Conservation Scientist for a Day

Conservation Scientist for a Day

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Have you ever wondered what an art conservation scientist does? Have you thought about how science can teach us about an historic object? Come join us this summer and be your own scientific sleuth to learn about the culture of early inhabitants of Natchitoches through the pottery shards they left behind. NCPTT is offering a one-day workshop on July 31, 2012 called “Conservation Scientist for a Day.” You’ll have a chance to study authentic pottery through documentation, microscopy, chemical spot tests, X-ray Fluorescence analysis and more!!! NCPTT instructors will guide you through a series of experiments to learn the science behind the history.

Who: This one day event is offered on July 31, 2012 to students who have finished 8th grade through Seniors in high school.


Location: National Center for Preservation Technology and Training,

645 University Parkway

Natchitoches, LA 71457


Time: Tuesday, July 31, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Attire: Jeans, t-shirt, closed toe shoes

Cost: $10.00 per person

Limited to 25 students, payment in full is required at registration

Scholarships are available (Mary Striegel, 318-356-7444)

Instructors: Curtis Desselles, Carol Chin, Jason, Church, Mary Striegel

The event is sponsored by the Friends of NCPTT.

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