
American Forces Press Service

 October 2001


Other Ways to Get Behind the Troops      

WASHINGTON - With the suspension of the morale-boosting "Operation Dear Abby" and "Any Service Member" mail programs this year, defense officials are proposing other ways Americans can demonstrate their support for the military.


Rumsfeld to Meet With Russian Counterpart in Moscow      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld will depart for Moscow Nov. 2 to meet with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov.


Fighters, Bombers not Only Planes Flying in Afghanistan    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - It takes more than just fighters and bombers to wage a successful air war, a senior DoD official said.


DCMA Sees Warfighters Get What They Need, When They Need It  This story contains photos.    

SPRINGFIELD, Va. - "I can tell every soldier, sailor, airman and Marine that it's our job to make sure that what comes from a contractor -- the food you eat, the clothing you wear, the weapon you shoot and the system you operate is quality and it's there on time," said Army Brig. Gen. Ed Harrington.


Ramadan Bombing Halt Unlikely      

WASHINGTON - The United States is sensitive to allies' concerns, but it is unlikely to curtail the campaign against terrorism in Afghanistan during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke said Oct. 30.


Air Campaign Ratchets Up Against Front Line      

WASHINGTON - About 80 percent of the air campaign on Oct. 29 was directed against front-line Taliban and Al Qaeda forces, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Oct. 30.


Anthrax Threat Suspends Dear Abby, "Any Service Member" Mail Programs      

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Military postal officials have reluctantly ended the "Operation Dear Abby" and "Any Service Member" postal programs due to the anthrax threat.


U.S. Ground Forces Helping Northern Alliance  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - A "modest" number of U.S. troops are on the ground supporting the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Oct. 30.


QDR Approves Joint Force Headquarters Concept  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Forming a headquarters at the height of an international crisis is not the best way to do business, and the Quadrennial Defense Review suggested changing that situation.


Air Strikes Target Caves, Tunnels, Troops      

WASHINGTON - DoD spokeswoman Victoria "Torie" Clarke held an impromptu Pentagon press briefing this morning to give reporters "the top line" of what happened in Afghanistan Sunday, what's being focused on today and to run down responses to rumors and speculations.


Rumsfeld Says Progress in War Is Measurable      

WASHINGTON - After three weeks of action in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said the war on terrorism is going well and there has been measurable progress.


Officers Gain Corporate Experience in Fellows Program      

WASHINGTON - Many people believe the military has "its own way of doing things" and will never change. But DoD officials are trying to debunk that thought through a program that gains military officers hands-on experience in civilian corporations.


U.S. Commando Solo II Takes Over Afghan Airwaves  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - After years of Taliban propaganda, the Afghan people are hearing another voice.


War Will Continue Until Americans Live Without Fear    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Pointing out that the Al Qaeda terrorist network crosses more than 50 countries, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said the task is to go after it, and the Taliban, "until Americans can go about their lives without fear."


'United We Stand' Stamp Debuts at Attack Areas, Goes National Nov. 5  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Postal Service made its special "United We Stand" stamp available Oct. 24 in areas where postal officials thought it would have the most meaning.


Cathedral Patrons' Generosity Supports DoD Charities      

WASHINGTON - The dean of Washington National Cathedral came to the Pentagon Oct. 25 to give DoD charities more than $30,000.


Homeland Defense is DoD Job No. 1, White Says      

WASHINGTON - DoD must make significant changes in the structure of the department to refocus on the homeland defense mission, Army Secretary Thomas White said before the Senate Armed Forces Committee Oct. 25.


Lockheed-Martin Team Wins Joint Strike Fighter Competition  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - Lockheed-Martin has won the largest military contract ever, a possible $200 billion competition to build the Joint Strike Fighter.


U.S. Pounds Taliban Front-Line Positions      

WASHINGTON - U.S. air forces continued to hammer front-line Taliban positions, Joint Staff spokesman Rear Adm. John D. Stufflebeem told Pentagon reporters Oct. 26.


White Announces Realignments to Address Homeland Security    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Army Secretary Thomas E. White, wearing his hat as the Defense Department's executive agent for homeland security, today announced DoD is realigning resources to better address ongoing and possible future terrorist threats to the nation.


A Short History of Homeland Defense      

WASHINGTON - Since the Sept. 11 terrorist strikes in New York and Washington, many Americans have been calling for the military to do more for "homeland defense."


Terrorists Use 'Smoke and Mirrors' in Afghan War      

WASHINGTON - Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan are rolling out some age-old sleight-of-hand and propaganda tricks to hide their forces or to influence public opinion in their favor.


American Airlines Praises DoD Family Assistance Center  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - Tommy McFall was apprehensive when he walked into DoD's Family (Casualty) Assistance Center in Arlington, Va., two days after American Airlines Flight 77 slammed into the Pentagon.


Rumsfeld Vows Not to Break Missile Treaty    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - The 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty was outdated even before the events of Sept. 11, but the United States won't violate it to test a missile shield, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said today.


Rumsfeld Believes U.S. Can Get Bin Laden    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld answered media reports that said the United States might not get Osama bin Laden.


Shadow Warriors Take the Fight to Taliban, Al Qaeda  This story contains photos.    This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - The war against terrorism is a new kind of war requiring different types of tactics, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has said.


Afghanistan Will Be 'Long, Long Campaign'; Food Rumor False, Official Says    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - In the third week of fighting to oust Al Qaeda terrorists and their Taliban supporters in Afghanistan, a senior DoD official today said the conflict would be a prolonged effort requiring much patience.


U.S. Steps Up Attacks on Taliban, Al Qaeda Troops      

WASHINGTON - "We are happy, eager and willing to do what we can to help seek out and destroy the Taliban and Al Qaeda forces," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told reporters during an Oct. 22 Pentagon press briefing.


Troops 'Opting-Out' of Spousal SGLI May Be Reimbursed      

WASHINGTON - New Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance rules effective Nov. 1 provide free coverage for troops' children and low-cost premiums for spousal coverage up to $100,000. But what if service members don't want spousal SGLI coverage?


Some Service Members Eligible For Wartime Pay, Benefits      

WASHINGTON - Some active duty and reserve component troops may qualify under federal law for extra duty pays and benefits for their contributions in the war on terrorism.


Stars and Stripes Prints 'Messages of Support'      

WASHINGTON - Operation Enduring Freedom troops are being flooded with messages of love, caring, concern, appreciation and encouragement from home and abroad. And they don't have to worry about dealing with suspicious-looking mail.


Military Mail May Be Delayed, Deputy Chief Says      This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Military mail destined overseas will get through, but it may be delayed, said Navy Capt. Eugene DuCom, deputy commander of the Military Postal Service Agency.


Clarke Addresses Protecting Civilians, Taliban Lies    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - Even with the extraordinary care U.S. forces take to avoid hitting civilian targets, accidents happen.


U.S. Forces Strike Al Qaeda 'in Its Entirety'    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - U.S. forces are striking Al Qaeda "in its entirety," said Rear Adm. John D. Stufflebeem, deputy director of operations for current readiness and capabilities at the Joint Staff.


Columbine High School Sends Caring Messages to Pentagon  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - "Everyone was distraught the day the tragedy happened because it brought back memories of what happened here on April 20, 1999," said Tania Atencio, assistant principal at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo.


Myers and Sept. 11: "We Hadn't Thought About This"      

WASHINGTON - Air Force Gen. Richard Myers wasn't in the Pentagon when terrorists attacked it Sept. 11, but the event was still a nightmare for him.


Missouri Air Force Unit Takes Battle to Terrorists  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - B-2 Spirit bomber pilots and support crews are carrying the fight for freedom directly to terrorists in their Afghan lairs, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told 509th Bomb Wing troops Oct. 19 at Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo.


Two Soldiers Killed; Special Forces Assault Taliban Sites      This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Ground forces, including Army Rangers, operating under U.S. Central Command struck two terrorist sites inside Afghanistan Oct. 19, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff confirmed.


Chairman Asks Troops to Prepare for Hardships      

WASHINGTON - Fighting terrorism is the most important thing America's armed forces have been asked to do since World War II, the military's top officer said.


DoD Officials Won't Confirm U.S. Ground Troops in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Defense Department officials refused during the Pentagon's daily press briefing today to confirm or deny the presence of U.S. Special Forces troops in Afghanistan.


Intelligence Agency Presents Defense of Freedom Medals  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Defense Intelligence Agency awarded the first Defense of Freedom Medals to the families of their civilian employees who died Sept. 11 in the attack on the Pentagon.


Rumsfeld Visits B-2 Bomber Base as Afghan Campaign Heats Up  This story contains photos.    

WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Mo. - Amid news reports that U.S. ground troops are aiding anti-Taliban forces in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld flew to this Missouri air base today to meet B-2 Spirit bomber pilots and support crews.


DoD to Re-look Anthrax Vaccine Issue, Rumsfeld Says      

WASHINGTON - DoD will look at ways to kick- start U.S. production of anthrax vaccine that, up to now, has been manufactured by just one company in Michigan, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said today.


Air Strikes Effective Against Terrorist Targets  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - U.S. and allied air strikes against terrorist targets in Afghanistan are having continued effect on terrorists, said Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.


High School Students Send Roses to Pentagon Workers  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Army Maj. Gen. Sue B. Dueitt was rushing through the Pentagon to attend a funeral at Arlington National Cemetery for a soldier killed in the terrorist attack on the Pentagon when three men stopped her.


Taliban Ability to Respond to Airstrikes 'Falling Away,' Admiral Says    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - The U.S. is using power in ways today that military tacticians never thought of before. And it's all aimed at reaching the nation's objectives of destroying the instruments of power the Taliban uses to support Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda terrorist network, said Navy Rear Adm. John D. Stufflebeem.


Bush Encourages Troops During California Stop  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - Men and women in uniform are the true strength of the United States, President George W. Bush told troops and their families Oct. 17.


'Box Scores' Don't Tell Whole Story      

WASHINGTON - Coalition military forces have dropped "well over 2,000" munitions in more than a week of aerial strikes on Al Qaeda and Taliban sites in Afghanistan, but U.S. military officials caution against using these numbers to "keep score" in the war on terrorism.


Brain Injury Awareness Bike Ride Turns to Mission of Compassion  This story contains photos.    

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - It started as a way to raise awareness, it continued as a mission to let those in New York and at the Pentagon know that America cares for them.


Former Secretaries Push for Base Closures      

WASHINGTON - A group of former defense secretaries signed a letter to Congress calling for another round of base closures.


Rumsfeld Explains U.S. Position to Arab TV Network  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - In a wide-ranging interview with Arab television, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld today explained the U.S. position in the war on terrorism and directly addressed many concerns many Muslims have about U.S. actions.


DoD Continues to Drop Rations, Info to Afghan People  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - U.S. military forces dropped another 68,000 humanitarian ration packs into Afghanistan over the weekend, bringing to more than 275,000 the total delivered since military operations began in that country a week ago, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said today.


Italian PM Calls USA 'Irreplaceable Bulwark of Freedom'      

WASHINGTON - The United States is the "irreplaceable bulwark" of freedom in the world, the Italian prime minister said at the Pentagon today.


Bush Promises "Every Resource" to Combat Terrorism  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

FORT MYER, Va. - President Bush today repeated his Oct. 11 promise that service members will have every resource they need to defeat global terrorism.


Aerial Strikes Weaken Taliban, Terrorists, Says Rumsfeld      

WASHINGTON - About 25 U.S. military planes struck Taliban and terrorist targets in Afghanistan yesterday, as the military campaign against global terrorism enters its second week.


Bulletin Board of Losses Tells Who They Were, What They Did  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - "Oh, my God, I didn't know that Kevin got killed!" Karen Saunders exclaimed.


High-Deployment Per Diem Stopped for Enduring Freedom      

WASHINGTON - DoD has suspended its requirement that services track deployment days and pay $100 per day to troops who are deployed more than 400 days in any two-year period.


High-Tech Cardboard Boxes Used In Afghan Food Airdrops      

WASHINGTON - How do you airdrop desperately needed food rations to Afghan refugees without the payload falling into the wrong hands or crushing the recipients?


Air Force Fliers Continue Afghan Food Drop Operations      

WASHINGTON - Imagine huge, four-engine American military jets streaking over the embattled skies of Afghanistan ... dropping a payload of food instead of bombs.


Web Sites Point Donors to CFC-Affiliated Organizations      

WASHINGTON - Military members and DoD civilians who desire to contribute to this year's Combined Federal Campaign can locate appropriate charitable organizations with the click of a computer mouse.


Drug, Alcohol Treatment Available to DoD Beneficiaries      

WASHINGTON - DoD aggressively treats drug and alcohol abuse in family members and retirees as well as active duty service members.


September 11 at the Pentagon      

WASHINGTON - It feels like a year since September 11 rather than a month. The longest day was September 11 itself.


'Therapy Dogs' Help Relieve Stress for Families, Staff, Volunteers  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - "Wow"! "Look at the dogs!" Melvina Brown, 5, exclaimed as she rushed to pet a "therapy dog" at DoD's Family (Casualty) Assistance Center here. Her little brother, Robert Russell III, 2, eagerly followed.


Flag at Pentagon Attack Site Lowered, Preserved  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The huge American flag that hung to the right of the damaged area of the Pentagon was lowered Oct. 11 and folded with full military honors.


'Day at a Time' Gets Family Member Through Double Crisis  This story contains photos.    This story contains video.

ARLINGTON, Va. - Overcome with grief and plagued by the agony of the unknown, Lillian Lightbourn rushed from Rochester, N.Y., to Virginia. Crying and praying all the way, her sole wish was that her sister would be found alive in the rubble of the Pentagon.


Respect for Fallen Comrades Brings Onlookers to Service  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Men and women, officers and enlisted, military and civilian alike shuddered and wiped away tears as the names of those killed in the terrorist attack on the Pentagon Sept. 11 scrolled along giant screens to the haunting strains of "Amazing Grace" during the Oct. 11 memorial service at the military's scarred headquarters.


Memorial Service Honors Pentagon Victims  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - Defense Department family members were truly "United in Memory" Oct. 11 as they remembered friends and co-workers lost in the attack on the Pentagon one month ago.


Relief Act Only for Pre-Active Duty Debt      

WASHINGTON - The Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act will lower military members' mortgage interest to 6 percent -- but only if the loan existed before the member came on active duty.


U.S. Does Not Target Civilians, Rumsfeld Says      

WASHINGTON - "The United States does not target civilians," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said when asked for comment about Taliban charges that the U.S. military was wantonly killing civilians in Afghanistan.


Attacks Hit Afghan Targets; Humanitarian Mission Continues      

WASHINGTON - As military strikes continue against the Al Qaeda terrorist network and the Taliban in Afghanistan, President Bush made clear that terrorists in other countries also have been targeted.


Bush Spotlights "Most Wanted" Terrorists      

WASHINGTON - President Bush unveiled the "World's Most Wanted Terrorist List" Oct. 10 during a ceremony at the FBI's J. Edgar Hoover Building here.


Navy Dedicates Cole Memorial Oct. 12  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Navy will dedicate a memorial at 10:30 a.m. Oct. 12 to the 17 sailors killed a year ago in a terrorist attack on the destroyer USS Cole.


Memorial Ceremony to Honor Pentagon Terror Victims (CORRECTED COPY)      

WASHINGTON - The Pentagon will honor its military and civilian personnel killed and wounded during the Sept. 11 terrorist strike on the building.


NATO Sends Radar Surveillance Planes to Protect United States  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - NATO has sent five of its Airborne Warning and Control Systems aircraft from Germany to Oklahoma in a historic first.


Your DoD Town Hall Questions, Answered      

WASHINGTON - The war against terrorism has intervened, but the answers to questions posed to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld during an Aug. 9 Town Hall meeting in the Pentagon have debuted on DefenseLink.


Central Command Asks to Designate Afghanistan Combat Zone      

WASHINGTON - U.S. Central Command officials have asked that Afghanistan, its airspace and the seas near it be declared a combat zone, DoD officials said Oct. 9.


Message from the Secretary of Defense to DoD Personnel      

WASHINGTON - On Sept. 24, the president launched the first strike in the global war against terrorism by attacking the financial foundations of terrorist operations around the globe. Today, the United States launched the second.


U.S. Crews Assault Al Qaeda, Taliban Support Structures  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - U.S. aircraft and Tomahawk cruise missiles hit 85 percent of their 31 targets during the first two days of strikes against the Al Qaeda terrorist network and Taliban support structure inside Afghanistan, DoD officials said today.


Army, Air Force Riggers Team for Afghan Food Mission  This story contains photos.    

RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany - Some Afghans have food today thanks in part to the efforts of roughly 66 soldiers and airmen.


Company Offers Free Fitness for Called-up Guardsmen, Reservists      

WASHINGTON - National Guard and Reserve members called to active duty are being offered free 30-day membership use of Bally Total Fitness centers nationwide.


Afghan Food Drop Underscores Bush's Humanitarian Pledge      

RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany - The two U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III transports that delivered about 35,000 Humanitarian Daily Rations over Afghanistan early Oct. 8 marked the first U.S. military airdrop of relief aid to the region and the first operational use of a new airdrop system.


Ridge Sworn in as Director of Homeland Security Office      

WASHINGTON - Former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge today became the nation's first director of the newly created Homeland Security Office.


All Aircraft Return Safely; First Day of Attacks a Success      

WASHINGTON - All U.S. aircraft participating in attacks on Afghanistan Oct. 7 returned to their bases safely, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld called the day's missions a success.


Airmen Describe Experiences Over Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - "Like being a football player at the Super Bowl" is how one Air Force bombardier described being part of the initial wave of offensive strikes in America's war on terrorism.


National Guard Steps in to Help With Airport Security      

WASHINGTON - Most civilian police officers, including Tim Hall of Albuquerque, N.M., come to grips with the idea of not always being welcome when they step into people's lives. But Hall is witnessing something uniquely different at his city's airport as a security forces supervisor in the New Mexico Air National Guard.


Air Campaign Continues Against Taliban, Terrorist Targets      

WASHINGTON - Air strikes against Taliban- held targets in Afghanistan continue, senior DoD officials said early this afternoon at the Pentagon.


What are Humanitarian Daily Rations?  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - In addition to attacking the Taliban regime and terrorist facilities in Afghanistan today, U.S. air operations include the delivery of some 37,000 Humanitarian Daily Rations to Afghan refugees.


Aircraft, Missiles Hammer Terrorists  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Aircraft and Tomahawk missiles hammered terrorist targets in Afghanistan, DoD officials said in a Pentagon press conference today.


America Launches Strikes Against Al Qaeda, Taliban      

WASHINGTON - America is striking back.


Washington Provides Food, Medicine to Afghans      

WASHINGTON - Even before the first of 37,000 humanitarian daily rations began floating down to Afghan refugees, the United States was the largest foreign aid donor to the people of Afghanistan.


Amir of Qatar Donates $1 Million For Attack Victims' Families  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Amir Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani of Qatar provided the Defense Department $1 million today to be used to assist families of victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the Pentagon.


Wolfowitz Tells Senate About QDR    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told senators that even as the war on terrorism continues, the U.S. military needs to transform to face the threats of the new century.


Uzbekistan Grants U.S. Flyovers, Limited Basing  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  

TASHKENT, Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan agreed Oct. 5 to allow American forces to use an airfield here and to use Uzbek air space.


Terrorism Forces Tight Security Unknown to Most Americans  This story contains photos.    

CAIRO - Egypt has had its share of problems with terrorists.


U.S., Georgia Pledge Mutual Assistance in Terrorism Fight      

WASHINGTON - U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz and Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze pledged mutual support in the fight against global terrorism at an Oct. 5 Pentagon news conference.


Rumsfeld Meets Omani Monarch in Tent by the Sea      

CAIRO - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld met today with the Sultan of Oman, Qaboos bin Sa'id Al Sa'id.


Marines to Stand Up Anti-Terror Brigade      

WASHINGTON - The Marines will stand up an anti-terrorism brigade Oct. 10 at Camp Lejeune, N.C., Corps officials said Oct. 4.


DoD Positions Military Forces at Home, Overseas      

WASHINGTON - U.S. military forces have been on the move since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the New York World Trade Center and the Pentagon, said a defense official.


No Military Requests Made of Saudi Arabia, Officials Say      

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - U.S. and Saudi officials put on a united front here early Oct. 4 to dispel rumors that Saudi Arabia had denied a U.S. request to launch air strikes from the desert kingdom.


Bush, Rumsfeld Announce Food Aid for Afghan Refugees    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - President Bush announced today the creation of a $320 million humanitarian assistance package for the people of Afghanistan.


Islam Growing in America, U.S. Military      This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - "Islam is peace," President Bush said. And the United States is not against the religion of Islam, he stresses, but those who pervert the religion to support terrorism and mass murder.


Focus Shifts to Identifying Victims at Pentagon Crash Site      

WASHINGTON - The search for remains in the debris at the Sept. 11 airliner crash site at the Pentagon has ended. The FBI has stopped sifting through debris looking for evidence and remains, however, more than a third of the victims of the terrorist attack are still unaccounted for, according to Defense Department officials.


Rumsfeld: The World Has Pulled Together      

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said he's "been struck" by the support and assistance countries around the world offered immediately after the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks in the United States.


Hispanic American Exceeds Childhood Dreams; Becomes Marine General  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Michael J. Aguilar was in the seventh grade when he decided he wanted to be a military pilot and fly combat missions. Only part of his youthful plan came true.


Rumsfeld Not in Middle East to Negotiate      

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is not visiting the Middle East to negotiate basing or fly-over rights for U.S. troops in the war on terrorism, but to "solidify relationships."


DoD Dedicates 2001 CFC Campaign to Fallen Army Employee  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - In 14 years as the Army's Combined Federal Campaign administrator, Meta Waller raised more than $30 million, DoD officials said.


Rumsfeld Departs on First Middle East Trip  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld is on a mission to the Middle East, his first trip there since taking office earlier this year.


Pentagon Terror Damage Will Take Years to Repair  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Pentagon's chief renovation official said Oct. 2 that repairs on the building stemming from the Sept. 11 terrorist attack might take more than three years to complete.


DoD 'Safecrackers' Help Safeguard Pentagon Documents  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Two Pentagon civilian employees have been breaking into safes and moving some "hot paper" in the wake of the Sept. 11 terror attack on the Defense Department's headquarters.


NATO Weapons-Gathering Mission a Success, Say Officials  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A recently completed NATO peacekeeping mission in Macedonia, Task Force Essential Harvest, was a total success, DoD officials said.


Quadrennial Review Shifts Transformation to High Gear      

WASHINGTON - The size of the U.S. military will remain about the same, but portions will be reconfigured to combat asymmetrical threats, according to the Quadrennial Defense Review released to Congress Sept. 30.


DoD Flooded with Mail, Posters Honoring Sept. 11 Terror Victims  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is being inundated by e-mail, cards, letters and posters, all filled with an outpouring of sympathy and concern for victims and loved ones of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the Pentagon, according to Janice Simms of the Defense Public Inquiry and Analysis Office.


DoD Salutes Shelton's 38 Years of Military Service  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

FORT MYER, Va. - "The Ballad of the Green Berets" played as Army Gen. Henry Shelton reviewed the troops for the last time.


TRICARE for Life Starts on Schedule    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.

ARLINGTON, Va. - TRICARE for Life kicked off on schedule Oct. 1, adding 1.5 million new beneficiaries to the military's healthcare system.


N.C. Group Served 70,000 Meals to Pentagon Disaster Workers  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - They came from across North Carolina to sweat over huge steaming pots of beef stew, fresh green beans and a slew of other culinary delights to feed rescue and recovery workers at the Pentagon.


U.S. Will Disintegrate Al Qaeda, Rumsfeld Says    This story contains audio.  

WASHINGTON - The United States will "disintegrate" the Al Qaeda terrorist network, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Sept. 30.

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