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Assistant U.S. Trade Representative Carol Guthrie Hears From Key Trade Stakeholders Attending the 12th Round of Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks Outside Dallas, Texas

05/08/2012 - 4:56pm

Guthrie met on May 8 with Texas AFL-CIO President Becky Moeller, Texas AFL-CIO Communications Director Ed Sills, Texas AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer John Patrick, Lone Star Sierra Club Chairman Hal Suter, Texas Apollo Alliance Coordinator David Cortez, and Texas Fair Trade Coalition Director Bob Cash, as well as Arthur Stamoulis from the Citizens Trade Campaign, accepting a petition the group had organized and hearing their views on transparency in the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations and on a wide range of substantive issues being discussed. More than 300 stakeholders from non-governmental organizations, academia, business, and the public have accepted the U.S. Trade Representative’s invitation to be on-site at the TPP talks, to engage directly with negotiators and help shape the substance of the talks. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has been pleased to engage with organizations like the AFL-CIO and the Sierra Club to formulate approaches on key issues such as TPP’s labor provisions and ensuring that state-owned enterprises don’t unfairly disadvantage U.S. workers, and on groundbreaking conservation proposals, which can be found on the USTR website here.

Assistant U.S. Trade Representative Guthrie Hears From TPP Stakeholders
Assistant U.S. Trade Representative Guthrie Hears From TPP Stakeholders