
American Forces Press Service

 June 2002


Rumsfeld: It's Not Helpful to 'Personify' War on Terrorism      

WASHINGTON - The United States would like to capture Osama bin Laden, the al Qaeda terrorist network's leader and financier, "but the problem is much bigger than any one person," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said June 27.


DoD Set to Restart Anthrax Vaccination Program    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Defense Department officials announced today they are restarting a modified Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program now that the vaccine provider has passed Food and Drug Administration scrutiny.


U.S. Pilots Blamed for Friendly Fire Incident    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - A coalition investigation board has blamed two U.S. F-16 fighter pilots, and others in their chain of command, for the April 17 friendly fire incident that killed four Canadian soldiers and injured eight.


Independence Day in a Time of War      

WASHINGTON - For the first time since Vietnam, the United States is at war during Independence Day.


The Changing Nature of Equality      

WASHINGTON - If the men who signed the Declaration of Independence could see America today, they'd probably be astonished.


Central Asia Crucial to War on Terror      

WASHINGTON - The Central Asian countries have been dependable allies in the war against global terrorism, said J.D. Crouch II, assistant defense secretary for international security policy.


Defense to Increase Oversight on Charge Cards      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is moving aggressively to tighten up oversight of issued purchase and travel cards, DoD Comptroller Dov Zakheim said today.


Travel Expenses for Specialty Medical Care May Be Reimbursable      

WASHINGTON - Travel expenses incurred while seeking specialty care are reimbursable in certain circumstances under new TRICARE rules.


Fourth of July Message From the Secretary of Defense      

WASHINGTON - At a critical moment during the Revolutionary War, when his army was surrounded and in danger of being destroyed, General Washington issued this order: "Put only Americans on guard tonight." Washington knew, at that moment of crisis, he could rely on those citizen-soldiers—volunteers who had left behind their families and farms to risk everything for the cause of freedom.


House of Representatives Thanks Nation's Troops  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - It's not often that the entire House of Representatives agrees on one thing. Yet they all agree that the men and women of America's armed forces deserve the nation's thanks.


Independence Day 2002 Message From the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff      

WASHINGTON - When our founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776, they mutually pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to each other and to the world.


Special Coast Guard Unit Patrols Waters Around Gitmo  This story contains photos.    

NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - "Coming Up!" the Coast Guardsman yells, to warn his crew. He's about to push the throttle on his 25-foot Boston whaler's twin 175-horsepower outboard engines.


Iraqi Air Defenses Fire on No-Fly Patrols; Maritime Interdictions Up    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Iraqi air defense weapons fired 10 times on coalition planes enforcing the northern no-fly zone over the past couple of days. The coalition responded this morning by dropping precision-guided munitions on elements of an Iraqi integrated air defense system, the U.S. military's senior officer said in the Pentagon today.


Strategic, Space Commands to Merge      This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department will proceed with the merger of U.S. Space Command and U.S. Strategic Command, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld announced today.


U.S. Involvement in Philippines Might Extend Past July 31 Deadline      This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - U.S. special operations troops' current mission of training Philippine military forces ends July 31, but further U.S. involvement under different parameters is likely after that, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said today.


Leading Man Collects Cash for 9-11 Victims  This story contains photos.    This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - On Sept. 11, actor Michael Nouri and the cast of the musical "South Pacific" witnessed the horror of the World Trade Center attack. The veteran actor of Broadway, movies and television, decided he had to do something to help.


Wolfowitz: Al Qaeda Is an Infectious Disease With No One-Shot Cure    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Success in Afghanistan does not mean victory in the war against terrorism, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul D. Wolfowitz said today.


Guards Leave Personal Feelings Outside the Gate at Camp Delta  This story contains photos.    

NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - When Army Staff Sgt. Ted R. Rogers walks through the gate at Camp Delta here, he doesn't dwell on the fact that some of the captured enemy combatants would kill him if they got a chance.


Military Med Students Pay Attention During WMD Classes      

WASHINGTON - These days, students at DoD's medical school are very attentive during courses about weapons of mass destruction, say senior officials at the facility in Bethesda, Md.


Kadish Describes Missile Defense Progress    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - The United States is as vulnerable to ballistic missile attacks today as it was in the early 1950s, said Air Force Lt. Gen. Ronald Kadish.


U.S. Forces Return Fire in Afghanistan      This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - U.S. forces returned fire after coming under rocket attack yesterday in Afghanistan, Air Force Brig. Gen. John A. Rosa said today at the Pentagon.


David O. Cooke, 'Mayor of the Pentagon' Dies  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The flags at the Defense Department were lowered to half-staff today in honor of the man many called the Mayor of the Pentagon.


U.S. Troops Report Rocket Fire; Brits Find Enemy Weapons      

WASHINGTON - U.S. special operations troops in Afghanistan yesterday reported enemy rocket fire near their positions around the town of Khowst, U.S. officials said.


Italy Signs-On As New Joint Strike Fighter Partner  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Italy today officially signed on as a partner to develop the Joint Strike Fighter.


New Agency Will Focus Priorities, Aid Response    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - President Bush said that his proposed Homeland Security Department would help the government focus resources to protect the nation and allow existing agencies to be more responsive.


U.S. Officials, NATO Look at Alliance Enlargement      

WASHINGTON - The theme for NATO's November summit in Prague, Czech Republic, will be "new capabilities, new members and new relationships," said Ian Brzezinski, deputy assistant defense secretary for NATO and European Affairs.


GITMO General Rates Force Protection High With Detainee Care      

NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - Joint Task Force 160's primary mission is taking care of captured enemy combatants from the war on terrorism, but the outfit's commander emphasizes that the safety and security of his people is as important -- or more so.


Philippine Military Kills Abu Sayyaf Leader      

WASHINGTON - The Philippine military is reporting today it killed a major leader of the Abu Sayyaf terrorist group and two henchmen today in a pre-dawn attack at sea.


Rumsfeld Praises Coalition, Discusses Iran, WMD    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld praised the broad coalition supporting the war on terrorism and said the new relationships forged in this war will help protect peace in the future.


28 Detainees Arrive at Camp Delta      

NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba - Strong winds churned up white caps across Guantanamo Bay June 18 as an Air Force Reserve C-141 Starlifter streamed in for a landing carrying 28 suspected al Qaeda and Taliban members headed for in-processing and detention at Camp Delta here.


New Department's Highest Priority: Prevent Future Attacks      

WASHINGTON - Preventing future terrorist attacks will be the No. 1 priority of the new Department of Homeland Security proposed by President Bush.


Five-Time Olympian Col. Willie Davenport Remembered      

ARLINGTON, Va. - Army National Guard Col. Willie Davenport believed until the day he died that determined and promising young athletes should have the same chances he had to fulfill their Olympic dreams.


DoD Introduces Online Medical Research Library    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - Veterans and service members can now find the Gulf War research-related medical information they want on one central Web site,


U.S. Troops May Observe Philippine Companies on Patrol    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - U.S. special operations forces may soon join Philippine soldiers "in the weeds" to observe and assess operations to root out Abu Sayyaf terrorists in the island nation.


Enemy Forces Fire on U.S. Personnel in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - U.S. special operators came under small-arms fire in two incidents in Afghanistan June 18, Pentagon officials said.


Bush Reaffirms Need for Homeland Defense      

WASHINGTON - President Bush reaffirmed in a speech here today that his most important jobs are to defend the homeland and protect Americans from terrorist killers.


Active or Reserve, There's No Difference -- They Must Depend on Each Other (Revised)  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Each American taking part in Operation Enduring Freedom in and around Afghanistan is combating terrorism in his or her own way. Their duties may vary, but their goal is the same: victory over evil.


DoD Agencies Lauded for Acquisition Innovation    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Six DoD organizations received the David Packard Excellence in Acquisition Award in a Pentagon ceremony today.


Rumsfeld: Terror Arrests Ongoing in 'Great, Large World of Ours'    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - So many countries have heightened their defenses that terrorism suspects are being arrested around the world, often without much fanfare, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said today.


'Terrorists Want to Change Our Way of Life -- We Must Change Theirs'      This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Portuguese Defense Minister Paulo Portas wanted Americans to know today his country stands firmly with them in the war against terrorism.


Operation Mountain Lion Patrols, Weapons Seizures Continue    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - U.S. and coalition forces' continued Operation Mountain Lion patrols in Afghanistan and have reaped "hundreds of thousands" of munitions in recent weeks, Joint Chiefs Chairman Air Force Gen. Richard Myers said today.


Research Study Evaluates Service Members' Health Trends    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - An ongoing DoD health study will ultimately examine health surveys submitted by 140,000 current and former service members across two decades.


DARPA System Looks to Provide Artillery Support      

ARLINGTON, Va. - The original concept was called "Rockets in a Box."


Karzai Elected President of Afghan Transitional Authority      

WASHINGTON - Hamid Karzai has been overwhelmingly elected as president of the Afghan Transitional Authority.


Rumsfeld: Bush's Message on Terrorism 'Getting Through'      

WASHINGTON - After visiting nine countries in 10 days, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld believes much of the rest of the world is listening when President Bush speaks about the risks of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.


Airman Reups on Rumsfeld's Plane at 35,000 Feet  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Air Force Staff Sgt. Ernest Revell was in charge of keeping Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's plane safe at each of 10 stops on a whirlwind overseas tour. He cemented his own commitment to stay on the job by re-enlisting June 13 at 35,000 feet over Amman, Jordan.


Pennsylvania Group Loans Giant U.S. Flag to Pentagon  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - "United We Stand, United We Sew" today loaned the Pentagon a 21-by-31-foot American flag made to honor the victims of the Sept. 11 tragedy.


Rumsfeld: No Evidence of Al Qaeda in Kashmir      

MANAMA, Bahrain - "Scraps of intelligence" that Al Qaeda operatives may be in Kashmir are generally speculative and not verifiable or actionable, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said in Pakistan today.


Bush Signs Health Security, Bioterrorism Act      

WASHINGTON - President Bush signed The Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Act of 2002 Wednesday to enhance the nation's ability to prevent, identify and respond to bioterrorism.


3 Americans Die in MC-130 Crash      

WASHINGTON - Three Americans died in the crash of an MC-130H Combat Talon II aircraft in Afghanistan, June 12.


Meg Falk Planted a Seed; Her Team Made it Grow  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Meg Falk, director of the Defense Department's Family Policy Office, says her leaders and her staff "conspired" to nominate her for a national award for her efforts in the wake of the September 11 attack on the Pentagon.


C-130s Deployed to Fight Colorado Fires    This story contains audio.  

SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE - Four military C- 130 Hercules have joined in the fight to help control wildfires in Colorado that have devastated 90,000 acres of the state southwest of Denver.


MC-130 Special Operations Plane Crashes in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - An Air Force MC-130H Combat Talon II aircraft crashed on takeoff in southeast Afghanistan with 10 Americans aboard.


Rumsfeld Praises India for Steps Forward      

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld wrapped up his visit to India earlier today by praising Indian leaders for their concern and interest in resolving the Kashmir dispute with Pakistan "in an appropriate way."


On Guard in Kyrgyzstan  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - One deployment after another. That's what duty is like for members of the 822nd Security Forces out of Moody Air Force Base in Valdosta, Ga. Their job involves safeguarding U.S. forces in deployed locations.


Rice Calls on Military Grads to Energize National Security  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - New perspectives, new ideas and new energy are needed to combat global terrorism, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice said here Wednesday during commencement ceremonies at the National Defense University.


Myers Challenges 'September 11 Class' at NDU    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - The 495 U.S. military officers, civilians and international students who graduated today from the National Defense University here have forged a special bond, according to Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers.


Intelligence, Not Prosecution, Is U.S. First Priority With Padilla      

NEW DELHI, India - The United States is more interested in extracting intelligence information than in prosecuting Jose Padilla, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said today.


Design Concepts Sought for Pentagon Attack Memorial      

WASHINGTON - DoD officials announced a competition today to choose a design for a memorial to honor those killed in the Pentagon terror attack nine months ago.


Wolfowitz Says Dirty Bomb Plot Highlights WMD Dangers      

WASHINGTON - Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said today the capture of an al Qaeda terrorist highlights the dangers posed by the whole range of weapons of mass destruction.


Defense Secretary Sees 'Hopeful Signs' Prior to India, Pakistan Visit      

NEW DELHI, India - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said this morning he sees "hopeful signs" that tensions are easing in the disputed Kashmir region between India and Pakistan.


Pentagon Wears New Face at Dedication Capsule Ceremony  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - If the Pentagon was a person, it might just be smiling right now as it wears a spanking new coat of bright limestone across its western wall.


Pentagon Project: Under Budget, Ahead of Schedule  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Early Tuesday morning many daily commuters on Route 27 hit their brakes as they passed the site of last year's Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the Pentagon. Some even stopped. For the first time since then, the lights were on inside the reconstructed building.


Rumsfeld Invites Kuwaitis to Visit Their Citizens at Guantanamo      

MANAMA, Bahrain - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said today he has invited Kuwaiti government representatives to visit the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.


Alleged Al Qaeda 'Dirty Bomb' Operative in U.S. Military Custody      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is now holding a terrorist who allegedly was plotting to build and detonate a radioactive "dirty bomb" in the United States.


Rumsfeld: Iraq Lying About Not Having WMD      

MANAMA, Bahrain - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld summarily dismissed Iraq's June 9 statement that it doesn't have weapons of mass destruction and isn't developing them.


India-Pakistan Situation 'Still Tense,' not Escalating      

MANAMA, Bahrain - "It is still a tense situation" in the disputed Kashmir region between India and Pakistan, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said this morning shortly before departing Kuwait.


U.S. Troops 'Combining Latest Technologies With Oldest Virtues'  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  

MANAMA, Bahrain - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told U.S. service members at the Naval Support Activity here this evening that they are combining "the latest technologies with the oldest virtues" -- courage, discipline, honor, integrity.


Rumsfeld Visits U.S. Troops in Kuwait  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  

KUWAIT CITY, Kuwait - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told U.S. troops serving here that the global war on terrorism may have begun in Afghanistan, but it won't end there.


Nordic, Baltic Ministers Discuss Security Cooperation      

TALLINN, Estonia - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld met here today with the defense ministers from the Nordic and Baltic nations to discuss security cooperation in the region, the war on terrorism and the Baltic states' NATO aspirations.


Armitage Reports Situation Cooled Between India, Pakistan      

TALLINN - Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, just off the plane from New Delhi said tensions between India and neighboring Pakistan have eased somewhat.


Rumsfeld: U.S. Had No Prior Knowledge of Hostage Rescue Attempt      

TALLINN, Estonia - The U.S. Defense Department found out about the Philippine hostage rescue when the rest of the world did, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said.


Rumsfeld Thanks NATO AWACS Troops      

GEILENKIRCHEN, Germany - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld stopped briefly at this NATO air base to thank international airmen that flew missions over the United States for several months after Sept. 11.


No U.S. Involvement in Hostage Rescue from Philippine Terror Group      

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Joint Chiefs Chairman Air Force Gen. Richard Myers said here today there was no U.S. involvement in the hostage rescue in the Philippines.


Rescue Attempt Bolsters U.S., Philippine Resolve Against Terrorists      

WASHINGTON - Although not completely successful, today's attempt by Philippine commandos to rescue an American missionary couple and a Philippine woman held captive by terrorists has bolstered U.S.-Philippine determination to defeat the terrorists, U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said here today.


Bush Proposes New Homeland Security Department      

WASHINGTON - President Bush will ask Congress to create the Department of Homeland Security, a new cabinet position the sole mission of which is to protect the American homeland.


Operation Mountain Lion Continues, Task Force Assumes Control      

WASHINGTON - Operation Mountain Lion continues in the mountains of southeastern Afghanistan, said Defense Department officials.


NATO Addresses Need to Properly Organize, Equip Forces for Future      

BRUSSELS, Belgium - NATO Secretary-General George Robertson told alliance defense ministers today that the Sept. 11 attacks in America make clear the continuing needs for defense and military preparedness.


Defense Leaders to Revamp WMD Defense, Review Command Structure    This story contains audio.  

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Defense against weapons of mass destruction and a review of the NATO command structure topped the docket here today during meetings of defense leaders from NATO countries.


The Many Languages of Afghan Boot Camp  This story contains photos.    

KABUL, Afghanistan - English. Dari. Pashtu.


First Step in India-Pakistan Peace 'Stepping Away From the Brink'      

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his British counterpart, Minister of Defence Geoffrey Hoon, compared notes in London earlier today and agreed on the first step in resolving tensions between India and Pakistan.


Wolfowitz Says U.S. Must Encourage Moderate Muslim States      

WASHINGTON - East Asia's history of religious and ethnic tolerance can be a model for the Muslim world, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said today at the Hoover Institute Symposium here.


British MOD: Attacks on U.S., British Fliers in Iraq Increasing  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Iraqi forces have resumed stepped-up attacks on U.S. and British fliers enforcing the northern and southern no-fly zones in that country, the British defense minister told American reporters today.


Rumsfeld Begins 10-day Overseas Trip in London  This story contains photos.    

LONDON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld arrived this morning in London on the first stop in a 10-day trip to several parts of the world.


Success of Philippine Policy Stems From U.S. Military Men and Women  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The success of U.S. policy in the Philippines rests squarely on the shoulders of the "extraordinary capabilities of our young men and women" serving there, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said today at the Hoover Institute Symposium here.


NORAD-Sponsored Exercise Prepares For Worst-Case Scenarios      

WASHINGTON - The first part of today's multiagency, bilateral air security exercise sponsored by the North American Aerospace Defense Command is already a "go."


Bush Says America's Freedom Is 'Nonnegotiable'      

WASHINGTON - The United States must have "the best intelligence possible" in the war against the "shadowy enemy" of terrorism, President Bush said June 3 in Little Rock, Ark.


A Wartime Romance  This story contains photos.    

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan - Family separations are routine in the military. Men and women in America's armed forces often have to bid a temporary farewell to spouses, fiancé(e)s, parents and children.


Rumsfeld Discusses India-Pakistan Situation, Pending Visit    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today shared his thoughts about the current military standoff between India and Pakistan shortly before departing on a trip to Europe, the Middle East and South Asia to check security ties and visit U.S. troops.


Basilan: Before. After. After That?  This story contains photos.    

BASILAN ISLAND, Philippines - Basilan Island before: a lawless fiefdom of terrorist groups and thugs. One of the groups, Abu Sayyaf, is affiliated with Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist network.


Afghan Firefight Results in 'Friendly Force' Casualties      

WASHINGTON - American and allied Afghan military forces conducting a raid May 31 mistakenly fired on other friendly Afghan troops, killing two and wounding three, a U.S. military official reported from Afghanistan today.


Wolfowitz Meets with U.S. Troops in Philippines      

BASILAN ISLAND, The Philippines - Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz met with U.S. service members fighting the war on terrorism in a different, vital manner.


Sept. 11 Re-energized DoD Bio-terrorism Protection Efforts      

WASHINGTON - The Sept. 11 terrorist assaults have caused military health officials to step up research and strategies in protecting service members against potential biological attacks.


Rumsfeld Trip Includes NATO, India, Pakistan, Mideast Stops      

WASHINGTON - The war on terrorism and relations between India and Pakistan represent two hot topics on Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's agenda as he begins a trip tomorrow that will span Europe, South Asia and the Middle East, senior DoD officials said today.


Asia Comes to Grips With Terrorism      

SINGAPORE - The governments of Asia understand that terrorism is a threat to the well-being of the region. Getting their people to understand the threat is another story.


Wolfowitz Meets With Philippine President  This story contains photos.    

MANILA - Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz met with Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to discuss on-going counterterrorism training in her country.


Bush: West Point Grads Answer History's Call to Duty      

WASHINGTON - President Bush today told graduates of U.S. Military Academy's Class of 2002 at West Point, N.Y., that America's war against terrorism is an unprecedented confrontation between good and evil.


Wolfowitz Stresses Global Terror Threat to Asia  This story contains photos.    

SINGAPORE - The war on terrorism's effect in Asia, building bridges to moderate Muslims and the continued U.S. involvement in the Asia-Pacific region were highlights of Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz's speech here June 1.

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