
American Forces Press Service

 December 2009


Mullen Underscores Importance of Academy Experience  This story contains photos.    

FORT WORTH, TEXAS - On hand for a pair of service academy football bowl games in Texas, Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, emphasized the importance of looking at an academy experience as a potential for launching careers as military officers.


Military Academy Bowl Victories Shine Light on Armed Forces  This story contains photos.    

FORT WORTH, TEXAS - Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, traveled to Fort Worth, Texas, to support the Air Force Falcons and to accept an award on behalf of the 2.2 million men and women in the armed forces.


Forces Capture Militants, Seize Weapons      

KABUL - Afghan and international security forces captured suspected militants and seized weapons in Afghanistan, military officials reported.


Face of Defense: Career Counselor Continues Mission in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA, Iraq - Army Staff Sgt. Brain K. Pascual likes to get out and tell soldiers about their re-enlistment options as part of his work as a career counselor in Iraq.


Marines, Sailors Undertake Deployment in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

HELMAND PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Walking off the ramp of a C-17 cargo plane, members of the 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment arrived on Camp Bastion. For some, this marks their first deployment.


Rodriguez Calls Partnerships Key to Afghan Success      

WASHINGTON - Building partnerships and understanding the nature of Afghanistan and its people are keys to achieving success in that country, said Army Lt. Gen. David Rodriguez, the commander of NATO’s Joint Command in an interview.


Servicemember Voting Laws Reflect Changes      

WASHINGTON - The director of the Federal Voting Assistance Program explains the changes to voting laws and how officials are working to expedite the voting process for servicemembers.


National Guard Supports New Year's Security      

LATHAM, N.Y - As New Yorkers and visitors gear up for New Year’s Eve celebrations, National Guard soldiers and airmen will remain on duty in support of homeland security missions across the state.


Funds Help Nations Develop Counterterrorism Capabilities      

WASHINGTON - Capable partner nations help fight terrorist networks, reducing stress on U.S. forces, and this year, the Defense Department has $350 million available to help nations that need assistance in developing such counterterrorism capabilities.


Mullen Delivers Pep Talk to Air Force Falcon Football Team  This story contains photos.    

FORT WORTH, Texas - U.S. Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, gave the U.S. Air Force Academy Falcons footballers a quick pep talk before their college bowl game against the University of Houston, reminding them that have already achieved much.


Program Helps Servicemembers Transition to Civilian Life      

WASHINGTON - The Department of Defense’s Transition Assistance Program is working to prepare troops and families for a successful transition to civilian life.


Air Force Medical Personnel Train Iraqi Counterparts      

JOINT BASE BALAD, Iraq - U.S. Air Force Theater Hospital personnel are training Iraqi medical personnel in burn care, focusing on proper medical evaluation techniques.


Metz Hands Bomb Defeat Organization Reins to Oates  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Defeating improvised explosive devices, terrorists' weapon of choice, will remain a priority for the Defense Department, Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III said during a ceremony to install a new director to lead the fight.


Coalition Forces Capture Insurgents, Seize Weapons      

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces killed several militants, detained suspected insurgents and confiscated weapons in Afghanistan.


Officials Encourage Guard, Reserve to Honor Employers      

ARLINGTON, Va. - Guard and Reserve officials say support from employers is more critical than ever with ongoing global operations and want troops to nominate their companies for the annual Employer Support for the Guard awards.


Community Partnerships Help Families of Deployed Soldiers      

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - The Army has hired 61 community support coordinators to help connect geographically dispersed military members and their families with community-based support.


Face of Defense: Civilian Turns Computer Parts into Artwork  This story contains photos.    

SOUTHWEST ASIA - A civilian administrator working for the Air Force in Southwest Asia transforms old computer parts into works of art. His favorite sculpture is a robot.


Team Provides Expertise to Afghan Workers  This story contains photos.    

KONAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Military and civilian members of Konar's provincial reconstruction team are training Afghans to build structures to exact engineering specifications.


‘Fly the Flag’ Program Reaches Milestone in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA, Iraq - Soldiers in Iraq fly donated U.S. flags at Multinational Division South’s headquarters for “Fly the Flag” program.


Iraqi Forces Arrest Terrorist Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi forces, aided by U.S. advisors, arrested nine suspected terrorists in Iraq.


Forces Capture Taliban Commanders in Afghanistan      

KABUL - Afghan and international security forces captured some Taliban commanders and other suspected militants and seized weapons in Kandahar and Khowst, Afghanistan.


Task Force Conducts Bomb Training With Philippine Police  This story contains photos.    

ZAMBOANGA, Philippines - Members of Joint Special Operations Task Force Philippines taught Philippine National Police officers how to identify homemade bombs during training conducted in Zamboanga del Norte province.


Female Marines, Sailors Assist Afghan Women  This story contains photos.    

HELMAND PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Marines and sailors are working to improve their interaction with Afghan women so they can better help them with medical and humanitarian assistance needs.


Toxic Materials Training Helps Keep Servicemembers Safe  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA, Iraq - Soldiers and sailors conducted a 10-day Toxic Industrial Chemical Protection and Detection Equipment training exercise in Iraq to ensure the servicemembers are prepared for any situation.


Face of Defense: Sailor Battles Malnutrition in Afghanistan      

BREMERTON, Wash. - Navy Chief Petty Officer Connie Smith, a hospital corpsman, is helping to combat malnutrition in Afghanistan through the Strong Food Project.


Georgia Air Guard Teams With Fighting 48th in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

NANGARHAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Georgia Air National Guardsmen assigned to the 165th Air Support Operations Squadron are providing support to 48th Infantry Brigade soldiers in eastern Afghanistan.


Rule of Law Director Discusses Iraqi Transitions      

WASHINGTON - U.S. forces are training and advising Iraqi officials in forensics, evidence collection, human rights and how a legal system is managed in a democracy.


Guard Members Respond to Holiday Storms      

ARLINGTON, Va. - More than 100 National Guard soldiers and airmen responded over the holiday weekend to support callouts by governors in four Midwest states hit by severe winter weather.


Obama: U.S. Will Strengthen Defenses, Pressure Extremists      

WASHINGTON - The United States will not only strengthen defenses, but seek out those who wish Americans harm “anywhere they are plotting attacks against the U.S. homeland,” President Barack Obama said in the wake of an attempt to blow up an American aircraft Christmas Day.


Iraqi Forces Arrest Terrorism Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi forces, aided by U.S. advisors, arrested several suspected terrorists and seized weapons, military officials reported.


Forces Detain Suspected Militants in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Afghan and international security forces detained several suspected militants, including a Taliban commander, in Afghanistan in recent days, military officials reported.


Official Lauds Yemeni Government for Taking on al-Qaida      

WASHINGTON - The Yemeni government deserves praise for taking on the al-Qaida threat in that country, said a Defense Department official.


DoD Looks at Long-term Effects of Burn Pits      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department has launched a study on the possible long-term effects of the smoke emitted from burn pits used in overseas locations such as Iraq.


Face of Defense: Soldier Aims to Scale Highest Peak  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE, Basra, Iraq - Army Staff Sgt. Daniel Bari, a medic serving with the 34th Infantry Division in Iraq, plans to climb mountains, including the world's highest peak, after he departs Iraq.


Afghan District Governor Hails Rebuilding Projects      

NOW ZAD, Afghanistan - Afghanistan’s Now Zad district governor greeted more than 100 local citizens of a once-abandoned market that was cleared by U.S. Marines and Afghan security forces.


U.S. Scouts Advise, Assist Iraqi Commandos      

CONTINGENCY OPERATING STATION GARRYOWEN, Iraq - U.S. Army scouts are instructing Iraqi commando leaders how to be more effective trainers for their soldiers so the Iraqis can continue quality training after the drawdown of U.S. forces.


Marines Serve in Afghanistan With Pride  This story contains photos.    

HELMAND PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Marines of 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion are serving in southern Afghanistan with pride, despite the hardship of being away from their families during the holidays.


Marine Spouses Send Thousands of Beanie Babies to Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - In this season of giving, America has not forgotten her troops or their mission overseas. Thousands have contributed their time, energy and Beanie Babies in order to assist Marines in gaining the respect and confidence of the Afghan population.


Forces in Afghanistan Detain Suspects, Find Weapons      

KABUL - Afghan and international security forces in Afghanistan detained numerous suspected militants and seized weapons stockpiles in various operations today, military officials reported.


Soldiers Meet With Leaders in Remote Afghan Province  This story contains photos.    

PARWAN PROVINCE, Afghanistan - About 45 Task Force Cyclone members arrived by helicopter in Afghanistan’s mountainous Parwan province on a mission to find out how to better serve a remote village there.


Minnesotans Pack Cookies for Deployed Soldiers  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA, Iraq - Volunteers from several charities and troop-support groups teamed with a local baker in Minnesota to pack up 10,000 cookies to send to troops assigned to the Minnesota National Guard's 34th Infantry Division who are deployed to Iraq.


Face of Defense: Blind Officer Completes Course  This story contains photos.    

FORT BENNING, Ga. - The first blind student to attend the Maneuver Captain's Career Course at Fort Benning, Ga., has completed the 20-week course that prepares soldiers for company commands and serving as staff officers at the battalion and brigade levels.


Airmen, ‘Soldier Santas’ Conduct Toy Drop  This story contains photos.    

POPE AIR FORCE BASE, N.C. - On Dec. 6, it was not a team of reindeer, but Air Force Maj. Jeff Dasher, a navigator in the 95th Airlift Squadron here, who guided the mission for the 440th Airlift Wing's C-130 Hercules that flew a group of “Soldier Santas” across the morning sky.


Civilians Provide Holiday Cheer to Troops, Families      

WASHINGTON - Servicemembers and their families continue to enjoy tremendous support from American civilians, but at no time of the year is that support greater than during the holidays.


USO Offers Respite From Traveling Frenzy  This story contains photos.    

BALTIMORE - As the rest of the Baltimore airport bustled with holiday travelers, its USO Lounge offered military travelers -- many returning home from overseas deployments -- a welcome sanctuary of solace.


Redeploying Troops Get Holiday Homecoming  This story contains photos.    

BALTIMORE - Two days before Christmas, the longest line at the Baltimore airport wasn’t at a ticket counter, or at security checkpoints. It was at the international terminal, where hundreds of well-wishers lined up to welcome about 150 troops home from combat deployments.


Naval Research Lab Studies Solar Storms      

WASHINGTON - Scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory are working to prevent a host of catastrophic events, all possible reactions from a single source: the sun.


Obama Taps Winnefeld to Head Northcom, NORAD      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama has nominated Navy Vice Adm. James A. “Sandy” Winnefeld Jr. to be the next commander of U.S. Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Command.


Virginia Tech Coach Tries to Inspire Troops      

WASHINGTON - Just in time for the college bowl season, troops in Afghanistan and Iraq will receive team-dynamics videos featuring Virginia Tech football coach Frank Beamer in an effort to promote resilience and team spirit that could help give troops an edge.


Iraqi Forces Arrest 7 Terrorism Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi security forces working with U.S. advisors arrested seven terrorism suspects during two security operations, military officials reported.


Forces in Afghanistan Kill, Detain Militants      

KABUL - Afghan and international forces in Afghanistan killed or detained numerous militants in various operations, military officials reported.


Soldiers Work With Afghan Border Police  This story contains photos.    

KHOST PROVINCE, Afghanistan - On a rugged Afghan mountaintop, less than two miles from the Taliban stronghold in Pakistan's Northern Waziristan, U.S. soldiers are working with Afghan border police, and using a wealth of firepower, to keep the peace.


Military Families Weather Holidays, Deployments  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Military families are coming up with creative ways to cope with separations during the holidays and sharing tips to help each other.


Soldiers Work Toward Iraqi Province’s Future  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE ADDER, Iraq - A company of soldiers with the 1st Battalion's 77th Armor Regiment, is leading the way in the “advise and assist” mission of the 1st Armored Division’s 4th Brigade as it assists the provincial reconstruction team in Iraq’s Muthanna province.


Face of Defense: Doctor Serves to Repay America  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Jason Huang survived the 1989 uprising in China's Tiananmen Square, then became a neurosurgeon in the United States. Now he is an Army Reserve major working to help troops suffering from brain injuries.


General Cites Reasons for Pregnancy Provision in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - An Army general in Iraq is going beyond the typical protocol to ensure every able-bodied soldier in his unit stays fit to fight, even if it means punishing troops for engaging in sexual activities while deployed.


Forces Kill, Capture Militants in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Combined international and Afghan forces conducted multiple operations in southern and eastern Afghanistan, killing and capturing numerous insurgents.


Agency Provides Holiday Meals to Deployed Troops      

PHILADELPHIA - It may not be Mom’s home cooking, but the Defense Logistics Agency is making sure deployed troops eat a meal that tastes just as good.


Pentagon Officials Identify Troops for Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Defense Department officials identified 6,000 servicemembers to deploy in 2010 as part of President Barack Obama’s order to increase the U.S. footprint in Afghanistan.


Iraqi Forces Arrest Terrorism Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Iraq security forces, working with U.S. advisors, arrested 15 terrorism suspects, some of them cell leaders, in Iraq.


Chairman Sends Holiday Message to Troops, Families      

WASHINGTON - Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, issued a special holiday message for military members and their families.


Teleconference Links Soldiers With Benefits Experts  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA, Iraq - The Minnesota National Guard’s 34th Infantry Division recently hosted a city hall teleconference in St. Cloud, Minn., showcasing the individuals and organizations the soldiers of central Minnesota will deal with when they return home.


Carolers Spread Cheer at Bagram  This story contains photos.    

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Army soldiers and civilians spread good cheer this holiday season to U.S., coalition and Afghan audiences in what they have dubbed “Operation Caroling.”


President Signs 2010 Defense Budget Into Law      

WASHINGTON - Defense officials are hailing passage of the fiscal 2010 budget that funds military programs and wartime operations in Afghanistan and Iraq and provides a military pay raise.


Face of Defense: Third-generation Paratrooper Deploys  This story contains photos.    

CAMP RAMADI, Iraq - Sgt. 1st Class John Bushnell was an excellent Army recruiter. But he came from a family of paratroopers and now is part of that tradition after 13 years in the service.


Gates Praises Those Who Answer Nation’s Call      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates praised young Americans who have answered the nation’s call to duty in a commencement address at Indiana University.


Mullen Updates, Changes Joint Guidance  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy takes primacy in the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s guidance for 2010. Navy Adm. Mike Mullen signed the guidance, which goes to members of the Joint Staff and informs the joint force, on his plane after finishing a trip to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.


Guard Responds to Record Northeast Snowfall  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - National Guardsmen in seven states were called to duty over the weekend after a record snowfall blanketed the Northeast.


Mullen Assesses Strategy During Trip to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan  This story contains photos.    

ABOARD A U.S. MILITARY PLANE - Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said his trip to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq has given him an opportunity to assess changes in strategy and meet the men and women who will carry out that strategy.


Teamwork Key to Iraqi Security, Mullen Says  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - The teamwork between Iraqi and American security forces is behind the vast improvements in Iraq, said Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


Hill, Odierno Discuss Iraq Election, Relations With Iran  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - Iraq “is not going to be pushed around” by Iran, said the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Christopher Hill.


Clinton, Gates Urge Appropriations Bill Passage      

WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates issued a joint statement encouraging Senate passage of the Defense Appropriations Bill.


Department’s ‘COO’ Keeps Eye on Warfighters  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A self-described “recovering budget geek” who spent four years as the Pentagon comptroller, Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III said what drives him as he crunches numbers and scrutinizes programs is knowing their impact on front-line troops.


Archaeologists Preserve Underwater Heritage      

WASHINGTON - Archaeologists with the U.S. Navy History and Heritage Command are conducting underwater research to study wrecks, recover artifacts and preserve Navy history.


Mullen Points Out Progress in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

TALIL, Iraq - Iraq has made remarkable progress in a short while, said the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during a news conference in Talil, Iraq.


Commission Examines Contracting Issues      

WASHINGTON - Improved oversight and management of civilian contracts should result in better stewardship of U.S. tax dollars, said a military commander formerly involved with Afghan training.


Civilian Team Leaders Praise Advise, Assist Brigade      

BAGHDAD - The “advise and assist brigade” concept is a hit with leaders of the provincial reconstruction teams in southern Iraq.


Results, Not Talk, Needed in Afghanistan, Mullen Says  This story contains photos.    

ABOARD AN AIR FORCE C-17 - Results, not talk, are what’s important in Afghanistan now, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said while en route to Iraq after visiting Afghanistan.


Mullen Praises Stryker Soldiers in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

FORWARD OPERATING BASE FRONTENAC, Afghanistan - During a trip to Afghanistan, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff praised the soldiers of the 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry, for their service in Kandahar province, saying the unit has made a difference.


Afghan Town’s Progress Provides Encouragement  This story contains photos.    

NAWA, Afghanistan - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff toured Nawa, Afghanistan, witnessing a transformation in security and prosperity that did not exist when U.S. Marines first deployed there in July.


Gates Encourages Graduates to Seek Public Service  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates challenged the graduates of the University of Georgia to consider the obligations of service, citizenship and patriotism as they move forward into the next chapter of their lives.


ISAF Officials Investigate Civilian Casualty Claims      

KABUL - The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force is sending a team to work with Afghan officials in assessing reports of civilian casualties as a result of an operation in the Shah Wali Kot district of Afghanistan’s Kandahar province.


Iraqi Forces Target Assassination Cell      

BAGHDAD - Iraqi security forces arrested two suspected members of an al-Qaida in Iraq cell responsible for making bombs and attacking government officials during a combined security operation in western Baghdad.


Contractor Keeps Lights on at Iraq Base  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA, Iraq - Contractors with an Iraqi company work six days per week alongside U.S. soldiers at Contingency Operating Base Basra, Iraq, to ensure constant electricity, hot showers and well-lit avenues.


New Afghan Road Benefits Families, Commerce  This story contains photos.    

KUNAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Traveling through Afghanistan, has become easier for hundreds of Afghan families, thanks to recently completed new roads.


Mullen Discusses Elections, Logistics in Iraq      

BASRA, Iraq - Discussions about upcoming elections and the withdrawal of American troops are highlighting Navy Adm. Mike Mullen’s visit to Iraq.


H1N1 Pediatric Vaccine Recalled for Low Potency, Not Safety      

WASHINGTON - Some supplies of a pediatric version of the H1N1 vaccine have been voluntarily recalled because they are slightly less potent than the manufacturer indicated, officials said.


U.S.-Pakistani Talks Focus on Long-Term Partnership      

WASHINGTON - The United States is committed to a long-term strategic partnership with Pakistan that’s critical to the success of President Barack Obama’s new Afghanistan strategy, senior U.S. leaders assured their Pakistani counterparts during a recent consultative session.


Doctors Perform Groundbreaking Surgery at Walter Reed  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Doctors from Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the University of Miami performed the first pancreas islet cell transplant on an airman whose pancreas was injured so severely in Afghanistan that it had to be removed.


Mullen Tours Afghanistan Market With Marines  This story contains photos.    

NAWA, Afghanistan - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff visited Patrol Base Jaker in Afghanistan's Helmand province to tour the base and the Nawa district center and spend time with Marines and sailors assigned there.


Researcher Shares Cold Safety Tips for Soldiers      

WASHINGTON - Researchers at the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine are coming up with ways to sustain soldiers’ performance in environmental extremes.


McChrystal Praises Canada’s Afghanistan Contributions      

WASHINGTON - The demonstrated bravery and resolve of the nearly 3,000 Canadian forces serving in Afghanistan reflects the necessary commitment, said the commander of U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan.


Security Forces in Baghdad Crack Down on al-Qaida      

BAGHDAD - Iraqi security forces with U.S. advisors arrested a suspected leader of a terrorist group operating in southern Baghdad and followed up with four more operations targeting the Baghdad al-Qaida in Iraq network.


Forces in Afghanistan Detain Suspected Militants      

KABUL - Combined Afghan and international security forces detained several militants in three operations around Afghanistan, military officials reported.


Marines Mentor Afghan Marksmen  This story contains photos.    

NAWA, Afghanistan - More than a dozen Afghan soldiers joined a squad of Marines near Nawa, Afghanistan recently to improve their combat marksmanship.


Korea Command Focuses on Quality of Life      

WASHINGTON - Improving the quality of life for servicemembers and their families stationed in South Korea is a top priority, the commander of U.S. Forces Korea said during a “DODLive” bloggers roundtable interview.


Face of Defense: Recruiter, 80, Still Brings in Soldiers  This story contains photos.    

FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, Md. - Retired Army Sgt. Maj. Raymond Moran has a hard time getting around -- not because of any ailments, but because the Reserve recruiter knows so many people.


Soldiers Prepare for Iraqi Elections  This story contains photos.    

FORWARD OPERATING BASE KALSU, Iraq - With Iraq’s national elections approaching, U.S. soldiers are preparing to support the Iraqi army and police while remaining in the background.


Combatant Commands Conduct Missile Exercise      

SUFFOLK, Va. - U.S. Joint Forces Command, in partnership with U.S. Strategic Command, has concluded a two-day proof-of-concept missile exercise in Suffolk, Va..


Military Housing Allowance Rates Set for 2010      

WASHINGTON - Military members will see an average raise of 2.5 percent in housing allowance rates in 2010.


Law Allows Spouses to Keep Residency While Under Orders      

WASHINGTON - A new law protects military spouses from being taxed for work performed in states where they’re living outside their home states as a result of military orders.


Test Undermines Iranian Claims, Official Says      

WASHINGTON - Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell expressed concern over Iran’s reported test-fire of a medium-range missile, saying it undermines Tehran’s claim of peaceful intentions regarding its nuclear program.


Mullen Tours Reclaimed Pakistani Province      

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff got a first-hand look at Taliban tactics during a tour of Pakistan’s Swat province.


First Lady Delivers ‘Toys for Tots’ Donation  This story contains photos.    

STAFFORD, Va. - First Lady Michelle Obama delivered a van full of toys and a holiday message of giving to volunteers at the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots distribution center in Stafford, Va.


Logistics ‘Bridge’ Supports Afghan Conflict      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department moves troops and supplies into land-locked Afghanistan via an air-and-land logistics “bridge” that transits Central Asia, said a senior defense official at a Capitol Hill hearing.


Armed Forces ‘Strong, Healthy, Ready,’ Survey Says      

FALLS CHURCH, Va. - Members of the armed forces are strong, healthy and ready to accomplish their mission, a survey of their health-related behaviors has revealed.


Task Force Helps Flooded Communities Heal  This story contains photos.    

ILOPONGO, El Salvador - Flood-stricken residents of the Salvadoran city of Ilopongo are getting relief from U.S. Central Command forces, the U.S. Agency for International Development and a number of nongovernmental aid organizations.


South Dakota Engineers Stay on Mission  This story contains photos.    

NEAR SHARAN, Afghanistan - For a South Dakota National Guard unit, dangerous convoys through Afghanistan's rugged terrain is all in a day's work.


Iraqis Target Terrorists in Baghdad      

BAGHDAD - Iraqi security forces arrested two suspected terrorists during a combined security operation targeting the Kataib Hezbollah terrorist network in northeastern Baghdad.


Forces in Afghanistan Detain Taliban Commanders      

KABUL - Combined Afghan and international forces detained four Taliban commanders and other suspected militants in three operations in two Afghanistan provinces, military officials reported.


Jones: Pending Detainee Transfer Resolves Security Issue      

WASHINGTON - The planned transfer of fewer than 100 detainees held at the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to a little-used Illinois prison resolves “a national security issue of the highest order,” National Security Advisor James L. Jones said.


Face of Defense: Vietnam Vet Serves in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

AL ASAD AIR BASE, Iraq - Marine Corps 1st Sgt. Viriato B. Sena is applying some of what he learned in the evacuation of Saigon to the drawdown in Iraq.


‘Signaleers’ Keep Communications Open  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE ADDER, Iraq - U.S. soldiers known as the"signaleers" make sure troops can communicate with each other, and their loved ones back home.


Afghan Women’s Police Training Center Opens  This story contains photos.    

NANGARHAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan - The first Afghan National Police training center exclusively for women has opened in Jalalabad.


Official Urges More U.S.-Pakistan Military Contacts      

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Though American and Pakistani soldiers are interacting at an unprecedented rate, that trend needs to gain momentum, said a senior U.S. embassy official in Islamabad, Pakistan.


Conway Notes Importance of Iraq Mission      

WASHINGTON - Despite a new U.S. strategy for Afghanistan that entails sending 30,000 additional American forces, the more important operation for the Marine Corps is Iraq, the service’s top officer said.


Officials Seek Feedback on Family Programs      

WASHINGTON - Defense officials have launched virtual “listening sessions” in hopes of gaining more insight into the effectiveness of military family programs.


Some Guantanamo Detainees to Move to Illinois Prison      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama’s administration plans to transfer a limited number of detainees held at the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to a prison in rural western Illinois, senior administration officials said.


U.S.-South Korean Alliance Gains Strength      

WASHINGTON - With a handover of the security lead looming on the horizon, the U.S.-South Korean security alliance has grown tighter this year in the wake of provocations by North Korea, the commander of U.S. forces in South Korea said.


Mullen Tours Bases, Outposts in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff met with U.S, NATO and Afghan forces based throughout Afghanistan’s Regional Command East.


Mullen Stresses Building U.S.-Pakistan Trust      

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told the students of Pakistan’s National Defense University that he is not interested in revisiting the history between Pakistan and the United States.


Crime Lab Casts Net Ahead of Cyber Criminals      

WASHINGTON - A Defense Department contest that challenges participants to solve imaginary crimes also helps real investigators stay ahead of the growing threat of Cyber security.


Commanders Look to Boost Security Force Training      

WASHINGTON - Preparations are under way for the arrival of soldiers in Afghanistan to focus on a key goal of the troop surge: recruiting, equipping and training Afghan security forces.


Forces Detain Taliban Commander, Kill Militants      

KABUL - A combined Afghan-international security force detained a Taliban commander and other militants in Afghanistan today, and militants caught planting a roadside bomb were killed.


Iraqi Forces Arrest 9 Terrorism Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi security forces arrested nine suspected terrorists in four operations, military officials reported.


Partnership in Iraq Provides School Supplies  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Police in Iraq’s Babil province soon will distribute 2,000 backpacks filled with school supplies donated by the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division's 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team to the children in their province.


Meals Bring Marines Together in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

HELMAND PROVINCE, Afghanistan - A unit of Marines doing police mentoring work in Helmand province, Afghanistan, are using their Marine ingenuity to have nightly 'home-cooked' meals.


Face of Defense: Afghans Bid ‘Colonel Bill’ Farewell  This story contains photos.    

HELMAND PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Marines and local Afghan leaders gathered in Helmand province to bid farewell to one special Marine who forged strong ties with residents in the battle-torn province.


Key to Afghanistan Success Lies in Southern Provinces      

WASHINGTON - The road to success in Afghanistan goes through the south, a former commander of international forces there said.


South Korea on Track to Assume Defense Lead      

WASHINGTON - South Korea’s military is on track to assume the lead for its nation’s defense as scheduled a little more than two years from now, the top U.S. military officer posted there said.


‘Balancing Act’ Stresses Reservists, General Says  This story contains photos.    

BETHESDA, Md. - Reservists face unique challenges that may be tipping their stress level over that of their active-duty counterparts, a health affairs official said.


General Wants Troops Ready for ‘Complex Human Terrain’      

KABUL - U.S. troops need to be prepared to operate in a “complex human terrain” when they arrive in Afghanistan, the commander of International Security Assistance Force Joint Command said in Kabul.


Services Meet November Active-duty Recruiting Goals      

WASHINGTON - The active-duty services met or exceeded their November recruiting goals, Defense Department officials announced.


Afghan Insurgency More Pervasive, Mullen Says      

KABUL - The insurgency in Afghanistan has become more pervasive, more sophisticated and more violent, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said in Kabul.


Forces Kill Militants in Eastern Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - A combined Afghan and international security force killed five enemy militants and detained another in Afghanistan’s Laghman province while pursuing a Taliban bomb maker linked to several attacks in the area.


Iraqis Arrest 4 Terrorism Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi soldiers and police arrested four terrorism suspects in two operations yesterday, military officials reported.


Military Study Expands to Include Families      

BETHESDA, Md. - A Defense Department study that explores the long-term health effects of military service, including deployments, will expand its scope to military families starting in June.


Marines Send Taliban Into Hiding  This story contains photos.    

HELMAND PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Advance notice of a Taliban stronghold in Afghanistan enabled a Marine company to arrive so prepared that they've seen little of the enemy.


Bagram Post Office Kicks Into High Gear  This story contains photos.    

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - The post office at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, is overflowing with cards, letters and packages sent from the states to share holiday cheer with the troops.


Soldiers, Families Fund Iraqi Baby’s Surgery  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - A North Carolina National Guard troop and their family and friends have brought the gift of sight to an Iraqi baby born blind with congenital cataracts.


Volunteers Place 16,000 Wreaths at Arlington  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - About 6,000 volunteers helped place 16,000 wreaths on graves at Arlington National Cemetery in honor of America's fallen heroes.


U.S., Russia Make Progress on Nuclear Reduction Agreement      

WASHINGTON - The United States and Russia are making progress on a pledge to reach an agreement on a nuclear weapons reduction pact to replace a long-standing bilateral treaty that expired.


Marine Offense Gives Afghan City Second Chance  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A battalion of Marines in southern Afghanistan now has the upper hand in a city they believed to be a Taliban stronghold, said a senior Marine Corps officer in Helmand province.


Face of Defense: Dad Returns ‘Home’ to Military  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE ADDER, Iraq - Sgt. Billy Willingham left the Army and spent the next 17 years looking for his career "home." Now he's found it -- back in the Army.


Families Can See Off, Greet Troops at Airport Gates      

WASHINGTON - Military families should check with individual airlines as to whether they may meet their servicemember loved ones at airline gates, a Transportation Security Administration officials says.


Spouse Describes Impact of Post-traumatic Stress  This story contains photos.    

BETHESDA - Sheri Hall doesn't want any military family to go through what hers did when her husband, Army Maj. Jeff Hall, suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. As part of her outreach efforts, she recently spoke at a National Institutes of Health conference.


Conference Explores Trauma’s Impact on Families  This story contains photos.    

BETHESDA - The nation must move beyond the “suck it up and drive on” military culture of the past and look to a future that puts psychological injuries on par with physical ones, the Army’s highest-ranking psychiatrist said.


Army Suicide Rate Increases Five Straight Years      

WASHINGTON - The rate of soldier suicides this year exceeded the 2008 total with 147 reports through November, marking the fifth consecutive year the service’s suicide rate has increased.


Iraqis Arrest 7 in Multiple Operations      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi security forces arrested seven terrorism suspects in multiple operations in Iraq today, military officials reported.


Chairman Marks National Guard’s 373rd Birthday      

WASHINGTON - Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, issued a message today commemorating 373 years of service by the National Guard.


Navy Program Reduces Sailors’ Stress      

WASHINGTON - A Navy program seeks to create an environment where sailors, commands and families can thrive in the midst of stressful operations.


Program Manager Explains Delay in ‘Stop Loss’ Claims      

WASHINGTON - After an initial delay caused by software and manpower issues, the first retroactive payments will be disbursed to soldiers who were retained on active duty involuntarily under the “Stop Loss” program.


Afghanistan Tops Agenda at Gates Town Hall      

KIRKUK, Iraq - About 300 troops peppered Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates with high-level, strategic questions when he met with them in Kirkuk, Iraq.


Corps of Engineers Prepares for Iraqi Elections  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - In preparation for the upcoming Iraqi national elections, Army engineers are working to construct 15 “expedient police stations” in northern Iraq.


Troops, Government Team Up to Rebuild Bridge  This story contains photos.    

NANGARHAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Servicemembers are working with Afghan government officials and contractors to replace a much-needed bridge across the Saracha River.


U.S. Role in Iraq Remains Critical, Gates Says      

KIRKUK, Iraq - The U.S. military role remains critical in the roll-up to Iraq’s national elections, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates told about 300 soldiers and airmen at Forward Operating Base Warrior near Kirkuk, Iraq.


Walter Reed Patients Test Next-generation Prosthesis      

WASHINGTON - Wounded warriors at Walter Reed Army Medical Center are testing a new microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee.


Obama Promises Conditions-based Afghanistan Transition      

WASHINGTON - Any changes in U.S. troop strength in Afghanistan when security responsibility starts to transfer to the Afghans in July 2011 will be considered in light of the situation on the ground at that time, President Barack Obama said.


Surge Will Provide All Forces Needed, Mullen Says      

WASHINGTON - The upcoming buildup will give the commander of U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan “all the forces he needs in 2010,” Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said during a Pentagon briefing.


Army, Marines Adjust ‘Reset’ for Afghan Buildup      

WASHINGTON - As the military answers President Barack Obama’s order to reinforce efforts in Afghanistan, the Army and Marine Corps are adjusting their plans to redeploy working and serviceable equipment.


Yellow Ribbon Summit Tackles Top Issues      

WASHINGTON - Defense and military officials gathered to discuss the top issues facing the Yellow Ribbon Program for reserve-component servicemembers and their families during a two-day summit.


Iraqis Arrest Suspected Terrorists      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi security forces arrested two terrorism suspects.


Drawdown Tracks With Iraqi Progress, General Says      

BAGHDAD - Plenty of operational activity still is under way in partnership with Iraqi security forces and on track with the U.S. drawdown timetable, the commander of Multinational Corps Iraq said.


Students Earn Spots in Senate Youth Program      

ARLINGTON, Va. - Two Department of Defense Education Activity students will travel to Washington, D.C., and receive $5,000 scholarships as delegates to the 48th annual U.S. Senate Youth Program.


McChrystal Concludes Hearings on Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - The commander of U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan wrapped up a round of hearings on Capitol Hill regarding the new U.S. approach to Afghanistan and Pakistan.


Terror Attacks Dominate Gates’ Meetings in Baghdad      

BAGHDAD - The recent spate of violence that has rocked the Iraqi capital dominated Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates’ talks with President Jalal Talabani and Iraq’s Presidency Council.


Time Right to Transfer Security to Iraqis, Odierno Says      

WASHINGTON - It is necessary and right that Iraqi soldiers and police assume security responsibilities for their people, the commander of Multinational Force Iraq said in New York City.


Obama Cites Military’s Contributions to Peace      

WASHINGTON - Instruments of war play a role in preserving peace, President Barack Obama said as he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway.


Afghan Government Must Be Credible, McChrystal Says      

WASHINGTON - Among the many factors White House and Pentagon officials say will drive success in Afghanistan, developing a credible government there may be the most challenging, the commander of U.S. and international forces there said.


Face of Defense: Legal Officer Uses Life-saving Training  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - An Air Force captain, deployed as a legal officer, recently found herself in a life-saving role when her convoy was struck by an improvised explosive device.


Soldiers Enjoy Camp Bucca Golf Course  This story contains photos.    

CAMP BUCCA, Iraq - An infantryman with the Wisconsin Army National Guard, can lay claim to designing what may be the only golf course in southern Iraq.


Guardsmen in Two States Respond to Winter Storm  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - As the first major winter storm of the season continues to drop snow and ice throughout the Midwest, elements of the Iowa and Wisconsin National Guard stand ready.


Study Explores Deployment Impact on Older Children      

WASHINGTON - Children in military families experience emotional and behavioral difficulties above national averages, a study has revealed.


Most Surge Troops Identified, Official Says      

WASHINGTON - The military component that coordinates the forces that fight America’s wars has allocated almost all of the troops that will take part in the Afghanistan surge.


Gates to Discuss Progress, Drawdown in Baghdad      

BAGHDAD - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates arrived in Baghdad to meet with Iraqi and U.S. military leaders about continuing progress and drawing down the U.S. force presence.


Afghan Security Leaders Thank Gates for Support      

KABUL - Senior Afghan military and national police leaders thanked Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates for his support for President Barack Obama’s new strategy for Afghanistan and a strong military team to support it.


Logisticians Ready for Afghan Transportation Task      

WASHINGTON - U.S. military logisticians are up to the challenge of getting 30,000 more American troops into Afghanistan and moving troops and equipment from Iraq, the commander of U.S. Transportation Command said.


Petraeus Praises Pakistan’s Anti-insurgent Efforts      

WASHINGTON - Pakistan’s months-long military offensive against internal insurgent threats is assisting the campaign in Afghanistan, the commander of U.S. Central Command said at a Capitol Hill hearing.


McChrystal Calls Guard’s Effort ‘Extraordinary’      

ARLINGTON, Va. - The National Guard’s contribution in Afghanistan has been “extraordinary,” the commander of U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan told Congress.


Commander Discusses Exercise in Africa      

WASHINGTON - The largest U.S. Defense Department-sponsored exercise in Africa this year yielded many important lessons, the commander of U.S. Army Africa said.


Iraqis Arrest 8, Including Terrorist Leader      

WASHINGTON - A senior leader of the Promised Day Brigade terrorist group was among eight people Iraqi security forces arrested in three operations.


Face of Defense: Colonel Beats Cancer, Soars High  This story contains photos.    

TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. - Air Force Col. Michael Stapleton has come a long way since being diagnosed with cancer in 2006 while serving as the 43rd Fighter Squadron commander.


New Air Force Plan Targets Energy      

WASHINGTON - The Air Force has rolled out a new plan to reduce energy consumption and incorporate energy considerations into all phases of its practices.


Program Rewards Afghans in Anti-IED Effort  This story contains photos.    

PAKTIA PROVINCE, Afghanistan - A new program backed by Afghan national security forces and Combined Joint Task Force 82 empowers Afghan citizens to take a stand against improvised explosive devices.


Afghanistan Success Attainable, Petraeus Says      

WASHINGTON - Achieving success against extremists in Afghanistan is a challenging, yet attainable mission, the commander of U.S. Central Command said at a Capitol Hill hearing.


Incentives Show Promise for Afghan Forces      

KABUL - Better pay for Afghan national security forces and a government-led emphasis on national service appear to be paying off in stronger recruiting, said the U.S. commander responsible for recruiting and training them.


U.S. Soldiers, Iraqi Sailors Secure Shores  This story contains photos.    

FAW, Iraq - Iraqi security forces are constantly stepping up their role in the protection of Iraq, from the heart of the country out to the borders, where the Iraqi coast border guard can be found at work with U.S. Army border transition teams.


NORAD Officials Ready to Track Santa's Flight      

PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. - North American Aerospace Defense Command officials are getting ready to track Santa Claus, and are giving children and the young-at-heart even more options for viewing St. Nick's annual trek around the world.


Gates Reviews Support Ops in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

KABUL - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates spent the day checking out operations supporting President Barack Obama’s new strategy for Afghanistan, including a new joint headquarters overseeing the tactical fight.


Al-Qaida Remains Dangerous, Mullen Says      

WASHINGTON - Al-Qaida remains a danger, and the area along the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan is the epicenter of global Islamic extremism, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said at the Foreign Press Center.


McChrystal Calls Afghan Training Crucial to Mission Success      

WASHINGTON - The training of tens of thousands of additional, capable Afghan soldiers and police is among the crucial tasks necessary to achieving success in Afghanistan, Army Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal said.


Department Hosts Disability Awards Ceremony, Forum      

WASHINGTON - Defense Department officials highlighted the Pentagon’s programs for people with disabilities and recognized accomplishments of employees with disabilities.


Eikenberry Stresses Civilian Component in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - While the increase of 30,000 American troops in Afghanistan has garnered most of the headlines, a concurrent increase on the civilian side also is occurring, the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan told Congress.


Forces Kill Militants, Detain Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Combined Afghan and international forces killed seven militants and detained several suspected insurgents in operations today in Afghanistan.


U.S., Iraqi Forces Capture 5 After Balad Attack      

WASHINGTON - U.S. forces today assisted Iraqi security forces in arresting five people after an indirect-fire attack on Joint Base Balad, Iraq.


Odierno Cites Iraq’s ‘Deliberate, Steady Progress’      

WASHINGTON - On the eve of holding parliamentary elections early next year, Iraq continues to make steady progress as a sovereign country that is a valued U.S. ally in the Middle East, the commander of Multinational Force Iraq said.


McChrystal Says Pieces in Place for Success      

WASHINGTON - The core goal of American forces in Afghanistan is to defeat al-Qaida and disrupt and degrade the Taliban, the commander of U.S. and international forces there told Congress.


Face of Defense: Soldier Seeks to Reclaim Boxing Title  This story contains photos.    

FORWARD OPERATING BASE UBAYDI, Iraq - Army Spc. Wenderson Jangada became a paratrooper and U.S. citizen for love. Now he's ready to return to his native Brazil to reclaim the title of heavyweight boxing champion.


Soccer Builds Camaraderie at Camp Savage  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA, Iraq - Six days a week, U.S. soldiers meet with East African international guardsmen, and Iraqi interpreters for the global game of soccer at Contingency Operating Base Basra, Iraq.


Villagers Embrace Marines, Afghan Forces  This story contains photos.    

HELMAND PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Marines in at least one village of Afghanistan's Helmand province are seeing a marked improvement in security, and in villagers' reception of them.


Surge Shows Enduring Commitment, Gates Says      

KABUL - The deployment of 30,000 additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan underscores the enduring U.S. commitment to Afghanistan and its people, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said in Kabul.


Gates to Check Readiness for Incoming Forces  This story contains photos.    

KABUL - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates arrived in Afghanistan to ensure that troops have what they need to accommodate the incoming 30,000 soldiers and Marines, and to tell them, “We are in this thing to win.”


Gates: NATO Steps Up, Pakistan Makes Strides  This story contains photos.    

KABUL - NATO’s commitment of 7,000 additional troops for the International Security Assistance Force it leads in Afghanistan comes as a pleasant surprise to Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, who calls it a sign of the alliance’s renewed commitment there.


Gates Meets With Karzai, Other Afghan Leaders  This story contains photos.    

KABUL - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates arrived in Kabul to meet with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and other leaders.


Mullen Visits Troops Readying for Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff visited the men and women who have to carry out the new strategy in Afghanistan with stops at Fort Campbell, Ky., and Camp Lejeune, N.C.


Forces in Afghanistan Disrupt Taliban Operations      

WASHINGTON - Afghan and international forces detained several suspected militants, including a bomb cell leader and Taliban commander, in operations in Afghanistan over the past three days.


Support Improves for Families With Special Needs      

WASHINGTON - Officials are working to boost the resources and support the Defense Department’s Exceptional Family Member Program provides to military families with special needs.


DoD Revamps Playgrounds to Meet Needs  This story contains photos.    

MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO, Va. - A 7-year-old boy at Quantico Marine Corps Base, Va., and many other children with disabilities will get their wish of being able to play with their friends thanks to a project to revamp playgrounds on military installations.


Combined Forces Arrest Suspects in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi forces, aided by U.S. advisors, arrested several terrorism suspects over the past three days.


Clock Ticking on Iran’s Nuclear Stance, Jones Says      

WASHINGTON - The United States and its allies are still open to negotiations with the Iranian government to resolve concerns about its nuclear program, National Security Advisor James L. Jones said, but added that time is running out for discussion with Iran.


Strategy Sharpens Focus on Mission, Policy Chief Says  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama’s Afghanistan strategy gives the United States and its allies clearer objectives and a more focused approach to eventually transitioning security responsibilities to the Afghan government, the Defense Department’s policy chief said.


Soldiers Support Base Expansion in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Troops from the Maine National Guard’s 286th Combat Support Sustainment Battalion have long been supplying forward operating bases in Afghanistan and will continue under President Barack Obama's 30,000 surge.


Task Force Finds Improvement in Sexual Assault Response      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department has made progress in improving its response to the needs of sexual assault victims, but there remains a need for institutional change to more effectively prevent sexual assault, a task force has determined.


Soldiers Invest in Iraq’s Next Generation  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE ADDER, Iraq - Educating children might not be the first thing Americans discuss when the subject of Iraq comes up, but for soldiers of Task Force Pathfinder, helping the next generation of Iraqis obtain a basic education is a critical part of their mission in Iraq.


Officials Announce First Afghanistan Surge Units      

WASHINGTON - About 16,000 Marines and soldiers have been notified they will deploy to Afghanistan as part of President Barack Obama’s new strategy.


Face of Defense: Sergeant Builds Morale Through Art  This story contains photos.    

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - A soldier on Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, is building unit pride and esprit de corps by using his artistic skills to decorate an office inside a refurbished shipping container.


Team Celebrates 60 Years of Advancing Technology      

WASHINGTON - The Air Force Office of Scientific Research, which funds some of the world's best scientists' projects resulting in inventions like CDs, GPS and computer mice, is celebrating nearly 60 years of achievements.


Top Leaders Spell Out President’s Strategy      

WASHINGTON - Top U.S government and military officials made the Sunday morning news-show circuit spelling out President Barack Obama’s new war strategy.


Fort Hood Unit Deploys to Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - An Army Reserve unit that had soldiers both killed and wounded during the Nov. 5 shooting on Fort Hood, Texas, has deployed as scheduled to Afghanistan.


Bright Future on Horizon for Port Umm Qasr  This story contains photos.    

UMM QASR, Iraq - When the city of Basra was particular unstable between 2006 and 2008, the port of Umm Qasr was left to tread water as a contributor to Iraq’s economic development. Now, the port is positioned to navigate over its next developmental hurdle.


Obama Issues Pearl Harbor Remembrance Proclamation      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama has issued a proclamation recognizing Dec. 7 as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, paying tribute "to the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country."


Battle of Bulge Anniversary Remembered at Tree Lighting  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Army’s chief of staff stepped back in history to Christmas Eve in Belgium 65 years ago, reading one of the most inspirational letters written by a commander to his troops during the annual Union Station Christmas tree lighting ceremony.


Toy Giveaway Benefits Military Families  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - More than 3,000 military families will have a few extra presents under the tree this year thanks to the generous efforts of Operation Homefront and The Wal-Mart Foundation.


Corps of Engineers Preps for Afghan Surge While Looking Long-Term  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - As 30,000 additional troops move into what admittedly will be “pretty austere conditions” in Afghanistan, the Army Corps of Engineers is working to provide basic creature comforts for soldiers, and longer-term projects to help Afghans.


Marines Start Operation in Helmand Province      

WASHINGTON - More than 1,000 International Security Assistance Force troops are partnering with Afghan forces to begin a large-scale operation in northern Helmand province.


Pakistani Offensive Pushes Extremists, Petraeus Says      

WASHINGTON - As the Pakistani military achieves success against extremists operating in Pakistan, the campaign also is aiding anti-insurgent efforts in Afghanistan, Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, commander of U.S. Central Command, told NPR.


NATO Talks Leave Commander ‘Extremely Confident’      

WASHINGTON - Some 43 nations vowed their support to help win the war in Afghanistan, a move that U.S. Navy Adm. James G. Stavridis, NATO’s supreme allied commander in Europe, called "striking."


Face of Defense: Aircraft Maintainer Becomes Logistics Manager  This story contains photos.    

RICHMOND, Va. - As a former warfighter and current supply relations manager at Defense Supply Center Richmond, Craig “Bud” Weiser understands the urgency for warfighter support.


Force Detains Militants, Targets Commander      

WASHINGTON - A combined force detained several suspected militants and members of the International Security Assistance Force targeted a Taliban commander in Afghanistan in recent days, military officials reported.


Iraqis Arrest 6 Terrorism Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi security forces arrested six terrorism suspects in recent days, military officials reported.


Lynn Outlines Protections for Information      

WASHINGTON - Although information technology enables the Defense Department to make gains in military capabilities, those gains come at a cost, the deputy defense secretary told industry executives in New York.


Gates Outlines Afghanistan Strategy for Lawmakers      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates summed up why the administration is deploying 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan during a House Armed Services Committee hearing.


Transportation Officials Confident in Afghan Deployment      

WASHINGTON - U.S. Transportation Command officials are confident they can accomplish the mission of delivering 30,000 U.S. troops and their equipment to Afghanistan when they are needed.


Main Afghanistan Threat Remains in South, East, Mullen Says      

WASHINGTON - Many of the extra 30,000 U.S. forces deployed to Afghanistan in the coming months will confront continued enemy threats in the country’s southern and eastern regions, the U.S. military’s senior officer told a Senate panel.


HIV/AIDS Vaccine Has Promising Results      

WASHINGTON - Through combined military research programs and medical cooperation, the Defense Department has been able to accomplish incredible promise in a future vaccine development for HIV and AIDS, a senior official in that effort said.


Belgians Recall Battle of the Bulge  This story contains photos.    

CHIEVRRES, Belgium - Some Belgian World War II veterans are paying tribute to the U.S. soldiers who became partners in an effort to resist the German occupation 65 years ago.


Chairman Explains Significance of July 2011 Target      

WASHINGTON - July 2011 is not a withdrawal date, but a specific target date for beginning to transition security responsibility to Afghan forces, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said on several morning talk shows.


Gates Re-emphasizes Need for Afghan, Pakistani Engagement      

WASHINGTON - The United States will not turn its back on Afghanistan and Pakistan as it did when the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan ended in 1989, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said.


Department Seeks to Reclaim Acquisition Expertise  This story contains photos.    

NEW YORK - The Defense Department is in the throes of a “major in-sourcing initiative” that Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III said will recapture some of the vital expertise the department had lost, particularly in the acquisition realm.


Logistics Support Gears Up for Afghanistan Surge      

ARLINGTON, Va. - When President Barack Obama announced a troop surge for Afghanistan, the Defense Logistics Agency stood ready. Logisticians have spent the past several months planning to support more forces there.


Department Focuses on F-35 Costs, Fair Tanker Competition  This story contains photos.    

NEW YORK - Pentagon officials are working to halt spiraling costs in the F-35 Lightning II joint strike fighter aircraft program, while ensuring competition for a new refueling tanker remains fair to all contenders, Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III told industry representatives.


Forces in Afghanistan Detain Militants      

KABUL - Combined Afghan and international forces detained several suspected militants in operations in Afghanistan over the last two days


Face of Defense: Truck Driver Takes Road Toward Chaplaincy  This story contains photos.    

HEIDELBERG, Germany - For Army Spc. Andrey West, the Lord has worked in mysterious ways. After driving trucks for two years in the Army, he's now on the road to becoming a chaplain.


Air Weapons Team Trains Ground-force Leaders  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA, Iraq - Twelve soldiers from 1st Battalion, 377th Field Artillery Regiment, and 1st Battalion, 130th Aviation Regiment, conducted an air-support live-fire exercise for ground leaders at a detonation range in Iraq.


Indiana Soldiers Maintain Forward Operating Base  This story contains photos.    

KHOST PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Indiana National Guard soldiers from the 38th Infantry Division’s Task Force Cyclone ensure that a forward operating base along the Pakistan border is maintained properly.


‘New Walter Reed’ Effort On Track, Officials Say      

WASHINGTON - Realignment of military medical facilities in the national capital region ordered by the Base Realignment and Closure Commission is on track to meet the commission’s deadline, senior Defense Department officials said.


Afghanistan, Iraq Drive Landmark Defense Review      

NEW YORK - The Quadrennial Defense Review under way within the Defense Department will be unlike any other: the first to be driven by current wartime requirements, Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn said.


Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Faces Additional Charges      

WASHINGTON - Thirty-two specifications of attempted premeditated murder were preferred against alleged Fort Hood, Texas, shooter Army Maj. Nidal M. Hasan.


Gates Explains July 2011 Milestone at Senate Hearing      

WASHINGTON - Setting July 2011 for the beginning of a U.S. drawdown in Afghanistan was intended for two primary audiences: the Afghan government in Kabul and war-weary Americans, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said.


Gates Gives More Details of Afghan Transition Strategy      

WASHINGTON - Training Afghan forces to take security responsibility for their own country is the transition strategy for U.S. forces in the country, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said.


Lynn Cites Aerospace Role in Afghanistan Strategy      

NEW YORK - Aerospace assets will be critical to the success of stepped-up operations in Afghanistan, Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn told industry executives gathered in New York.


McChrystal: Surge Marks Turning Point in Conflict      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama’s decision to send 30,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan signifies a dramatic turning point for the U.S. and coalition mission there, Army Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal told his staff in Kabul.


Troops to Focus on Reversing Taliban’s Momentum      

WASHINGTON - The additional troops President Barack Obama is sending to Afghanistan will focus on reversing the Taliban’s momentum, a senior Defense Department official said during a “DoDLive” bloggers roundtable.


Face of Defense: Soldier Finds Current Deployment Safer  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE ADDER, Iraq - A soldier who was badly wounded in a 2005 roadside-bomb explosion is serving in Iraq again, and he’s finding deployed life easier this time around.


Iraqi Police Arrest 8 Terror Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi police arrested eight terrorism suspects today, and an air strike during one of the operations killed an enemy fighter.


Petraeus: Afghan ‘Surge’ to Target Terrorist Leaders      

WASHINGTON - Additional U.S. forces slated for deployment to Afghanistan will be employed to target and eliminate terrorist leaders and assist the Afghan government, the commander of U.S. Central Command told CNN in an interview.


Soldiers Engage Afghan Tribal Leaders  This story contains photos.    

NANGARHAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan - U.S. soldiers and their Afghan partners bedded down for the night in Nangarhar province recently with Afghan national police in preparation for a meeting with Shinwari tribal elders and Afghan security personnel.


Combined Force in Afghanistan Detains Suspected Militants      

WASHINGTON - A combined Afghan-international security force detained several suspected militants in Afghanistan’s Kandahar province at a compound known to be used by a Taliban financier and facilitator.


Clinton Cites Civilian Effort as Vital in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Civilian partnerships, in combination with military efforts, are crucial to success in Afghanistan, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told the Senate Armed Services Committee.


Strategy Can Reverse Enemy Gains Quickly, Mullen Says  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A new U.S. strategy for Afghanistan that entails adding 30,000 more troops by summer enables commanders there to take the lead within a year, the military’s top officer told the Senate Armed Service Committee.


Strategy Offers Best Chance for Success, Gates Says  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama’s decision on the Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy offers the best chance to change the momentum in Afghanistan and fundamentally alter the equation in Central Asia, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates told a Senate panel.


Soldiers, Civilians Keep Supplies Stocked  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE ADDER, Iraq - Soldiers with the 28th Combat Aviation Brigade who work with civilian contractors to run supply operations in Iraq find there is little difference between their jobs.


NATO Leader Expects Partners to Boost Contributions      

WASHINGTON - NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said he expects the alliance and its partners will make a “substantial increase” in their contributions to the effort in Afghanistan.


McChrystal Sends Message to Troops      

WASHINGTON - Army Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, has posted a message to the troops on the way ahead, highlighting the opportunity to take the coalition's work "to the next level."


President Explains Strategic Choices, Calls for Unity  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama explained his decision to increase U.S. troop strength in Afghanistan and addressed concerns regarding U.S. involvement there during his speech at West Point, N.Y.


McChrystal Voices Support for President’s Afghanistan Strategy  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan expressed support for a new strategy that entails sending 30,000 more American troops to Afghanistan by next summer and begins a drawdown of forces in July 2011.


Obama Calls for Another 30,000 U.S. Troops in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - It is in America’s vital national interests to send another 30,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan, President Barack Obama said.


Mullen: Military Leaders Fully Support Afghan Strategy      

WASHINGTON - Military leaders “fully and unhesitatingly” support President Barack Obama’s decision on the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan, said Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


More Troops to Surge Afghanistan, Drawdown to Begin July 2011      

WASHINGTON - The United States will send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan by next summer, but plans are to begin transferring security responsibilities to the Afghan forces and withdrawing U.S. forces in July 2011, a senior administration official said.


World Focuses on West Point Ahead of Obama’s Speech  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama travels to the oldest U.S. service academy, perched high above the Hudson River, to unveil his strategy for bringing security to Afghanistan and eliminating terrorist safe havens that threaten the world.


Global Strike Command Assumes Ballistic Missile Mission      

WASHINGTON - Air Force Global Strike Command has assumed the U.S. Air Force's Intercontinental Ballistic Missile mission as part of an effort to unify all of the service's nuclear-capable assets under one command.


More Troops Likely for Afghanistan’s East, South      

WASHINGTON - With President Barack Obama’s announcement to send more U.S. forces to Afghanistan, a defense official said some troops are likely to reinforce the country’s contentious eastern and southern areas.


Belgians, Americans to Celebrate Anniversary of Landmark Victory      

CHIÈVRES, Belgium - Sixty-five years after World War II's landmark Battle of the Bulge, U.S. and Belgian troops will again march side by side in Bastogne.


All-female Medical Evacuation Crew Makes History  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE ADDER, Iraq - Four soldiers serving in Iraq with the New Hampshire National Guard earned a special distinction when they became their company’s first all-female medical evacuation crew.


Department Observes World AIDS Day, Notes Contributions      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is commemorating World HIV/AIDS Awareness Day with a broad range of activities with partner militaries aimed at education and prevention, and with progress toward developing the first-ever vaccine.


Police Arrest al-Qaida Suspects in Northern Iraq      

BAGHDAD - Iraqi police arrested 11 suspected members of the al-Qaida in Iraq terrorist group during two joint security operations in northern Iraq.


Team Uses Afghan Airwaves to Counter Flu Misinformation  This story contains photos.    

NURISTAN PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Nuristan Provincial Reconstruction Team servicemembers took to the airwaves to combat misinformation about the spread of the H1N1 flu virus in Nuristan province, Afghanistan.


Face of Defense: Reservist Stays in Touch With Students  This story contains photos.    

SOUTHWEST ASIA - A deployed Air Force reservist and elementary school teacher is keeping in touch with her students through the use of a blog.


Officials Investigate 'T-wall' Collapse      

BASRA, Iraq - Some soldiers at a base in Basra, Iraq, awoke to find that concrete barriers had tipped over during the night and had come to rest upon containerized housing units.

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