Australia's prime minister today praised the Iraqi forces who rescued former hostage Douglas Wood in Baghdad, Iraq, this morning, as well as the American forces who supported the operation


DoD Details Detainee Efforts to Senate Panel      

WASHINGTON - DoD officials testified about the ongoing department efforts in regards to detainees before a Senate committee today.


Indiana City Flourishes After 'Fort Ben' Closure  This story contains photos.    

INDIANAPOLIS - After Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., closed nearly a decade ago as a result of the 1991 base realignment and closure process, more than a million square feet of building space has been demolished. In its place has risen millions of more square feet in new business and housing.


Despite Insurgency, Things Better in Iraq, Rumsfeld Says  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Despite the insurgency, things are getting better in Iraq, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told the BBC's David Frost in a June 13 interview.


Iraqi Army Rescues Australian Hostage in Northwest Baghdad      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi soldiers rescued Australian hostage Douglas Wood this morning, Military officials in Baghdad reported.


Off-Duty Travel Opens Australia as Vacation Destination      

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Military travelers can purchase vacations to Australia for about the same cost as a getaway to Europe simply by visiting a military-sponsored Web site.


Two Marines Killed; TF Baghdad Troops Prevent Car-Bomb Attack      

WASHINGTON - Two Marines assigned to 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed by improvised explosive devices in separate incidents June 14 in Iraq, military officials in Baghdad reported.


DoD Leaders Confident Army Will Attract Needed Recruits      

WASHINGTON - Defense leaders are confident that the U.S. Army is doing what it needs to do to attract qualified recruits.


Rumsfeld, Pace Speak About Future in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - The coalition and Iraqi security forces are facing a "thinking enemy," and that enemy has changed its tactics in response to what the coalition has done, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said here today.


Secretary Defends Guantanamo Bay Detention Center      

WASHINGTON - The United States can no longer afford the luxury of treating terrorism as a law enforcement problem, and that is why the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is necessary, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said at a press conference at the Pentagon today.


30 Years Later, Vietnam Vets Get Branson-Style Homecoming  This story contains photos.    

BRANSON, Mo. - Thirty years after the last U.S. forces left Vietnam, tens of thousands of veterans of that conflict gathered here in the Ozark Mountains today to get the official welcome home and thanks they never received.


Vietnam Vets Set Example for Today's Troops      

BRANSON, Mo. - Today's young military men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan "are walking in our bootprints," the secretary of Veterans Affairs told thousands of Vietnam veterans and their families here today.


Top Army Sergeant Outlines Transformation, Promotes New Uniform      

WASHINGTON - In addition to making the Army a more sleek, deployable force, transformation will add predictability and stability to the lives of soldiers and their families, the Army's top noncommissioned officer said in an interview with the Pentagon Channel.


Media Focuses on 'Sensational,' Cheney Says      

WASHINGTON - Media focuses on a "drive to report the sensational," said Vice President Richard B. Cheney during an interview with Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity that aired on the "Hannity and Colmes" show June 13.


CD Raises Awareness for Armed Services YMCA      

WASHINGTON - Sony BMG Music Entertainment company today, Flag Day, released a CD entitled Patriotic Country 2, which features 17 patriotic songs from well-known country music artists.


Army Celebrates 230 Years of Defending Liberty  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - After 230 years, the one thing a soldier of 1775 and one today have had in common is the desire to fight and protect the United States.


Three Soldiers Killed; Weapons Cache Discovered in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - A soldier serving with the 18th Military Police Brigade was killed by a rocket-propelled grenade while on patrol in Baghdad, Iraq, today.


U.S. Soldiers Wounded; Troops Save Infant's Life      

WASHINGTON - Four U.S. servicemembers and an Afghan interpreter were wounded today when an improvised explosive device detonated near their up-armored Humvee south of Ghazni, Afghanistan, the capital of Ghazni province, on the Lora River.


Volunteers Fly 'Greatest Generation' to See Their Memorial  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Thousands of visitors have come to the National World War II Memorial here since it opened last year. But the miles between the memorial and the ever-dwindling, increasingly frail ranks of World War II veterans make it difficult for many members of "The Greatest Generation" to make the pilgrimage to the nation's long-overdue tribute to their service.


Iraqi Freedom Veteran Reflects on Meaning of Flag Day      

WASHINGTON - It's been a little more than two months since I returned from Iraq. The day I returned, I watched my wife eagerly remove the Blue Star Service Banner from our front window, and she happily watched me bring down the yellow ribbon that had hugged our yard's corner tree for a year.


Vice President Urges Patience As Iraq Progress Continues      

MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. - Vice President Richard B. Cheney urged patience as Iraq continues on the road toward self-sufficiency in a June 10 interview here.


Good Things U.S. Troops Do Far Outweigh Detainees' Allegations      

MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. - Vice President Richard B. Cheney bristled in a June 10 interview here at the attention being given to allegations made by detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and how the publicity given to those allegations far outweighs that given to the good things U.S. servicemembers are doing.


Terrorist Threat Not Just a U.S. Problem, Cheney Says      

MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. - The United States is far from alone in facing the threat posed by terrorists, Vice President Richard B. Cheney said here June 10.


Top Runners to Participate in Air Force Marathon  This story contains photos.    

WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio - Two of the top distance runners of all time will be part of the ninth annual U.S. Air Force Marathon in September.


Suicide Car Bomber Injures Four GIs in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Four U.S. servicemembers were injured today near Kandahar, Afghanistan, by a suicide bomber driving a vehicle laden with explosives, Combined Forces Command Afghanistan officials reported.


Bike Riders Raise Money for Injured Troops  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Four thousand miles is a long distance to travel, especially if the mode of transportation is a bicycle.


U.S. Soldiers, Iraqi Forces Uncover Weapons      

WASHINGTON - U.S. Third Infantry Division soldiers conducted a raid in southern Baghdad on June 11, uncovering a weapons cache that led to the arrest of several men, according to coalition officials in Iraq.


Four Soldiers Die in IED Attacks; Marines Strike Insurgents      

WASHINGTON - Four soldiers assigned to elements of 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward) were killed in separate roadside bomb incidents in Iraq on June 11, according to military officials today.


Seven Marines Killed in Separate IED Attacks      

WASHINGTON - Seven U.S. Marines died in two improvised explosive device attacks June 9 and 10 in Iraq, Multinational Force Iraq reported.


Cheney Praises 'Silent Professionals' of Special Operations  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Praising the warriors he calls "the silent professionals," Vice President Richard B. Cheney culminated International Special Forces Week here June 10, providing closing remarks for U.S. Special Operations Command's annual conference.


Teen Queen Makes 'Dream Come True'  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - One child stood out above the rest of the nearly 100 children from military families and their parents packed into the room here on Capitol Hill June 10.


Duff Helps Kick Off National Military Families Week  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - When teen actress and singer Hilary Duff finally arrived here after a rain-delayed flight from New York, the children -- and some parents -- let out ear-piercing screams.


Commandos Continue to Press Terrorists      

CAMP LIBERTY, Iraq - More than 600 suspected terrorists have been detained in Baghdad area operations led by the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, since May 20, said the team's deputy commander Lt. Col. Michael J. Infanti on June 10 here.


Coalition Transfers Base to Iraqi Army  This story contains photos.    

FORWARD OPERATING BASE CONSTITUTION, BAGHDAD, Iraq - A ceremony was held in western Baghdad June 9 to officially transfer the authority of Raider Base from the coalition forces to the Iraqi Army.


Iraqi Forces Seize Terrorists, Cash, Weapons      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi Army and Task Force Baghdad soldiers captured 33 terror suspects, seized 2 million Iraqi dinars and confiscated a variety of bomb-making materials in a series of operations conducted June 8 and 9, military officials in Baghdad reported.


Iraq Command Investigates Deaths      

WASHINGTON - Multinational Corps Iraq has opened a criminal investigation into two Task Force Liberty soldiers' deaths June 7 at Forward Operating Base Danger, near Tikrit, Iraq, officials in Iraq reported today.


Bush: U.S., South Korea United On N. Korea Nukes Issue      

WASHINGTON - President Bush and South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun today said their governments are united in keeping the Korean Peninsula nuclear-free.


New Incentives, Marketing Aim to Attract Military Recruits      

WASHINGTON - The Army hopes to introduce new incentives to attract recruits while working to educate parents, teachers and other adults who influence young people's decision to enlist about the long-term benefits of military service.


War on Terror Won't End With Treaty Signing, Cheney Says  This story contains photos.    

MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. - The global war on terror is not the kind of conflict that will end clearly with a treaty signing, Vice President Richard B. Cheney told servicemembers here today.


NATO Establishing Iraqi Training Center Outside Baghdad      

BRUSSELS, Belgium - NATO is establishing a military training center for Iraqi officers on the outskirts of Baghdad, officials here said this week.


Combatant Command Senior Enlisteds Gather at First Conference  This story contains photos.    

PETERSON AIR FOR BASE, Colo. - Several U.S. military's highest-placed enlisted warfighters met in Colorado for the first Combatant Command Senior Enlisted Leader Conference recently.


DoD Won't Resort to Draft or Sacrifice Quality to Boost Numbers      

WASHINGTON - Despite recruiting shortfalls for the active Army and all reserve components except the Air Force Reserve in May, defense officials say they will strive to fill the ranks with the highest-quality recruits possible and have no intention of supporting a draft.


NATO Expanding Missions in Afghanistan      

BRUSSELS, Belgium - NATO is committed to expanding its International Security Assistance Force into western and southern Afghanistan, and will reinforce Afghan security forces during upcoming elections.


Two Servicemembers Killed in Separate Incidents      

WASHINGTON - Two U.S. servicemembers died in noncombat-related incidents June 8 and 9 in Iraq, according to Multinational Force Iraq officials today.


Homeland Security Defenses Must Be Active, Layered      

WASHINGTON - Homeland security requires defense in depth and at a distance, the Defense Department's top official for homeland defense said during a speech today at the Heritage Foundation here.


Programs Aim to Reduce Military Divorce Rates      

WASHINGTON - Recognizing the stresses military life and multiple deployments put on families, the services are stepping up their efforts to help their members strengthen their family relationships and avoid the divorce courts.


Booz Allen Classic Hosts Wounded Servicemembers at Pro-Am Round  This story contains photos.    

BETHESDA, Md. - Servicemembers being treated at Washington's Walter Reed Army Medical Center were guests for the pro-am round of the Booz Allen Classic golf tournament at the Congressional Country Club here June 8, a day after PGA Tour officials and pro golfers visited patients at Walter Reed.


Seabasing to Transform Marine Deployments, Commandant Says      

WASHINGTON - The "seabasing" capability being developed for the Marine Corps will enable the service to deploy 15,000 troops anywhere in the world in as little as 10 to 12 days, according to the commandant of the Marine Corps.


NATO Countries Working Together in More Ways Than Ever      

BRUSSELS, Belgium - NATO counties are working together in ways they never have before, and the alliance is expanding its membership and global responsibilities, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said at NATO headquarters here today.


Talisman Saber Exercises 'Framework for Action' Concepts  This story contains photos.    

ABOARD USS BLUE RIDGE - Exercise Talisman Saber, the first of a biennial series of exercises aimed at further developing and enhancing the defense relationships between the United States and Australia, began in various locations in eastern Australia on June 8.


NATO to Assist African Union With Airlift in Darfur      

BRUSSELS, Belgium - NATO will support the African Union with airlift support into the war-torn region of Darfur, Sudan, alliance officials announced here June 8.


Mrs. Myers Receives First 'American Spirit Award'  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The wife of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff today received the National Defense University Foundation's inaugural American Spirit Award at Fort Lesley J. McNair here during NDU's 2005 American Patriot Award Gala Kickoff.


President's Ambassador Nominee Charts Way Forward in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad testified June 7 before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He has been serving as U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan.


Hagee: Adaptable Tactics Helping to Defeat 'Thinking Enemy'      

WASHINGTON - America's armed forces face a "thinking enemy" on the battlefield, and defeating it demands adaptable tactics and a fast application of lessons learned, the commandant of the Marine Corps said here today.


DoD Working to Increase Tricare Access for Reserve Components      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department has made "tremendous efforts and strides" to meet the needs of Reserve and Guard servicemembers who now qualify for health-care coverage under the Tricare program, the program manager said today during an interview on Fox News.


Myers Says Cooperation Key Against Extremists  This story contains photos.    

FORT LESLEY J. MCNAIR, District Of Columbia - The nation's top military officer stressed the role international relationships play in the struggle against violent extremists in remarks here today.


NATO's Iraqi, ISAF Training Site in Norway Hosts Rumsfeld Visit      

STAVANGER, Norway - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today visited NATO's Joint Warfare Center here, where Iraqi troops and international forces in NATO's International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan have trained.


Rumsfeld Signs Pre-positioning Agreement With Norway  This story contains photos.    

STAVANGER, Norway - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and his Norwegian counterpart today signed an agreement here to allow U.S. Marines to pre-position military equipment in Norway for use should they ever have to come to this country's aid.


Stars and Stripes 'Heroes' to Honor Terror War Troops      

WASHINGTON - Stars and Stripes, the daily newspaper of the U.S. military, will publish a "Heroes" supplement on June 14, Flag Day, to honor those who have fought in the global war on terror.


AT&T Joins DoD's 'America Supports You' Team      

WASHINGTON - AT&T has joined the Defense Department's "America Supports You" team, continuing its more than 85 years of support for the U.S. military through a range of activities and contributions designed to benefit America's servicemen and women, officials announced today.


Hungarian Ambassador's Band Rocks on for Wounded Troops  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - For an amateur musician and a guy with a doctorate in political science, Andras Simonyi plays a pretty mean guitar. He can carry a tune as well.


BRAC Communities Regained 90 Percent of Lost Jobs, Official Says      

DENVER - Redevelopment efforts have created more than 115,000 new jobs nationwide in communities affected by the last four base realignment and closure actions, a senior Defense Department official said here this week.


IEDs, Indirect Fire Kill Four Soldiers in Separate Incidents      

WASHINGTON - Improvised explosive devices killed two soldiers In Iraq, and two other soldiers were killed by indirect fire in Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit, military officials in Baghdad reported today.


Bush, Blair Affirm Commitments in Middle East, Africa  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The United States and Great Britain share a common commitment to spreading peace and freedom in the world and are working together to promote that vision - in Iraq, Afghanistan, the greater Middle East and Africa, the leaders of the two countries affirmed during a news conference here June 7.


England Says DoD Actions Must Be 'Above Reproach'      

WASHINGTON - Emphasizing that the Defense Department has "very high ethical standards," acting Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he expects everyone in DoD to act legally and ethically with every action they deal with.


Health-Behavior Survey Tracks Military Trends      

WASHINGTON - Midway through the survey period, the Defense Department is reporting steady returns on its latest health-related behaviors survey, and officials are urging others selected to participate to weigh in with their responses.


Operation Birdie Benefits Children of Fallen Special Ops Troops  This story contains photos.    

TAMPA, Fla. - Two Ladies Professional Golf Association pros and longtime friends have teamed up to support the Special Operations Warrior Foundation through the Operation Birdie program.


Insurgents Captured; Former Taliban Reconcile With Afghan Government      

WASHINGTON - Afghan and coalition forces apprehended 17 insurgents armed with rifles along the Pakistani border June 6, Combined Forces Command Afghanistan reported today.


Terrorists Attack Convoy; Two Marines Die in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Terrorists attacked a convoy of contractors about 11:30 a.m. today while the contractors were delivering supplies for coalition forces west of Baghdad, Iraq, according to U.S. officials.


New Launch Date Projected for New Civilian Personnel System      

WASHINGTON - The first phase of the Defense Department's new National Security Personnel System has been adjusted slightly, to later in the fiscal year, NSPS officials told the American Forces Press Service today.


BRAC Positive for Affected Communities, Senior Official Says      

WASHINGTON - Many civilian communities emerge from military base closures or realignments often in better economic health than before, a senior DoD official noted at a defense community redevelopment association meeting here June 6.


Veterans Benefit From VA, WRAMC Training Agreement  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Veterans Affairs Department and Walter Reed Army Medical Center leaders took a step today toward helping severely injured servicemembers transition to civilian jobs.


Soldier Shot During Ambush Re-enlists While Recovering      

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - A paratrooper from the 173rd Combat Support Company re-enlisted here recently as he sat in bed with a bullet hole in his left foot.


Citizen Tips Target Insurgent Activity in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Tips from local residents helped Iraqi security forces rescue a kidnapping victim, seize weapons and uncover a weapons cache June 5, Multinational Force Iraq officials in Baghdad reported today.


Rumsfeld Visits Cultural Sites, Government Leaders in Bangkok  This story contains photos.    

BANGKOK, Thailand - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld took a brief break from his whirlwind overseas trip today to do some sightseeing here -- but many of the tourists seemed more excited to see him than their actual destination.


Media Need to Focus on Extremist Acts, Myers Says  This story contains photos.    

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - The media ought to focus on the very real, vicious acts of violent extremists, and not on vague allegations of Koran abuse, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said to reporters here today.


Myers Discusses Guantanamo Detention Facility  This story contains photos.    

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - While debate about the detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is good, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said here today, a separate debate is needed on an underlying problem: How does a civilized nation deal with non-state violent extremists?


Pace: Today's Marines Build on Proud Legacy      

WASHINGTON - Marines serving today in Iraq are living up to the legacy Marines of previous conflicts have passed on to them, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told a gathering of Korean War era veterans June 4.


'Statues of Servicemen' Immortalizes Fallen Troops  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A nationwide project is under way to pay lasting tribute to fallen servicemembers in their hometowns.


Task Force Liberty Soldier Killed by IED in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - A Task Force Liberty soldier was killed when an improvised explosive device detonated near a vehicle patrol in Iraq's Kirkuk province at about 4 p.m. today, military officials in Baghdad reported.


Piracy in Straits Highlights Need for Maritime Security  This story contains photos.    

SINGAPORE - The Straits of Malacca is a maritime choke point for ships going from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific. Asian defense experts examined the problem here today at the Asia Security Conference, known as the Shangri-La Dialogue, hosted by the International Institute for Strategic Studies.


Roadside Bomb Kills Two Troops in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Two U.S. servicemembers were killed and another was wounded after an improvised explosive device detonated near their convoy near Orgun-E June 3, according to Combined Forces Command Afghanistan officials.


Iraqi Foreign Minister: Saddam Trial to Boost Security Situation      

WASHINGTON - Saddam Hussein's upcoming trial is expected to help bolster the security situation in Iraq, and the sooner the proceedings begin, the better, Iraq's foreign minister said today on CNN's "Late Edition."


Monsoon Rain Greets Rumsfeld in Thailand  This story contains photos.    

BANGKOK, Thailand - In a driving monsoon rain, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld arrived here today after spending the weekend at a regional-security conference in Singapore.


Rumsfeld: U.S. Welcomes Chinese Influence in North Korea  This story contains photos.    

SINGAPORE - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld this weekend urged China to become more involved in persuading North Korea to return to six-nation talks -- among the United States, China, Russia, Japan and both Koreas -- and to abandon its nuclear ambitions.


Terrorist Killed, Three Captured in Failed Afghanistan Ambush      

WASHINGTON - Three insurgents were captured and one was killed today following an ambush of Afghan and coalition forces south of Qalat in Afghanistan's Zabul province.


Iraq Ops Yield Suspects, Weapons, Missing Artifacts      

WASHINGTON - Operations in Iraq during the past three days yielded a terrorist hideaway, terror suspects, weapons and ammunition stockpiles, and a treasure chest of Iraqi artifacts looted from the Baghdad Museum more than two years ago.


Koran Inquiry Reveals Pattern of 'Respectful Handling'      

WASHINGTON - An inquiry into allegations of mishandling of the Koran by U.S. personnel at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, reveals "a consistent, documented policy of respectful handling" dating back almost two and a half years, the general who led the effort said June 3.


Afghan Army Chief of Operations to Visit United States      

KABUL, Afghanistan - The chief of operations of the Afghan National Army's General Staff will represent his nation at a conference on U.S. special operations forces in Tampa, Fla.


Contrast Between Two Koreas 'Profound,' Rumsfeld Says      

SINGAPORE - The difference between freedom and tyranny is more vivid on the Korean peninsula than in any other place on Earth, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said here today.


Rumsfeld Labels Proliferation as World's Greatest Threat      

SINGAPORE - The greatest threat facing nations in the Asia-Pacific region and around the world is the combination of weapons proliferation and terrorism, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said here today.


China's Strength 'Important New Reality' in Asia-Pacific Region      

SINGAPORE - China's emergence as a potentially stronger military power "is an important new reality of this era, one that the countries of the region would no doubt like to embrace," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said here today.


Japanese, South Korean Ministers Discuss North's Nukes      

SINGAPORE - Korean and Japanese defense ministers today called on North Korea to return to the Six-Party Talks aimed at ending North Korea's push for nuclear weapons.


Former Mayor and Defense Official Offer BRAC Advice      

WASHINGTON - Two officials who have experience with base realignment and closure - one the former mayor of an affected city and the other who directs the Defense Department office charged with helping affected cities meet economic challenges, have written some insights they hope will be of value to communities that may lose facilities in this year's BRAC round.


VA Chief Sees Opportunity to Ensure Care for All Servicemembers      

WASHINGTON - The secretary of veterans affairs said today that where some might see challenges for the department, he sees opportunities.


Military Tops Public Confidence List in New Gallup Poll      

WASHINGTON - The American public has more confidence in the military than in any other institution, according to a Gallup poll released this week.


Nine Servicemembers Earn Asian-Pacific American Council Award  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Nine servicemembers representing the four active duty services, reserve components and the Coast Guard were presented the Federal Asian-Pacific American Council's Military Meritorious Service Award during the Defense Department's Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month luncheon and military awards ceremony here June 2.


DoD's Personnel Chief Gives Asian-Pacific American History Lesson  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - The Defense Department's top personnel official gave a history lesson about Asian-Pacific Americans' contributions to the defense of the nation to about 800 attendees at the DoD Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month luncheon and military awards ceremony here June 2.


Crash with Bradley Kills Two Iraqis; Citizen Tips Thwart Bombings      

WASHINGTON - Two Iraqi civilians died today when a coalition forces truck and an Iraqi civilian vehicle collided near Khalis in Iraq's Diyala province, military officials in Baghdad reported.


Myers Presented With Singapore's Highest Award  This story contains photos.    

SINGAPORE - America's top military officer received the highest Singaporean award given to foreigners at a ceremony here today.


Rumsfeld Arrives in Singapore for Security Talks  This story contains photos.    

SINGAPORE - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld arrived in this island nation today to meet with local leaders and deliver a speech on security issues facing the Asia-Pacific Region.


DoD Changes Report Date for Recruiting Data      

WASHINGTON - Armed services recruiting information, including that of the reserve components, will now be made available to the public on the 10th day of each month, a Pentagon spokeswoman noted today.


Company Offers Troops, Families Special Father's Day Deal      

WASHINGTON - announced June 1 that it's providing a Father's Day card service for troops and their families.


Military Responders Geared Up for Active Hurricane Season      

WASHINGTON - With forecasters predicting an active hurricane season this year, military responders are geared up for whatever Mother Nature whirls their way.


Soldiers Killed in Combat Operations Near Ramadi      

WASHINGTON - Two soldiers assigned to the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed in action June 1 while conducting combat operations near Ramadi, Iraq, military officials reported today.


Sculptor Employs Talents to 'Welcome Home' Servicemembers  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A sculptor moved by the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks unveiled her talent in the Pentagon today as a "welcome home" gesture to servicemembers everywhere.


Challenge, Change Face USAFA Graduates, Says Vice President  This story contains photos.    

U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. - Vice President Richard B. Cheney told more than 900 graduating cadets here today that they are taking their places as commissioned officers of the most powerful air and space force in the history of mankind.


Bush Discusses Mutual Goals with NATO, South African Leaders      

WASHINGTON - NATO "will stay the course" in furthering the organization's values, Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer affirmed here today following a meeting at the White House with President Bush.


Acting Deputy Secretary England Authorizes Release of BRAC Info      

WASHINGTON - Defense officials today opened a secure reading room containing more information on the Defense Department's base realignment and closure recommendations.


Rumsfeld to Travel to Asia, Europe for Defense Minister Talks      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld departs from Washington early June 2 to attend international security conferences in Singapore and Belgium.


Myers Says 85 Percent of Iraqis Likely to Vote in October      

WASHINGTON - Some 85 percent of Iraqis said they will vote in October elections to ratify a new constitution in October, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said at a Pentagon news conference today, citing recent polling data.


Iraq Asks U.N. to Extend Multinational Force Timetable      

WASHINGTON - Iraq's foreign minister asked the United Nations May 31 to extend its authorization for Multinational Force Iraq to remain in the country.


Terrorists Kill 17 in Mosque; U.S. Treats Injured Afghans      

WASHINGTON - Seventeen people were killed today when a suicide bomber reportedly linked to al Qaeda and the Taliban blew himself up in the Abdul Rub Akhundzadar Mosque in Kandahar province.


Gunships Nail Suspected Foreign-Fighter Safe House in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - U.S. helicopter gunships fired on a suspected foreign-fighter safe house north of the Euphrates River near Husaybah early today, military officials in Iraq reported.


Rumsfeld Defends Servicemembers Accused of Running Gulag      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld defended U.S. military men and women accused of running a "gulag" at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The secretary spoke during a Pentagon press conference today.


NATO Expands Into Western Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - NATO took command of two more provincial reconstruction teams and a forward support base in Afghanistan May 31, expanding the alliance's security and reconstruction mission in the western part of the country.

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