
American Forces Press Service

 November 1998


DoD Forms "Eagle Force" to Expand Mitch Relief      

WASHINGTON - DoD active duty and reserve personnel are delivering thousands of tons of humanitarian aid to the Central American countries of Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, all devastated recently by Hurricane Mitch.


DoD Actively Supports Counterdrug Efforts      

WASHINGTON - DoD continues to play an important role in the nation's counterdrug effort, said Ana Maria Salazar, the department's deputy assistant secretary for drug enforcement policy and support.


Recruit Quality High, Numbers a Bit Low      

WASHINGTON - Pentagon officials are pleased with the overall number and quality of this year's recruits, but they express concern about Army and Navy recruiting shortfalls in fiscal 1998.


Rare Transfusion Gives Child New Lease on Life      

SAN ANTONIO, Texas - The sailor's kid is a "normal" 8-year-old these days, playing with friends back home in Portsmouth, Va. The strokes are gone, and so are the abnormal, sickle-shaped red blood cells that once clogged his vessels.


Remote Fuel Station Makes Mitch Airlifts Possible  This story contains photos.    

SOTO CANO AIR BASE, Honduras - Disaster relief supplies arriving here are getting to the people who need them, thanks in part to soldiers who continually fuel the workhorse transports that have been flying to the hinterlands.


Readiness Top Priority, Clinton Pledges  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Saluting U.S. military forces in South Korea for serving in an ever-more dangerous land, President Clinton pledged to make military readiness the nation's top priority.


Anthrax Online: Straight Shooting from DoD      

WASHINGTON - Are DoD's mandatory anthrax inoculations really safe? Why is anthrax suddenly such a big deal? Why doesn't DoD make the shots optional and let each of us decide for ourselves what protection we need?


Sec Def to Meet with Counterparts in South America      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen will depart here Nov. 29 to attend the third Defense Ministerial of the Americas being held in Cartagena, Colombia.


Thanksgiving Day Message from the President      

WASHINGTON - Throughout our great nation on this Thanksgiving, Americans will gather around the dinner table with family and friends to share good food, warm laughter, and the happy memories of Thanksgivings past. But for many of these families, whose loved ones serve in the Armed Forces, this year's Thanksgiving celebration will not be complete. A familiar voice will not be heard and a chair at the table will remain empty because fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, uncles and aunts, and grandparents, too, are far from home protecting the blessings we celebrate this season.


Animals Breed Happiness at Air Force Hospital  This story contains photos.    

SAN ANTONIO, Texas - The staff at Wilford Hall Medical Center knew the cute but withdrawn 4-year-old girl had been sexually abused, but law enforcement authorities needed her to tell someone.


VA Toughens Loan Refinancing Rules      

WASHINGTON - New regulations are due by the end of the year to curtail money lenders preying on veterans seeking to refinance their VA home loans.


America's East Asia Ties Still Strong  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Uncertainty has replaced confidence in East Asia, according to Defense Secretary William S. Cohen.


Thanksgiving Day Message from the Chairman      

WASHINGTON - As their first arduous year in the New World came to a close, the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony took a well-deserved respite from their labors to gather and give thanks. Today, Americans everywhere join with family and friends to celebrate in much the same way as our Colonial forebears.


Doctors Double Mitch Relief Impact With Airlifts  This story contains photos.    

SOTO CANO AIR BASE, Honduras - For three weeks, the Joint Task Force-Bravo Medical Element has braved raging rivers and rock slides to treat thousands of Hondurans isolated by Hurricane Mitch in early November.


America, U.K. Stand United      

WASHINGTON - When Defense Secretary William S. Cohen needs advice, counsel or support, he said, he often turns to George Robertson.


DoD Wrestles Conflicting Funeral, Personnel Demands      

WASHINGTON - "We consider today the somber issue of providing services to those who have served, and to do so with dignity and respect and honor." -- Rudy de Leon, Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness


Service Members to Deploy to Central America  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - More than 5,700 U.S. service members will go to Central America to aid the region in recovering from Hurricane Mitch, said Marine Corps Gen. Charles Wilhelm, U.S. Southern Command commander.


A Powwow is Meeting, Making Friends and Spiritual Renewal  This story contains photos.    

UPPER MARLBORO, Md. - According to Webster's dictionary, a powwow can mean everything from a social gathering, celebration, political strategy conclave to healing by incantation magic among the Pennsylvania Dutch or an audience with the Pope.


Flu, Cold Season Nothing to Sneeze at      

WASHINGTON - Ah-choo! Gesundheit.


Clinton Improves Vets' Benefits      

WASHINGTON - President Clinton signed a new law this month improving veterans' benefits and programs.


Cohen: NATO Needs More Mobility, Better Commo      

WASHINGTON Nov. 19 - NATO nations must modernize and restructure their militaries to meet future challenges, according to Defense Secretary William S. Cohen.


Military Might Saves the Day      

WASHINGTON Nov. 19 - Once again, Saddam Hussein backed down when America flexed its military muscle.


Seabees Repair Mitch's Destruction      

SOTO CANO AIR BASE, Honduras - In Honduras, where main roads are scarce, Hurricane Mitch stranded thousands of people.


First Lady Thanks Honduras Relief Force  This story contains photos.    

SOTO CANO AIR BASE, Honduras - U.S. first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton stopped here Nov. 16 to visit and thank U.S. service members who are helping repair the recent devastation caused by Hurricane Mitch.


U.S. Water Purifiers Bring Life to Honduran Towns      

SOTO CANO AIR BASE, Honduras - "Water is life," La Libertad Mayor Cesar Augusto Andino Ortega said as U.S. soldiers began distributing the only drinkable water his little town had seen since Hurricane Mitch swept through.


Marine Creates Native American Powwow to Honor Veterans  This story contains photos.    

UPPER MARLBORO, Md. - "I come to a powwow to be an Indian, to get a sense of myself. This is part of Indian spirituality, to help each other and to celebrate with each other. When I come to pow wows, I gain strength to carry on with my life." Rachel Snow, Assiniboin Tribe


Don't Let Your Child Get All Choked Up  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A parent's worst nightmare is not knowing what to do if an infant or toddler starts choking and turning blue.


Red Cross Unveils Improved Emergency Service  This story contains photos.    

FALLS CHURCH, VA. - A state-of-the-art communications center officially opened here Nov. 16 that "changes the way Armed Forces Emergency Services have done business for half a century," said American Red Cross President Elizabeth Dole.


Start Using New Travel Cards Nov. 30      

WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 - Government travelers must start using their new NationsBank Visa cards for official travel expenses Nov. 30 and destroy their old American Express government cards.


Got New Car Fever? Read This First      

WASHINGTON - You've just arrived at your new duty station and you can't wait to start exploring the local area. All you need is a car.


There's Still Time to Start, Change Health Plan      

WASHINGTON - Federal civilian employees have until Dec. 14 to enroll in a health plan for 1999. That's when the annual open season ends.


Deployment Frozen for Gulf-bound Troops  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Service members who have deployed in response to Iraq's refusal to cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors will remain where they are. Units that have not deployed will stay in the United States but be on a high state of alert.


Strikes Halted, Iraq Backs Down      

WASHINGTON - Following Saddam Hussein's late-night, last- minute concession to meet U.N. demands, President Clinton called off military strikes he'd ordered against Iraq.


DoD Compensation Package Coming, Cohen Tells Sailors      

NORFOLK NAVAL BASE, Va. - Although the main topic of conversation was Iraq, sailors at this installation and nearby Oceana Naval Air Station also expressed concern about quality of life and readiness initiatives when Defense Secretary William S. Cohen visited Nov. 12.


Pentagon Ceremony Honors Native American Contributions  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - After more than 223 years of fighting America's wars, native Americans finally got their due Nov. 10 during the Pentagon's first ceremony recognizing their military service contributions.


Oil Well Fires Not Linked to Health Problems      

WASHINGTON - An extensive DoD investigation shows no clear links between Kuwaiti oil well fires set by Iraq during the Gulf War and long-term health problems reported by U.S. veterans.


America to Honor Military Families      

WASHINGTON - Mom or Dad may wear the uniform, but as every military family member knows, spouses and children serve the nation as well. Along with their military husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, they, too, serve throughout the United States and overseas.


Cohen Says Iraqi Compliance is Bottom Line      

NORFOLK NAVAL BASE, Va. - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen told sailors here an air campaign against Iraq would be "significant, and not a pinprick."


Clinton Promises TLC for Nation's Vets      

WASHINGTON - On the brink of possible military strikes against Iraq, President Clinton hailed America's armed forces, past and present, and promised to provide for their care.


U.S. Deploys More Forces to Gulf      

WASHINGTON - The United States is once again ready to take military action if Saddam Hussein refuses to comply with U.N. resolutions.


Southern Command Troops Aid Mitch Victims      

WASHINGTON - Just over 1,000 U.S. service members are helping rush food, shelter, pure water and medical aid to the Central Americans made homeless by Hurricane Mitch.


Salute to Singles Program Inaugurated      

WASHINGTON - Uncle Sam wants people and organizations near local military installations to help give single service members a good holiday season.


Navy Researchers Test Anti-Malaria Vaccine      

WASHINGTON - Malaria felled more combatants during the Vietnam War than bullets, and the disease has since reached global epidemic proportions. Health organizations estimate up to 5 million people have died of AIDS in the past 15 years -- but malaria killed nearly 50 million.


New DoD Vehicle Shipment Contract Benefits Customers      

FALLS CHURCH, Va. - Faster service, on-the-spot claims settlements and improved customer convenience are some of the big features of DoD new worldwide system for shipping service members' personal vehicles, a top defense transportation official said.


Pay Gap Real, Compensation Fix Needed, Shelton Says      

WASHINGTON - While experts can argue about its size, a pay gap exists and DoD will start closing it in the next budget cycle, the nation's top military leader said.


Anthrax Inoculations: A Shot in the Arm      

WASHINGTON - American service members in Korea are rolling up their sleeves now for protection against anthrax, a disease that kills within days when inhaled.


Anthrax Vaccine Called Effective Force Protection      

WASHINGTON - Despite a few well-publicized attacks against DoD's mandatory anthrax vaccination program, a senior defense health official said the vaccines are safe, effective and necessary.


98639A. Sports Minded      

WASHINGTON - The University of Southern California Trojans lead the Pacific-10 Conference with 31 college football titles; who are second and third?


98639B. Sports Minded      

WASHINGTON - Who did George Foreman defeat in capturing his first professional heavyweight fight?


The Marines are Looking For ...  This story contains photos.    

KANEOHE BAY, Hawaii - The Marines here know what they want, and they weren't bashful about telling it to Defense Secretary William Cohen.


U.S. Choppers Rescue 500 in Central America      

WASHINGTON - U.S. service members have rescued more than 500 Central Americans in the aftermath of Hurricane Mitch.


'Nothing Off Table' in Iraqi Confrontation      

WASHINGTON - U.S. officials stressed nothing is off the table -- meaning military force is a possibility -- in resolving the latest standoff with Iraq.


Kuwaiti Desert Tests Soldiers' Mettle      

WASHINGTON - This has got to be one of the bleakest places on earth. There isn't a blade of grass, bramble or bush, and the only permanent inhabitants are beetles, camels, flies, scorpions and snakes. At Kuwait's Udairi Range, about 80 miles from Iraq, about 1,200 American service members cycle through continually to learn how to cope with stifling desert heat and utter isolation.


Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief Act      

WASHINGTON - An active duty soldier takes up residence in the city outside his new duty station. When he registers his car, the city clerk tells him he also owes $300 in personal property tax. But does he?

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