
American Forces Press Service

 November 1996


Dual Mission in Store for Bosnia Stabilization Force      

WASHINGTON, DC - When IFOR's year-long Bosnia mission ends, SFOR's mission begins. The turnover Dec. 20 will mark the change from a peace implementation force of about 60,000 to a smaller stabilization force of about 31,000.


More TV for Overseas Military Audiences      

WASHINGTON - Military audiences overseas will now have more program choices, thanks to digital compression technology Armed Forces Radio and Television Service officials are installing.


Military Photographer Contest Under Way      

WASHINGTON - The 1996 Military Photographer of the Year competition is under way. Enlisted personnel from all services, including Coast Guard, holding the skill identifier of photographer, journalist, photojournalist, videographer or equivalent are invited to submit their best photographic or video work for this annual competition.


Thanksgiving Day Message From the President      

WASHINGTON, DC - When the Pilgrims gathered to celebrate the first Thanksgiving, they had much for which to give thanks.


U.S. Sending 800 Troops to Support Relief Efforts in Rwanda      

WASHINGTON - Saying the United States cannot turn its back when so many people are at mortal risk, President Clinton is preparing to send about 800 U.S. troops to support humanitarian efforts in Rwanda.


Part-time Athletes Train and Compete Against the Odds      

SAN ANTONIO, Texas - American service members competing in the 27th world military pentathlon championships here Nov. 1617 fought an uphill battle. It's a battle they've won in the past (1979), but not this year.


Environmental Protection Key to Readiness      

WASHINGTON - "Environmental protection is critical to military readiness and to military quality of life," Defense Secretary William J. Perry recently told the Society of American Military Engineers.


Europe, Pacific Stars and Stripes Face U.S. Consolidation      

WASHINGTON, DC - The European and Pacific editions of the Stars and Stripes newspapers will unite many common operations in a new U.S.-based office by Oct. 1, 1998.


Europeans Take Top Honors at Military Pentathlon      

SAN ANTONIO, Texas - A sergeant in the Hungarian navy, the team from Russia and three policemen from Milan, Italy, topped all competitors in the 27th annual international military modern pentathlon here Nov. 1617.


Army's Crouch Assumes IFOR Command      

SARAJEVO, Bosnia - U.S. Army Gen. William W. Crouch assumed command of NATO's implementation forces Nov. 7 during ceremonies here.


8,500 U.S. Troops to Participate in Bosnia Stabilization Force      

WASHINGTON - The United States will commit 8,500 troops to a new 31,000member NATO stabilization force in Bosnia. Defense officials said this will extend the U.S. military presence there until June 1998.


Commissary Shoppers Can Get Cash Back for the Holidays      

FORT LEE, Va. - While you're out spending money this holiday season, the commissary just might be the place to get some cash back -- and contribute to your installation's morale, welfare and recreation programs.


Gulf War Veterans Groups, DoD Officials Discuss 'Illness'      

SAN ANTONIO, Texas - Veterans organizations met with DoD officials Nov. 8 in Washington, looking for a solid signal the department is doing all it can to resolve health complaints of Gulf War veterans. They left with commitments from DoD to hire more investigators and spend more money investigating and treating Gulf War illnesses.


DoD Further Expands Persian Gulf Illness Efforts      

SAN ANTONIO, Texas - Deputy Secretary of Defense John P. White announced Nov. 12 he is increasing the size of the Persian Gulf illnesses investigative team from 12 to 110 people and pumping an additional $27 million into the DoD investigation.


Official Describes Scene at Iraqi Weapons Bunker      

SAN ANTONIO, Texas - A senior DoD official addressing representatives of veterans groups Nov. 8 said the department is still piecing together what happened at Khamisiyah, Iraq, in March 1991.


Coast Guard Admiral to Steer Gulf War Illness Efforts      

WASHINGTON - The White House recently named Coast Guard Rear Adm. Paul E. Busick as the president's special assistant and senior director for Gulf War illnesses.


Preparing for Tomorrow's Battlefields With Today's Savings      

FORT SILL, Okla. - Four howitzers rumbled along a dusty gravel road. One after another, each quickly pivoted right, then ground to a halt. Tubes unlocked, turrets swiveled and within seconds four artillery rounds blasted a target on nearby Scorpion Ridge. Before the smoke cleared, the big guns were moving out.


Air Force Already Has Sexual Harassment Hot Line      

WASHINGTON - The Air Force is reminding members of its sexual harassment hot line, (800) 5581404, in the wake of sexual assault and harassment allegations surfacing at the Army's Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.


Perry Designates Family Week      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary William J. Perry has declared the week of Nov. 24 as Military Families Appreciation Week.


DoD Activates National Imagery and Mapping Agency      

WASHINGTON - Four organizations combined recently into one agency responsible for obtaining more accurate and timely information for the defense and civilian intelligence communities.


California Eases State Tax Rules, Seven States Wait      

WASHINGTON - California residents currently deployed to BosniaHerzegovina, Croatia and Macedonia will not have to pay state tax on income earned in those areas.


Perry Appoints New DACOWITS Chair for 1997      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary William Perry appointed Judith Youngman as chair of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services starting Jan. 1, 1997. She succeeds Holly Hemphill of Alexandria, Va., in the nonsalaried position.


DeCA Helps Sack Illegal Immigrant Baggers      

WASHINGTON - Defense Commissary Agency officials are working with base commanders to detect illegal immigrants working at commissary stores.


President Keynotes, Honors the Veterans' Service      

WASHINGTON - President Clinton said the United States will pursue answers and relief for Persian Gulf illness sufferers in remarks on Veterans Day at Arlington (Va.) National Cemetery.


Air Force Captures Armed Forces Soccer Championship      

WASHINGTON - John Liller's early second half goal proved the tournament winner as Air Force defeated Navy 21 in the final game of the 1996 armed forces soccer championship.


DoD Orders Services to Review Sexual Harassment Training      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary William Perry ordered the Navy and Air Force to examine their service training programs for problems dealing in sexual harassment.


Questions and Answers About the Thrift Savings Plan      

WASHINGTON - Twice a year, federal civilian employees can begin or change deposits into their Thrift Savings Plan account. Open seasons (May 15July 31 and Nov. 15Jan. 31) present a pallet of choices but almost always raise questions about the investment options.


Thrift Savings Plan Offers Employees Investment Choices      

WASHINGTON - Federal civilian employees can begin or change deposits to the Thrift Savings Plan during open season, Nov. 15 to Jan. 31. The amounts they identify, according to officials, should reflect their projected financial needs when they retire or separate from federal service.


Accessing the Joint Combat Camera Web Site      

WASHINGTON - The Joint Combat Camera Center web site ( resides currently at the Redstone Arsenal in Alabama, which hosts numerous DoD web sites to the point of congestion. Since the site is restricted to DoD, it requires user names and passwords. An online form lets firsttime users register.


Internet, CD-ROMs Provide Quick Access to Quality Photos      

WASHINGTON - If images are powerful sources of information and persuaders of opinion, military leaders need and should demand timely, accurate, highquality visual documentation of the operations they direct.


Joint Staff Develops Division to Help Prevent Terrorism      

WASHINGTON - Gen. John M. Shalikashvili recently called for a rapid military response against terrorism -- and to ensure he got one had his plan in motion even as he spoke.


Wisconsin Firm Honored for Support of Guard and Reserve  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A Wisconsin transportation firm earned high praise and honors from DoD for its support of its National Guard and Reserve employees Nov. 4.


DoD Announces New Community Banking Program      

WASHINGTON - DoD recently changed procedures for its overseas military banking program.


Warning Gear Triggers Missile Strikes      

WASHINGTON - Pentagon officials said two F16 pilots acted appropriately when they fired missiles at Iraqi targets after warning gear signaled Iraqi radar was tracking them.


With an Eye On the North      

SEOUL, Republic of Korea - Every day at the demilitarized zone -- about 40 kilometers north of Seoul -- American and Korean soldiers face off with their North Korean counterparts, as politicians and officials try to reach terms for peace. Since July 7, 1953, an uneasy cease-fire has existed.


Veterans Day Message from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff      

WASHINGTON, DC - On November 11, our Nation pauses to pay special tribute to the veterans of our Armed Forces -- past and present. Since President Wilson proclaimed the first observance one year following the armistice that ended World War I, it has been an occasion of pride and remembrance in our Armed Forces.


Facts About Smoking      

WASHINGTON - Looking for a reason not to light up that next cigarette? The following list from the National Cancer Institute may help:


Cancer Society Goal: Snuff Out Smoking, Not Smokers  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - When Nov. 21 comes around, will you quit smoking or help others quit?


U.S., Republic of Korea: Past, Present, Future Allies      

WASHINGTON - A steady stream of visitors recently strolled past the Korean War Veterans Memorial that opened here in August. A lone, colorful bouquet adorned the monument's gray granite, triangular slab. A red ribbon bore the donor's name Kim DongJin, minister of national defense, Republic of Korea.


Veterans Day Proclamation by the President      

WASHINGTON, DC - This Veterans Day, Americans enjoy the fruits of peace, freedom and prosperity in a world where too many must still struggle to live their lives free from conflict, violence, and repression.


No Pat Answers to Persian Gulf Illnesses      

WASHINGTON - Medical researchers continue to pursue answers to what causes socalled Persian Gulf illnesses, according to Dr. Stephen Joseph, assistant secretary of defense for health affairs.


SOUTHCOM Commander Calls His Area "Theater of the Future"      

WASHINGTON - The commander in chief of U.S. Southern Command predicted recently that drug interdiction will make Latin America the "theater of the future."


Shalikashvili Promotes Military's Future      

WASHINGTON - With a brilliant blue fall sky and rays of sunshine overhead recently, Gen. John M. Shalikashvili told approximately 1,000 Joint Staff members the future of the military is indeed bright.


Gulf War Vets Dial VA for Help      

WASHINGTON - More than 1,900 calls a week are coming into the Department of Veterans Affairs Persian Gulf Information Center help line.


U.S. Southern Command Assumes Responsibility for Caribbean      

WASHINGTON - Defense responsibilities for the Caribbean basin will transfer from the U.S. Atlantic Command to the U.S. Southern Command on June 1, 1997.


Joint Staff Upgrades Global Command and Control      

WASHINGTON - The Joint Staff is making use of new technology to command and control.


Pang Says 1996 Recruiting Efforts Produced Quality Force      

WASHINGTON - DoD's chief of force management policy said the military successfully recruited the right quantity and quality people to serve in America's fighting forces during fiscal 1996.


DLA Accepting Holiday Donations for Joint Endeavor Troops      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Logistics Agency is accepting bulk donations from civic and commercial organizations for U. S. troops serving in Bosnia during the coming holiday season.

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