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Weekly Coal Production

Estimates of U.S. coal production by State based on railroad car loadings data. (archived versions)

Weekly NYMEX Coal Futures

The New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) Report provides settlement price data for Central Appalachian (CAPP), Western Powder River Basin (PRB), and Eastern CSX Transportation (CSX) coal futures.

Coal News & Markets

Summarizes spot coal prices by coal commodity regions (i.e., Central Appalachia (CAP), Northern Appalachia (NAP), Illinois Basin (ILB), Power River Basin (PRB), and Uinta Basin (UIB)) in the United States.

Today in Energy - Coal

Short, timely articles with graphs about recent coal issues and trends

Quarterly Coal Distribution

Released: October 16, 2012

The Quarterly Coal Distribution Report (QCDR) provides detailed U.S. domestic coal distribution data by coal origin State, coal destination State, mode of transportation, and consuming sector. Quarterly data for all years are preliminary and will be superseded by the release of the corresponding Annual Coal Distribution Report. (archived versions)

Short-Term Energy Outlook - Coal Section

Released: October 10, 2012

Short-term coal supply, demand, and price projections.

Short-Term Energy Outlook

Released: October 10, 2012

Short-term energy supply, demand, and price projections through 2013 for U.S. and International oil forecasts

Quarterly Coal Report

Released: October 4, 2012

Summary of quarterly coal production, exports, imports, receipts, prices, consumption, and stocks. (archived versions)

Annual Energy Review - Coal Section

Released: September 27, 2012

Annual statistics on coal supply, demand, and price.

Annual Energy Review

Released: September 27, 2012

A report of historical annual energy statistics. For many series, data begin with the year 1949. Included are data on total energy production, consumption, and trade; overviews of petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity, nuclear energy, renewable energy, as well as financial and environmental indicators; and data unit conversion tables.

Monthly Energy Review - Coal Section

Released: September 26, 2012

Recent statistics on coal supply, disposition, and price.

Monthly Energy Review

Released: September 26, 2012

The Monthly Energy Review (MER) is the U.S. Energy Information Administration's primary report of recent energy statistics. Included are total energy production, consumption, and trade; energy prices; overviews of petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and international petroleum; carbon dioxide emissions; and data unit conversions.

Electricity Monthly Update

Released: September 25, 2012

Provides analysis and of the highlights of the data included in the Electric Power Monthly publication and presents tables of electricity generation, fuel consumption for generation, fossil fuel stocks, and average retail sales and prices of electricity. The EMU is published at the same time as the EPM. (archived versions)

Electric Power Monthly

Released: September 25, 2012

Provides monthly statistics at the State, Census division, and U.S. levels for net generation, fossil fuel consumption and stocks, quantity and quality of fossil fuels, cost of fossil fuels, electricity sales, revenue, and average revenue per kilowatthour of electricity sold. (archived versions)

Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook

Released: August 2, 2012

This report presents the major assumptions of the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) used to generate the projections in the Annual Energy Outlook 2012, including general features of the model structure, assumptions concerning energy markets, and the key input data and parameters that are the most significant in formulating the model results.

What is the role of coal in the United States?

Released: July 18, 2012

Energy in Brief article on coal.

Annual Coal Report

Released: July 3, 2012

Provides information about U.S. coal production, number of mines, prices, productivity, employment, productive capacity, and recoverable reserves to a wide audience, including Congress, Federal and State agencies, the coal industry, and the general public. (archived versions)

Annual Energy Outlook - Coal Section

Released: June 25, 2012

Coal projections to 2035.

Supplemental Tables to the Annual Energy Outlook

Released: June 25, 2012

The AEO Supplemental tables were generated for the reference case of the Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) using the National Energy Modeling System, a computer-based model which produces annual projections of energy markets. Most of the tables were not published in the AEO, but contain regional and other more detailed projections underlying the AEO projections.

Annual Energy Outlook

Released: June 25, 2012

The complete version of Annual Energy Outlook 2012 (AEO2012) which, in addition to the Reference case projections, includes 29 alternative cases which show how different assumptions regarding market, policy, and technology drivers affect projections of energy production, consumption, technology, and market trends and the direction they may take in the future.

Fuel Competition in Power Generation and Elasticities of Substitution

Released: June 21, 2012

This report analyzes the competition between coal, natural gas and petroleum used for electricity generation by estimating what is referred to by economists as the elasticity of substitution among the fuels.

U.S. Coal Reserves

Released: March 14, 2012

U.S. Coal Reserves presents detailed estimates of U.S. coal reserves by State, as well as descriptions of the data, methods, and assumptions used to develop such estimates. (archived versions)

Sales of Fossil Fuels Produced from Federal and Indian Lands, FY 2003 through FY 2011

Released: March 14, 2012

This paper was prepared in response to recent requests that the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) provide updated summary information regarding fossil fuel production on Federal and Indian lands in the United States. It provides EIA's current best estimates of fossil fuels sales from production on Federal and Indian lands for fiscal year (FY) 2003 through FY 2011.

What were the key energy commodity price trends in 2011?

Released: February 14, 2012

Energy commodity price trends varied widely during 2011. Crude oil and petroleum products prices increased during 2011, while natural gas, coal, and electricity prices declined. This article provides an overview of key energy commodity price trends in 2011 based on prices seen in futures markets.

Annual Coal Distribution

Released: November 30, 2011

The Annual Coal Distribution Report (ACDR) provides detailed information on domestic coal distribution by origin State, destination State, consumer category, and method of transportation. Also provided is a summary of foreign coal distribution by coal-producing State. All data for the report year are final and this report supersedes all data in the quarterly distribution reports. (archived versions)

Electric Power Annual

Released: November 9, 2011

Presents 12 years (1999 - 2010) of National-level data on electricity generating capacity, electricity generation and useful thermal output, fuel receipts, consumption, and emissions. (archived versions)

What Are the Major Sources and Users of Energy in the United States?

Released: October 25, 2011

Energy in Brief article on energy sources in the U.S.

International Energy Outlook - Coal Section

Released: September 19, 2011

International coal projections through 2035

International Energy Outlook

Released: September 19, 2011

This report presents international energy projections through 2035, prepared by the Energy Information Administration, including outlooks for major energy fuels and associated carbon dioxide emissions. (archived versions)

Rail Coal Transportation Rates to the Electric Power Sector

Released: June 22, 2011

Average annual rail transportation rates and related analysis are based on the confidential, carload waybill sample obtained from the U.S. Surface Transportation Board. The data are aggregated across select state-to-state and coal basin-to-state combinations for 2001 to 2008.

U.S. Coal Supply & Demand

Released: June 1, 2011

Covers coal production, consumption, exports, imports, stocks, and delivered coal prices. It also details regional and State-level coal production, national coal consumption, and some of the developments that occurred in the coal industry. (archived versions)

Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants

Released: December 1, 2010

Provides comprehensive information concerning the quality, quantity, and cost of fossil fuels used to produce electricity in the United States. (archived versions)

Energy Market and Economic Impacts of the American Power Act of 2010

Released: July 16, 2010

This report responds to a request from Senators Kerry, Graham, and Lieberman for an analysis of the American Power Act of 2010 (APA). APA, as released by Senators Kerry and Lieberman on May 12, 2010, regulates emissions of greenhouse gases through market-based mechanisms, efficiency programs, and other economic incentives.

New EPA Guidelines for Review of Surface Coal Mining Operations in Appalachia (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

On April 1, 2010, the EPA issued a set of new guidelines to several of its Regional offices regarding the compliance of surface coal mining operations in Appalachia with the provisions of the Clean Water Act (CWA), the National Environmental Policy Act, and the environmental justice Executive Order (E.O. 12898). The stated purpose of the guidance was to explain more fully the approach that the EPA will be following in permit reviews, and to provide additional assurance that its Regional offices use clear, consistent, and science-based standards in reviewing the permits. Although the new guidelines go into effect immediately, they will be subjected to review both by the public and by the EPAs Science Advisory Board, with a set of final guidelines to be issued no later than April 1, 2011.

Acquisitions and Divestitures by Foreign Direct Investors in U.S. Energy

Released: April 1, 2010

This report reviews acquisitions of U.S. energy assets by foreign investors in 2007. (archived versions)

Impacts of Rising Construction and Equipment Costs on Energy Industries (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

Costs related to the construction industry have been volatile in recent years. Some of the volatility may be related to higher energy prices. Prices for iron and steel, cement, and concretecommodities used heavily in the construction of new energy projects rose sharply from 2004 to 2006, and shortages have been reported. How such price fluctuations may affect the cost or pace of new development in the energy industries is not known with any certainty, and short-term changes in commodity prices are not accounted for in the 25-year projections in AEO2007. Most projects in the energy industries require long planning and construction lead times, which can lessen the impacts of short-term trends.

Coal Transportation Issues (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

Most of the coal delivered to U.S. consumers is transported by railroads, which accounted for 64 percent of total domestic coal shipments in 2004. Trucks transported approximately 12 percent of the coal consumed in the United States in 2004, mainly in short hauls from mines in the East to nearby coal-fired electricity and industrial plants. A number of minemouth power plants in the West also use trucks to haul coal from adjacent mining operations. Other significant modes of coal transportation in 2004 included conveyor belt and slurry pipeline (12 percent) and water transport on inland waterways, the Great Lakes, and tidewater areas (9 percent).

GIS Assessment of Remaining Coal Resources with High Market Potential

Released: October 12, 2006

This report combines geologic data, mined-out coal information, restrictions on access, and economic data in a GIS framework. It also provides maps of remaining coal resources in the Pittsburgh coal bed (Northern Appalachian coal region).

Coal Production In The United States - An Historical Overview

Released: October 6, 2006

Energy from coal has been important historically in the United States for a broad range of uses. Coal today is used principally as a fuel for electricity generation and other industrial processes.

Coal Transportation Rate Sensitivity Analysis

Released: April 1, 2005

On December 21, 2004, the Surface Transportation Board (STB) requested that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) analyze the impact of changes in coal transportation rates on projected levels of electric power sector energy use and emissions. Specifically, the STB requested an analysis of changes in national and regional coal consumption and emissions resulting from adjustments in railroad transportation rates for Wyoming's Powder River Basin (PRB) coal using the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS). However, because NEMS operates at a relatively aggregate regional level and does not represent the costs of transporting coal over specific rail lines, this analysis reports on the impacts of interregional changes in transportation rates from those used in the Annual Energy Outlook 2005 (AEO2005) reference case.

Analysis of Alternative Mercury Control Strategies

Released: January 1, 2005

This analysis responds to a September 14, 2004, request from Chairmen James M. Inhofe and George V. Voinovich asking the Energy Information Administration (EIA) to analyze the impacts of different approaches for removing mercury from coal-fired power plants.

Coal Transportation: Rates and Trends in the United States, 1979-2001

Released: September 17, 2004

In this report, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) is offering Excel spreadsheet files and data graphs that can be used to address some of the questions often asked about transporting coal.

Analysis of Senate Amendment 2028, the Climate Stewardship Act of 2003

Released: May 1, 2004

On May 11, 2004, Senator Landrieu asked EIA to evaluate SA.2028. This paper responds to that request, relying on the modeling methodology, data sources, and assumptions used to analyze the original bill, as extensively documented in EIA's June 2003 report.

Analysis of S. 1844, the Clear Skies Act of 2003; S. 843, the Clean Air Planning Act of 2003; and S. 366, the Clean Power Act of 2003

Released: May 1, 2004

Senator James M. Inhofe requested that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) undertake analysis of S.843, the Clean Air Planning Act of 2003, introduced by Senator Thomas Carper; S.366, the Clean Power Act of 2003, introduced by Senator James Jeffords; and S.1844, the Clear Skies Act of 2003, introduced by Senator James M. Inhofe. The EIA received this request on March 19, 2004. This Service Report responds to his request.

Analysis of S. 485, the Clear Skies Act of 2003, and S. 843, the Clean Air Planning Act of 2003

Released: September 1, 2003

On July 30, 2003, Senator James M. Inhofe requested the Energy Information Administration to undertake analyses of S.843, The Clean Air Planning Act of 2003, introduced by Senator Thomas Carper, and S.485, Clear Skies Act of 2003. Senator Inhofe also asked the Energy Information Administration (EIA) to analyze S. 485 without the mercury provisions and S. 843 without the mercury and carbon dioxide provisions. This service report responds to both requests.

Analysis of S.139, the Climate Stewardship Act of 2003

Released: June 1, 2003

On January 9, 2003, Senators John McCain and Joseph I. Lieberman introduced Senate Bill 139 (S.139), the Climate Stewardship Act of 2003, in the U.S. Senate. S.139 would require the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to promulgate regulations to limit greenhouse gas emissions. On January 28, 2003, Senator James M. Inhofe requested that the Energy Information Administration (EIA) perform a comprehensive analysis of S.139. On April 2, 2003, Senators McCain and Lieberman, cosponsors of S.139, made a further request for analyses of their bill. This Service Report responds to both requests.

U.S. Coal Prices

Released: June 1, 2003

Overview of spot and contract prices for coal by producing region January 2000 to September 2002,

Subsidence Issues and Effects on Mineral Rights

Released: June 21, 2002

Presented by: Bill Watson Presented to: EPRI Coal Markets Workshop June 21, 2002

Near-Term Coal Statistics for Trading and Risk Management

Released: June 20, 2002

EPRI Coal Markets Workshop June 20, 2002

U.S. Metallurgical Coal and Coke Supplies - Prices, Availability, and the Emerging Futures Markets

Released: March 10, 2002

Presented by: Richard F. Bonskowski Presented to: Iron and Steel Society Annual Conference Nashville, TN. March 10, 2002

Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple Emissions from Electric Power Plants with Advanced Technology

Released: October 1, 2001

This analysis responds to a request of Senators James M. Jeffords and Joseph I. Lieberman. This report describes the impacts of technology improvements and other market-based opportunities on the costs of emissions reductions from electricity generators, including nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, mercury, and carbon dioxide.

Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple Emissions from Electric Power Plants: Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Dioxide, and Mercury and a Renewable Portfolio Standard-Chapter 4-Fuel Market and Macroeconomic Impacts

Released: July 1, 2001

This chapter discusses the projected impacts of new emission caps on nitrogen oxides (Nox), Sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and mercury (Hg) and the adoption of a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) on the U.S. markets for those fuels, including industry employment levels

Analysis of Strategies for Multiple Emissions from Electric Power SO2, NOX, CO2, Mercury and RPS

Released: July 1, 2001

At the request of the Subcommittee, EIA prepared an initial report that focused on the impacts of reducing power sector NOx, SO2, andCO2 emissions.2 The current report extends the earlier analysis to add the impacts of reducing power sector Hg emissions and introducing RPS requirements.

Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple Emissions from Electric Power Plants: SO2, Nox, CO2

Released: July 1, 2001

This report responds to a request received from Senator David McIntosh on June 29, 2000 to analyze the impacts on energy consumers and producers of coordinated strategies to reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and carbon dioxide at U.S. power plants.

U.S. Coal, Domestic and International Issues

Released: March 27, 2001

Presented by: Richard F. Bonskowski Presented to: Iron & Steel Society's 60th Ironmaking Conference March 27, 2001

Hearing on Coal

Released: March 14, 2001

Presented by: Mary J. Hutzler, Director, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting Presented to: Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality, Committee on Energy and Commerce U. S. House of Representatives March 14, 2001

Energy Policy Act Transportation Rate Study: Final Report on Coal Transportation

Released: October 1, 2000

This is the final in a series of reports prepared for the U.S. Congress by the Secretary of Energy on coal distribution and transportation rates as mandated by Title XIII, Section 1340, Establishment of Data Base and Study of Transportation Rates, of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-486).

Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Generation of Electric Power in the United States 1999

Released: July 1, 2000

The President issued a directive on April 15, 1999, requiring an annual report summarizing the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced by the generation of electricity by utilities and nonutilities in the United States. In response, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) jointly submitted the first report on October 15, 1999. This is the second annual report that estimates the CO2 emissions attributable to the generation of electricity in the United States.

Impact of Technological Change and Productivity on the Coal Market

Released: January 1, 2000

This paper examines the components of past gains in productivity, including regional shifts, the exit of less productive producers, and technological progress Future prospects for continuing productivity gains at sustained, but lower, rates of improvement are discussed.

Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Generation of Electric Power in the United States 1998

Released: October 15, 1999

The President issued a directive on April 15, 1999, requiring an annual report summarizing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced by electricity generation in the United States, including both utilities and nonutilities. In response, this report is jointly submitted by the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

U.S. Coal Industry in the 1990's: Low Prices and Record Production, The

Released: September 1, 1999

This article describes and examines structural and operational changes in the U.S. coal industry in the 1990's.

Outlook for Coal Markets Through 2020, The

Released: June 1, 1999

This paper provides a mid-term framework for examining some of the issues confronting the coal industry based on projections from the Annual Energy Outlook 1999.

Challenges of Electric Power Industry Restructuring for Fuel Suppliers

Released: September 1, 1998

Provides an assessment of the changes in other energy industries that could occur as the result of restructuring in the electric power industry.

Energy Policy Act Transportation Rate Study: Interim Report on Coal Transportation

Released: October 1, 1995

Presents a interim analysis of coal transportation rates and distribution patterns using the database developed pursuant to a congressional mandate

Longwall Mining

Released: March 1, 1995

Longwall Mining, describes longwall mining and compares it with other underground mining methods. Using data from EIA and private sector surveys, the report describes major changes in the geologic, technological, and operating characteristics of longwall mining over the past decade.

Coal Data: A Reference

Released: February 1, 1995

Summarizes basic information on the mining and use of coal, an important source of energy in the United States. It contains information on coal quality, coal prices, unions, and strikes.

Carbon Dioxide Emission Factors for Coal

Released: August 1, 1994

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) has developed factors for estimating the amount of carbon dioxide emitted, accounting for differences among coals, to reflect the changing "mix" of coal in U.S. coal consumption.

Energy Policy Act Transportation Rate Study Availability of Data and Studies

Released: October 1, 1993

Presents the Secretary of Energy's review of data collected by the Federal Government on rates for rail and pipeline transportation of domestic coal, oil, and gas for 1988 through 1997, and proposals to develop an adequate data base for each of the fuels, based on the data availability review.

Changing Structure of the U.S. Coal Industry: An Update, The

Released: July 1, 1993

The purpose of this report, The Structure of the U.S. Coal Industry: An Update, is to provide a comprehensive overview of changes in the structure of the U.S. coal industry between 1976 and 1991.


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