Emily Bazelon

Emily Bazelon was a Slate senior editor from 2005 to 2014. She is the author of Sticks and Stones.

Political Gabfest
Sept. 19 2014 11:54 AMThe “Spanking” EditionListen to Slate’s show about progressives’ push for more liberal candidates, the U.S. response to Ebola’s rapid spread, and the corporal punishment debate.
Sept. 12 2014 6:04 PMWho Gets to Stay?The courts are finally granting asylum to victims of domestic abuse. Victims of gang violence are still out of luck.
Sept. 12 2014 7:43 AMRelax, ParentsYour teenager probably doesn’t even know what a sex bracelet is.
Political Gabfest
Sept. 5 2014 2:33 PMThe “In the Cloud, No One Knows You’re a Dog” EditionListen to Slate’s show about Putin’s aggressive action in Ukraine, the 2014 elections, and the theft of celebrity nude photos.
Sept. 3 2014 4:26 PMGet Stolen Naked Photos Off the WebCongress needs to change the law to force Reddit and 4Chan to do the right thing.
Political Gabfest
Aug. 29 2014 12:28 PMThe “Gabfest to End All Gabfests” EditionListen to Slate’s show about the potential for another government shutdown, a bizarre faceoff over the Export-Import bank, and the World War I centennial.
Political Gabfest
Aug. 22 2014 10:22 AMThe “Why Isn’t Everyone Rioting?” EditionListen to Slate’s show about the aftermath of Ferguson, the horrifying execution of journalist James Foley, and L.A.’s potential voting lottery.
Aug. 14 2014 3:04 PMWhy I Don’t Call the PoliceMichael Brown. Eric Garner. Debra Harrell. And that’s just the latest.
Aug. 11 2014 4:27 PMWhen Criticizing Israel, Is There a Line American Jews Shouldn’t Cross?
The Audio Book Club
Aug. 8 2014 11:06 AMThe Audio Book Club Asks, Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?Slate critics take on Roz Chast’s cartoon memoir about her parents’ decline.
Aug. 4 2014 6:20 PMYou Can Still Get an Abortion in AlabamaWill a new ruling that keeps open clinics there matter in the next battleground—Texas?
Political Gabfest
July 23 2014 2:45 PMWatch the Political Gabfest TapingSpy on David, John, and Emily during the July 24 recording of the Gabfest.
July 21 2014 6:11 PMBlue-State DisgraceThere are 57,000 kids at the border who need temporary shelter. Shame on the Democratic governors who are turning them away.
The XX Factor
July 14 2014 3:40 PMNew York Times Reports Another Campus Sexual Assault Horror Story. Now We Need the Data.
The XX Factor
July 9 2014 5:36 PMThis Should Go Without Saying, But: Prosecutors, It's Not OK to Photograph a Boy’s Erect Penis
Slate Plus Video
Sept. 16 2014 2:06 PMA Farewell From Emily BazelonThe former senior editor talks about her very first Slate pitch and says goodbye to the magazine.
Political Gabfest
Sept. 12 2014 10:29 AMThe “They May Take Our Lives, but They’ll Never Take Our Freedom” EditionListen to Slate's show about Obama’s strategy against ISIS, the effort to mobilize female voters, and Scotland’s referendum on independence.
Sept. 10 2014 6:36 PMDon’t Blame the ProsecutorsWithout Janay Rice, they didn’t have a strong enough case.
The XX Factor
Sept. 3 2014 5:06 PMFemale Inmates From Danbury Prison Still in Limbo, Lacking Key Services
Sept. 2 2014 5:35 PMA Huge Abortion Win in TexasBut will it last?
Aug. 26 2014 12:24 PMNice Try, ObamaThe president’s latest accommodation to the contraception mandate has one problem: Religious employers won’t go for it. 
Political Gabfest
Aug. 15 2014 10:31 AMDid Police Militarization Make Ferguson More Volatile?
Aug. 12 2014 12:54 PMCriticizing IsraelEntry 3: Why I almost never write about Israel.
Political Gabfest
Aug. 8 2014 11:33 AMThe “Conservative Nanny State” GabfestListen to Slate’s show about Paul Ryan’s poverty plan, Tennessee’s Supreme Court retention elections, and Ebola panic.
Aug. 7 2014 6:05 PMObama Is on a Pro-Labor RollThe president just signed the most important workers’ rights reform of the past 20 years.
Political Gabfest
July 25 2014 10:28 AMThe “Joe Biden’s White Teeth” EditionListen to Slate’s show about the crisis in Ukraine and the geopolitical fallout from Flight MH17, the latest legal challenge to Obamacare, and Joe Biden’s 2016 aspirations.
July 22 2014 3:58 PMObamacare Is SafeDon’t worry, the ruling against heath care subsidies is going to be reversed.
Political Gabfest
July 18 2014 11:36 AMThe “So Sue Me” EditionListen to Slate's show about John Boehner’s lawsuit against Obama, Elizabeth Warren’s possible 2016 campaign, and the arrest of a single mother who left her 9-year-old in a park.
Political Gabfest
July 11 2014 10:27 AMThe “May I Introduce You to President Harding and His Friend Jerry” EditionListen to Slate's show about the cycle of violence in Gaza, a possible new generation of conservatives, and Warren Harding’s steamy letters.
Political Gabfest
July 4 2014 10:46 AMThe “You’re a Facebook Lab Rat” EditionListen to Slate's show about the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision, the child immigration crisis, and Facebook’s controversial mood study.




Meet the New Bosses

How the Republicans would run the Senate.

The U.S. Is So, So Far Behind Europe on Clean Energy

The Government Is Giving Millions of Dollars in Electric-Car Subsidies to the Wrong Drivers

Even if You Don’t Like Batman, You Might Like Gotham

Friends Was the Last Purely Pleasurable Sitcom

The Eye

This Whimsical Driverless Car Imagines Transportation in 2059

Medical Examiner

Did America Get Fat by Drinking Diet Soda?  

A high-profile study points the finger at artificial sweeteners.

A Woman Who Escaped the Extreme Babymaking Christian Fundamentalism of Quiverfull

John Oliver Debunks the Miss America Pageant’s Claim That It Gives Out $45 Million in Scholarships

Trending News Channel
Sept. 20 2014 11:13 AM Watch Flashes of Lightning Created in a Lab  
  News & Politics
Over There
Sept. 22 2014 1:29 PM “That’s Called Jim Crow” Philip Gourevitch on America’s hypocritical interventions in Africa.
Sept. 22 2014 1:37 PM Subprime Loans Are Back! And believe it or not, that’s a good thing.
Sept. 22 2014 2:55 PM Nuptial Expert Sarkozy Worries About Gay Marriage and the Family
  Double X
The XX Factor
Sept. 22 2014 12:29 PM Escaping the Extreme Christian Fundamentalism of "Quiverfull"
  Slate Plus
Slate Plus
Sept. 22 2014 1:52 PM Tell Us What You Think About Slate Plus Help us improve our new membership program.
Brow Beat
Sept. 22 2014 3:16 PM Watch the Best Part of Beyoncé and Jay Z’s On the Run Tour
Future Tense
Sept. 22 2014 12:14 PM Family Court Rules That You Can Serve Someone With Legal Papers Over Facebook
  Health & Science
Sept. 22 2014 12:15 PM The Changing Face of Climate Change Will the leaders of the People’s Climate March now lead the movement?
Sports Nut
Sept. 18 2014 11:42 AM Grandmaster Clash One of the most amazing feats in chess history just happened, and no one noticed.