U.S. Department of Commerce

Census 2000 Block Maps [PDF]

These large scale, large format (36" x 33") maps depict the smallest geographic entities for which the Census Bureau presents data, census blocks. Census 2000 Block maps were produced for American Indian/Alaska Native/Hawaiian Homeland areas, counties, county subdivisions, places and consolidated cities. The maps show the boundaries, names, and codes for American Indian/Alaska Native/Hawaiian Homeland areas, counties, county subdivisions, places, census tracts and blocks. Base feature detail, such as roads, railroads, and water features based on Census 2000 TIGER are also shown.

1990 County Block Maps (Recreated) [PDF]

These large scale, large format (36" x 33") maps depict the smallest geographic entities for which the Census Bureau presents data, census blocks. The recreated 1990 Census Block maps were produced for counties. All maps display the 1990 geography; however, the features displayed on these maps are those shown on the Census 2000 maps. These maps show the boundaries and numbers of the 1990 census blocks as well as the named features underlying the boundaries. They also show the boundaries, names and codes for 1990 American Indian/Alaska Native areas, counties, county subdivisions, and places. The scale of the maps will be optimized to keep the number of map sheets for each area to a minimum, but the scale and number of sheets will vary by the area size of the county and the complexity of the census blocks.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Geography Division

Created: Dec-18-2001
Last revised: March 01 2012