
American Forces Press Service

 November 2001


Rumsfeld: Coalition Keeping Pressure On Taliban, Al Qaeda      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld noted today that U.S. and coalition forces continue to press Taliban and Al Qaeda troops in and around the southern Afghan city of Kandahar and elsewhere in the country.


Dec. 7, 1941: Seeing the World Change    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Dec. 7, 1941, the world changed. American service members based in Hawaii saw that seminal moment in history, and those alive today still vividly remember that Sunday morning 60 years ago.


Taliban Command 'Fractured,' DoD Continues Strikes      

WASHINGTON - Defense officials describe the Taliban's control of its troops as "fractured," as coalition efforts in Afghanistan continue.


The Link Between September 11 and December 7      

WASHINGTON - In the days immediately after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, Americans groped to find ways to describe the event.


Volunteers Show Appreciation for Retirement Home Residents  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Nearly 170 volunteer soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and family members recently spent a morning showing their appreciation to residents here at the U.S. Soldiers' and Airmen's Home.


Jets Target Taliban Compound; DoD Awaits Bomb Damage Assessment      

WASHINGTON - DoD is still awaiting Air Force bomb damage assessments following attacks on two compounds southeast of Kandahar yesterday where Taliban and Al Qaeda senior leaders were believed to be, DoD spokesperson Victoria "Torie" Clarke told reporters during a morning Pentagon press briefing.


Their Troops Quit When Taliban, Al Qaeda Leaders Break    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - There will always be enemy diehards who will fight to the death, "but if we break the leadership of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, there's reduced motivation for troops to stay loyal to the cause and continue to fight," Navy Rear Adm. John D. Stufflebeem told reporters during a Pentagon news briefing today.


Officials Give Afghan Update      

WASHINGTON - U.S. operations in Afghanistan continued to focus on emerging targets and supporting opposition forces, Pentagon Spokeswoman Victoria Clarke told reporters this morning.


Rumsfeld, Franks Optimistic but Cautious on Afghanistan    This story contains audio.  

TAMPA, Fla. - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told reporters here the situation in Afghanistan is "difficult and dangerous."


Marines In Afghanistan to Set Up Forward Operating Base    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said today that Marine forces are in southern Afghanistan to set up a forward operating base.


Bolling's Powwow Educates People About American Indians  This story contains photos.    

BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE, D.C. - "American Indians are very patriotic people," Southern Cheyenne Indian Mel Whitebird told attendees at the second annual Veteran's Powwow, here.


All 5 Injured Troops Evacuated to Uzbekistan, then Germany    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - All five service members injured in a friendly-fire incident near Mazar-e Sharif in Afghanistan were evacuated to Uzbekistan, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs said this afternoon. A DoD spokeswoman had earlier said only three were injured seriously enough to be evacuated.


Who's Doing What, and How They Get Caught: A Look at Drug Use and Testing Within the Military      

WASHINGTON, Nov. 26, 2001 - If you had visited a typical military unit in 1983, about one out of e - If you had visited a typical military unit in 1983, about one out of every four service members would have used illegal drugs.


Army Brat Spreads Word About Her Indian Culture in Powwow Dances, Speeches  This story contains photos.    

"I come to a powwow to be an Indian, to get a sense of myself. This is part of Indi - Every time Boe Harris- Nakakakena speaks and dances at a school, university, civic meeting, veteran's organization or Powwow, someone always ask, "Do you still live in a teepee? Do you still hunt for your food?"


Five Service Members Injured in 'Friendly Fire' Incident      

WASHINGTON - Five service members were injured Nov. 25 during a "friendly fire" incident during a prison riot near Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan. None of the injuries was life threatening, Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke said today.


Med Command Chief Poses Bio-terrorism Questions      

WASHINGTON - What kind of risk will the American people accept in regards to bio-terrorism? How does the government communicate better with the American people when a biological attack occurs?


DoD's New Top Doc Urges Flu Shots for All      

WASHINGTON - DoD's top doc got his flu shot Nov. 14 and quipped that he felt better already.


Wolfowitz: Bin Laden Is 'A Man On The Run'    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - With Al Qaeda terrorists and Taliban militia bottled up in the Afghan cities of Kunduz and Kandahar, and 75 percent of the country in opposition hands, senior DoD leaders suggested today that some Al Qaeda and Taliban chiefs might attempt to flee.


Rumsfeld Thanks Special Operators During Bragg Visit  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  

FORT BRAGG, N.C. - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was a hit among service members and their families, here. The secretary wisecracked his way into their hearts mostly at the expense of the media contingent present -- during a pre-Thanksgiving visit.


Rumsfeld Says Afghan Change of Power 'Not Chaotic'    This story contains audio.  

FORT BRAGG, N.C. - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said recent events in Afghanistan might mean the most orderly change of power in that country in decades.


Bush Tells Troops He Believes in their 'Fearless Hearts'    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON, Nov. 21, 2001 - President Bush told the soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division at For - WASHINGTON, Nov. 21, 2001 - President Bush told the soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Ky., that he can't tell what course the war against terrorism may take, but he is sure of the outcome.


U.S. Chopper Makes Hard Afghan Landing; Four Crew Hurt      

WASHINGTON, Nov. 21, 2001 - An American military helicopter made a hard landing in Afghanistan yes - WASHINGTON, Nov. 21, 2001 - An American military helicopter made a hard landing in Afghanistan yesterday, injuring four crewmembers, said DoD officials.


Thanksgiving Message to the Troops From the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff      

WASHINGTON - America's brave sons and daughters have, time and again, answered the call to defend this great country and our way of life.


DoD Report: No Link Between Depleted Uranium, Illnesses      

WASHINGTON - DoD deployment health officials have released an information paper that states no country that sent troops to the Balkans has found a health threat related to depleted uranium.


Thanksgiving Message to Guard and Reserves from Laura Bush      

I am delighted to wish you a happy Thanksgiving. This year the holiday season holds special meanin - and more appreciated than ever. Our nation depends on the premiere, community-based force of the National Guard and Reserves. You are America at its best.


Opposition/Terrorists 'In Standoff' At Kunduz, Kandahar    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - About three-quarters of Afghanistan is now in the hands of opposition forces, while concentrations of Taliban and Al Qaeda troops continue to be bottled up in the cities of Kunduz and Kandahar, a senior Pentagon spokesperson said today.


U.S., Philippines United Against Global Terrorism  This story contains photos.    This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - The leader of the Republic of the Philippines said today that her country and the United States are long-time allies joined together in the fight against global terrorism.


DoD Deploys Defensive Measures Against Anthrax Mail Threat      

WASHINGTON - Starting Nov. 20 all incoming mail to the Pentagon will be opened and inspected, X-rayed and checked for anthrax, a Pentagon administrative official said.


TRICARE Changes Mean Lower Healthcare Costs for Reservists      

WASHINGTON - DoD officials have enacted healthcare system changes to make life a little easier for reserve component members and their families following the Noble Eagle/Enduring Freedom call-up to active duty.


Rumsfeld to Get Firsthand Look at Bragg      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld will visit the Army's Fort Bragg, N.C., the day before Thanksgiving.


Civilian Lawyers Mobilize To Provide Legal Help, If Needed      

WASHINGTON - How many lawyers will be needed to provide legal services for America's service men and women deployed in the war against global terrorism?


Vigilance Also Needed in 'Cyber Domain,' Says DoD Official  This story contains photos.    This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - The World War II-era adage "Loose Lips Sink Ships" underlined the peril of uttering privileged defense information in public -- possibly within earshot of enemy spies.


Rumsfeld Lauds U.S. Special Ops Forces in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had nothing but kudos for U.S. special operations troops in Afghanistan during his daily Pentagon media briefing. He also shed some light on exactly what they're doing there.


Women's Rights a Priority; Humanitarian Aid Improves    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON, Nov. 19, 2001 - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld today joined first lady Laura Bush i - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld today joined first lady Laura Bush in waving the banner for women's rights in Afghanistan.


Ridge Describes Homeland Security Strategy      

WASHINGTON - The United States must devise a homeland security strategy that looks beyond recovery efforts and aims at preventing attacks, said Tom Ridge, director of the nation's new Homeland Security Office.


2002 Military Family Week Essay, Art Contests Open      

SPRINGFIELD, Va. - The Armed Services YMCA wants military youngsters' entries for its 2002 art contest and readers' essay contest.


Bombing Continues on Ramadan's First Day      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. air campaign against the Taliban and Al Qaeda continues on this first day of Ramadan, DoD officials said.


Top Military Volunteers Named 2001 VIP Award Winners      

WASHINGTON - Fifteen service members and military spouses stationed in the United States and Europe have been named winners of the National Military Family Association's 2001 Very Important Patriot Program.


Rumsfeld Salutes Sailors at Great Lakes Training Base  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

NAVAL TRAINING CENTER GREAT LAKES, Ill. - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld flew today to this sprawling naval training facility to meet newly graduated recruits and to praise the Navy's efforts in the war against terrorism.


Message From the President for Military Family Week, Nov. 18-25      

WASHINGTON - I am proud to offer my sincere thanks to the brave wives, husbands, children, and other family members of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines during Military Family Week.


Wolfowitz Addresses Changing Defense Priorities      

WASHINGTON - Now more than ever, the U.S. military must transform to meet the threats of the 21st century, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said Nov. 14.


No. 2 Al Qaeda Terrorist May Have Been Killed      This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Air strikes in Afghanistan may have killed Mohammed Atef, the No. 2 man in the Al Qaeda terrorist network, Pentagon officials said today.


Wolfowitz Shares Special Forces' Afghanistan Dispatches      

WASHINGTON - The Northern Alliance and other opposition groups have made tremendous progress in Afghanistan -- last week, they controlled about 15 percent of the country and today control about half.


Myers Speaks of Importance of Focused National Power      

WASHINGTON - Focusing national power is different following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, said Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


Air Strikes Claim Taliban, Al Qaeda Leaders      

WASHINGTON - U.S. air strikes in Afghanistan during the past several days targeted upper- level Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders and have achieved some success, a senior DoD official said.


Joint Force Concept Comes of Age in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - The media have done a good job of covering the war in Afghanistan, but the coverage contains only "snapshots" of the military action, said Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers. The press could not cover the broader, more important, issue.


Thanksgiving Message to the Troops From the Secretary of Defense    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday - Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday, a day that commemorates the Pilgrims' survival in the New World and celebrates the freedom for which we offer our thanks to God.


Taliban, Al Qaeda Hurt, but "Not Destroyed," CENTCOM's Franks Says  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - The four-star general in charge of U.S. military actions in Afghanistan told reporters today that Taliban militia and Al Qaeda forces have given up considerable ground in recent days, but they're "not destroyed" and the battle isn't over.


Space, Missiles, Cyberspace Changing Military Power      

WASHINGTON - Even before Sept. 11, the world was changing. A Navy admiral and Army lieutenant general addressed the role of military power in this changing environment during the Fletcher Conference here Nov. 14.


Smoking Costs DoD Plenty      

WASHINGTON - DoD officials can't be sure exactly how much smoking costs the department each year, but they know it's a bundle.


DoD Policy Head Speaks on QDR, Sept. 11 Lessons      

WASHINGTON - DoD is just now starting to get a handle on how to define military responsibilities in homeland defense, said Douglas Feith, defense undersecretary for policy.


Business Initiatives Promote DoD Transformation Goals      

WASHINGTON - Using BIC, senior Defense leaders want to "rewrite" organizational business practices using private-sector-inspired ideas and methods in transforming DoD into a more efficient organization for the 21st century.


VA Unveils Plans for National Museum Honoring Veterans      

WASHINGTON - Plans for a National Veterans Museum were unveiled Nov. 8 at a reception here hosted by the Department of Veterans Affairs.


Help When Nightmare Demons Visit  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The emotional effects of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks at New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon will be felt for a long time by people everywhere, according to Veterans Affairs medical officials.


DoD Unsure About Taliban Withdrawals: Retreat or Tactics?      This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - DoD officials are not sure what the Taliban intends to do next.


Rumsfeld Assures NYC: War's Not Over Till It's Over  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  

NEW YORK - Defense Secretary Donald W. Rumsfeld got a firsthand look Nov. 14 at "Ground Zero," the terrorist attack site here where the World Trade Center towers once stood.


Five Companies Receive DoD's 'Freedom Award'      

WASHINGTON - The Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award was presented Nov. 9 to five firms in recognition of the contributions and sacrifices they've made -- and are making -- as employers of National Guard and Reserve members.


Bush Proposes Nuclear Reduction in Talks with Putin      

WASHINGTON - President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke to the press today about progress and hope following their meeting in the White House.


Reports Out of Afghanistan 'Encouraging,' Official Says      

WASHINGTON - DoD officials said reports out of Afghanistan Nov. 12 "are encouraging," but they will wait to see that the gains are held before making more assessments.


Teleworking Brings Benefits for Employees, Agencies      

WASHINGTON - working from a home or another approved location closer to home -- is much more than just an employee perk. It brings concrete benefits to agencies as well.


Northern Alliance, U.S. Special Forces at Gates of Kabul      This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - U.S. special operations forces played a key role in the current Northern Alliance successes in Afghanistan, Air Force Gen. Richard Myers said during a press conference Nov. 13.


Cheney Thanks Vets at Arlington Ceremony  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY, Va. - Vice President Dick Cheney said the service members of today can take as examples a long line of American veterans who have defended freedom around the world.


Veterans Day Message from the Secretary of Defense      This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Eighty-three years ago, an armistice was signed between the Allies and the Central Powers. As the guns of both the victors and the vanquished fell silent, World War I -- "The War to End All Wars" -- slipped into history.


Covering an Unconventional War      

WASHINGTON - An unconventional war requires unconventional methods of covering it.


President Signs $10.5 Billion Military Construction Act      

WASHINGTON - President Bush signed the $10.5 billion Military Construction Appropriations Act of 2002 into law Nov. 5.


Glitch Forces Some to File Own TRICARE for Life Claims      

WASHINGTON - A paperwork error caused the names of some 195,000 TRICARE For Life beneficiaries to not be provided to Medicare claims processors to allow for automatic claims processing.


SGLI Spousal 'Opt-Out' Deadline Extended to Dec. 31      

WASHINGTON - Troops who don't want spousal coverage in the Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance program now have until Dec. 31 to cancel at no charge. This is a one-month extension on the initial Nov. 30 opt-out deadline widely reported in October.


"Too Much Dust" to Tell Current Afghan Ground Situation    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - There is "too much dust in the air" to determine the validity of a Northern Alliance commander's claim -- via cell phone -- that his forces are in the strategic Afghan city of Mazar-e Sharif, DoD spokesman Navy Rear Adm. John D. Stufflebeem said today.


Humanitarian Ration Packs Still Yellow, But New Color Due  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Humanitarian Daily Ration packs being dropped into Afghanistan are still yellow despite media reports to the contrary, DoD officials said.


Operational Commander Gives His Take on War Against Terror  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - The commander of U.S. operations in and around Afghanistan said today America should take great pride in its military forces and that this war is "unconventional rather than linear."


Veterans, Students Urged to Participate in 'Lessons of Liberty' Program  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Department of Veterans Affairs is encouraging veterans groups to help schools find veterans in their communities to tell students about their military experiences during National Veterans Awareness Week, Nov. 11-17.


Veterans Day 2001 Message From the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff      

WASHINGTON - This Veterans Day is an especially solemn occasion as we pay tribute to not only those who served, who fought, and who died for this great Nation in wars past, but also to the new veterans of the ongoing war against terrorism.


Reserve Affairs Offers Help for Those Called-up  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The military can't build a bridge, fly a tanker or air defense sortie or do much of anything without help from the National Guard and Reserve. That's because the reserve components make up nearly 50 percent of the total armed forces, according to Craig W. Duehring, principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for reserve affairs.


Center Works to Protect Communications Infrastructure      

WASHINGTON - America is a cyber nation. In this post-industrial world, moving information is as important as moving people or things.


Navy Secretary Says Sailor, Marine Morale High on Carriers  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Morale is "terrific" aboard the USS Kitty Hawk, USS Theodore Roosevelt, USS Carl Vinson and other U.S. ships in the Persian Gulf, according to Navy Secretary Gordon England.


Northern Alliance Progressing With U.S. Help, Pace Says    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Northern Alliance and other anti-Taliban ground forces -- with U.S. help -- are making progress in the month-old Afghan military campaign, a senior DoD official said.


Anthrax Tests at Pentagon Prove Negative      

WASHINGTON - All tests for anthrax at the post office in the Pentagon Concourse are negative, DoD officials said today.


U.S. Advisers Aid Northern Alliance, Build Cohesion    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - U.S. advisers are helping the Northern Alliance become more cohesive, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said, but the rebels' ground war against the Taliban will be marked by successes and reverses.


DoD Works to Better Educate Healthcare Workers on Vaccines      

WASHINGTON - Military allergy and immunization specialists have worked hard to educate healthcare providers on vaccine safety. But in light of rising bioterrorism concerns, they've ratcheted up their efforts.


Ramadan and War      

WASHINGTON - A great debate is ongoing about whether the United States and its coalition allies will continue the campaign against terrorism during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.


DoD Wants Your Ideas to Counter Terrorism    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - WASHINGTON, Nov. 5, 2001 - DoD is looking high and low for good ideas to combat terrorism.


'We're Going to Eradicate Al Qaeda,' Admiral Says    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - "We're going to eradicate al Qaeda from Afghanistan and take away the Taliban's ability to support terrorists. There isn't anything that's going to deter us from that mission," Rear Adm. John D. Stufflebeem told reporters today during a Pentagon press briefing.


U.S., Indian Leaders Agree to Expand Military Ties      

NEW DELHI, India - U.S. and Indian defense leaders agreed in a meeting here today to expand military cooperation between the two countries and to increase military-to-military ties in the coming year.


U.S. Increases Number of Forces in Afghanistan      

OVER THE INDIAN OCEAN - The United States has more than doubled the number of Americans based with Northern Alliance bands, said Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld today.


Central Command Sends Team to Examine Tajik Bases      

DUSHANBE, Tajikistan - A U.S. Central Command assessment team will visit Tajikistan to examine three military installations as possible areas to base U.S. troops battling terrorism in Afghanistan.


Leaders Emphasize Campaign Is Against Terror, Not Afghan People      

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Pakistani and U.S. leaders worked together today to dispel the notion that the U.S. campaign in Afghanistan is aimed at killing civilians.


Rumsfeld, Ivanov Help Set Stage for Bush, Putin Summit      

MOSCOW - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld met here today with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergey Ivanov to discuss cooperation on the war on terrorism and ways to further the new U.S.-Russia relationship.


Rumsfeld to Discuss ABM, Other Issues With Russians      

MOSCOW - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and Russian officials will discuss the whole range of issues between the countries during meetings in Moscow Nov. 3.


Joint STARS, Global Hawk Afghanistan-Bound, Official Says      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military's high-tech Joint STARS and Global Hawk airborne surveillance systems will soon fly over Afghanistan, a senior DoD official said.


10th Mountain Troops Exude Confidence in Mission, Selves    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - A group of Army 10th Mountain Division soldiers deployed in Uzbekistan expressed confidence in their unit, themselves and their mission to fight terrorists across the globe.


Bad Weather Causes U.S. Chopper Crash; Crew Safe    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - U.S. Central Command reports that bad weather caused an U.S. military helicopter to crash-land in Afghanistan today.


DoD Expands Imminent Danger/Hardship Duty Locations      

WASHINGTON - DoD has expanded the areas in which service members are eligible for imminent danger pay and hardship duty pay.


Anti-Terrorist Military Campaign On Course, Says Clarke      

WASHINGTON - U.S. and coalition efforts to oust terrorist Osama bin Laden, his Al Qaeda network, and Taliban supporters from Afghanistan are on track, a senior DoD official said today.


Coast Guard on Guard, to Meet Terrorism Threat  This story contains photos.    This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - America has more than 95,000 miles of coastline and hundreds of major sea and river ports, not to mention myriad inland lakes and rivers.


Rumsfeld: Don't Expect 'Instant Victory' In Anti-Terror War    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today figuratively flung down the gauntlet in response to recent media reports suggesting the Afghan military campaign is bogged down or somehow floundering.

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