
American Forces Press Service

 November 1999


U.S. Marines Help Build Romanian NCO Corps      

BUCHAREST, Romania - How do you establish a professional NCO corps in a military that has never had one?


One-on-One Contact Keeps Cohen in Touch  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Give troops a chance and they won't hesitate to say what's on their mind about pay, housing, health care and living conditions.


Cohen to Measure Progress on NATO Initiative      

MUNICH - The NATO Cooperative Defense Initiative and meetings with Romanian officials will highlight Defense Secretary William S. Cohens latest visit to Europe.


Cohen Praises Can Do Attitude, Promises to Help      

BUCHAREST, Romania - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen


White House Sets Rules for Use of Investigational Drugs      

WASHINGTON - DoD gave pyridostigmine bromide tablets to troops during Desert Storm to protect them during suspected chemical attacks.


Cohen Addresses Readiness News      

WASHINGTON - Is the military ready to fight or not?


Survey Examines Race Relations in Military      

WASHINGTON - White service members have a more positive


The Pilgrims' Real First Thanksgiving      

FORT LEE, Va. - Harvest festivals are as old as civilization itself, but our Thanksgiving is much more than an annual festival. It is a national day of expressing thanks, according to every individual's personal beliefs.


Marching on -- Three Generations of Army Women      

ARLINGTON, Va. - A considerable amount of women's history gathered here recently at the Women in Military Service for America Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery.


Thanksgiving During War      

WASHINGTON - Military dining facilities go all out to give service members a taste of home on Thanksgiving Day. It hasn't always been that way.


Army Apologizes to Combat Hero's Family; Clears Record  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - In January 1997, Army Sgt. 1st Class Edward


Insignia: The Way You Tell Who's Who in the Military      

WASHINGTON - One big problem throughout military history has been identifying who's in charge.


America Won't Shrink From Global Role, Cohen Says      

LONDON - The United States will remain engaged in world


New Rations Bring Hot Turkey to the Troops      

WASHINGTON - Getting a hot meal to soldiers, Marines and airmen in the field is going to get a lot easier thanks to new rations being developed by the Army.


WWW.Huh?: Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Online      

WASHINGTON - Service members who dislike automatic payroll deductions or who find it hard to commit money for U.S. Savings Bonds every month now have a way to buy that's just a mouse click way: online.


DLA Accepting Holiday Shipments for Overseas Troops      

WASHINGTON - As the holidays approach, many people and


Cohen Meets Argentina's Current, Future Leaders  This story contains photos.    

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - "Argentina and the United States


Panel Assesses Quality of Military Health Care      

WASHINGTON - A new federal advisory committee is evaluating how well DoD is improving the quality of health care it provides some 9 million eligible beneficiaries.


Cohen: Cooperation Key to Combating Global Threats  This story contains photos.    

BRASILIA, Brazil - Nations must work together to combat


Cohen Renews Ties in South America      

BRASILIA, Brazil - In Argentina, Brazil and Chile, democracy has triumphed where military dictators once ruled. Civilian control of the military, unheard of in the past, is now the way of the future.


Deployed Apaches Army's Top Repair Priority      

WASHINGTON - Apache helicopters deployed in Kosovo, Bosnia, Southwest Asia and Korea will receive top priority repairs as the Army moves to replace parts implicated in a crash in January.


Safeguards Protect SGLI Beneficiaries      

PHILADELPHIA - Department of Veterans Affairs officials constantly review their contracts and install safeguards to ensure beneficiaries of the Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance program get the best possible benefits.


Cohen to Visit South America      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen will depart Washington Nov. 11 bound for Brazil, Argentina and Chile.


The Road Taken: Patriotism, Teamwork, Challenge  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Bill Woods dropped out of high school at 17 to join the Army on Sept. 24, 1947, intending to serve three years, get out of the Army and use the GI Bill to pursue a college education. But patriotism got in the way.


Former POW Says He's "One of the Luckiest of the Unlucky"  This story contains photos.    

FORT BELVOIR, Va. - Norman A. McDaniel, 62, calls himself, "One of the luckiest of the unlucky."


Holidays Also Mark Open Season for Retirement Investors      

WASHINGTON - Federal employees can begin their holiday gift giving early with a gift to themselves in the form of Thrift Savings Plan investments.


Chairmans Veterans Day Message      

WASHINGTON - Today, on the last Veterans Day of the 20th Century, America pauses to salute the brave men and women who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States. Veterans Day was designated at the end of the First World War as an opportunity to offer “thanksgiving and prayer” with the goal of perpetuating “peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations.” Unfortunately, the sounds of battle have echoed again and again in this century.


Defense Bill Approves Arlington Cemetery Expansion      

ARLINGTON, Va. - A recently approved 45-acre expansion at Arlington National Cemetery here will allow continued interments until about 2060.


Anthrax Vaccine First of Many Force Health Protection Measures      

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Mandatory anthrax vaccinations are just the


Medal of Honor Memorial Dedicated in California (corrected copy)  This story contains photos.    

RIVERSIDE, Calif. - About 85 of the 150 living Medal of Honor recipients attended the dedication Nov. 5 of the Medal of Honor Memorial at Riverside National Cemetery here. Ten widows of recipients also attended.


"Healing Wall:" An Education for Younger Generation      

WASHINGTON - Creators of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the National Mall here hoped a wall of names would help survivors heal emotionally and be America's tangible recognition of the sacrifices made by those who served.


Cultural Misunderstandings Sabotage Parental Involvement      

ARLINGTON, Va. - Cultural misunderstandings may keep some


DoD Concerned About Defense Industrial Base      

WASHINGTON - DoD must work to improve the health and well being of the defense industrial base, Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre said.


Make the Most of Parent-Teacher Conferences      

ARLINGTON, Va. - What is it about sitting in a too-small chair with knees banging on a too-small desk and listening to a teacher that automatically makes you want to raise your hand before speaking?


TRICARE Marketers Pushed to Sell Plan's Value to Patients      

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - "Twenty-five percent of the beneficiary population doesn't have the foggiest idea of what's going on," Army Dr. (Col.) Ted McNitt warned marketers, publicists and educators attending the TRICARE Communications and Customer Service conference here Nov. 2-4.


New Patient Advocate System Coming to TRICARE      

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Patients in the TRICARE military health


Miss America Fights for Homeless Veterans  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Homeless veterans have a beautiful, articulate and passionate advocate fighting to get them off the streets and back in a productive role in mainstream America.


Heritage Observances Build Sense of Value, Self-Worth  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Taking note of who "we" are is just one reason DoD has a calendar of annual heritage months.


DoD Names Outside Advisers to Oversee No-Gun-Ri Review      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen has named outside experts to provide advice and guidance on the Army-led investigation into events at Nukuen-Ri during the early days of the Korean War.


Sergeant Helps TRICARE Communicators Focus on Patient Needs      

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Depending on who you talk to, TRICARE is either great or it stinks and DoD should keep it or can it.


NATO Appoints Ralston Next European Commander      

WASHINGTON - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization announced Nov. 3 U.S. Air Force Gen. Joseph W. Ralston will be its next supreme allied commander Europe.


Obstacles Remain to Military's Use of Thrift Savings Plan      

WASHINGTON - Service members may get the chance in 2001 to build retirement nest eggs in the federal Thrift Savings Plan, but only if serious obstacles are overcome.


Veterinary Pathologists Help Keep Animals, Humans Healthy  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Hear "veterinarian" and you think of the doctor who treats sick horses, dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs and other animals.


Field Sanitation Teams Sought for Gulf War Information      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department wants to interview Gulf War veterans who served as field sanitation team members and who may know about potential health hazards U.S. service members were exposed to before and during the war.


Shelton Says U.S. Must Look to Long-term Interests      

WASHINGTON - The United States cannot afford to concentrate on near-term crises to the exclusion of long- term national interests, said Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Henry Shelton.


Health Care, Military Housing Need Attention, Cohen Says      

WASHINGTON - Health care and housing are two areas DoD must address to keep military recruiting and retention high, said Defense Secretary William S. Cohen.


DoD Works to Counter Chemical-Biological Threats      

WASHINGTON - When silent, invisible toxins fill the air, service members will need to know, and they must be protected, defense officials recently told Congress.


NATO Approves Bosnia Troop Cut      

WASHINGTON - About 1,600 U.S. service members serving in Bosnia are slated to return to the United States between December and April.


Three DoD Web Sites Rated Best in Government      

WASHINGTON - Three DoD Internet Web sites have been cited as among the best in the federal government.


Former Soviets' Bio-War Expert Details Threat      

WASHINGTON - Anthrax, plague, smallpox -- the former Soviet Union had them all and was fully prepared to use them, a one-time leader of a secret Soviet biological weapons program told Congress recently.


High Tech Lab Ties Computers to Crimes  This story contains photos.    

LINTHICUM, Md. - The airman was accused of hiring a hit man to kill his wife. He thought he would get away with murder when he literally cut the evidence to pieces.


Search and Rescue: Preparing for the Unthinkable      

FORT BELVOIR, Va. - America's search and rescue capability is like having life insurance -- most service members don't pay attention to it until they need it, Army Gen. Henry H. Shelton said Oct. 27 at DoD's third annual personnel recovery conference here.


Korean War Double Hero Reflects on Life  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - It took only seven days for Puerto Rican-born Pedro Rodriguez to earn two Silver Stars for bravery on the battlefield during the Korean War.


DoD Uses New Information Technology to Battle Y2K      

ARLINGTON, Va. - To be a guest in the Arlington Institute's "fusion center" here feels much like being a guest on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise. Both are futuristic in substance and style and both offer a glimpse of uncharted territory.

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