Secretary of the Army Secretary of the Army Flag

Secretary of the Army

The Honorable John McHugh

"I think both the president and the secretary of defense have made very clear that their main objective, which is ours as well, is to preserve this magnificent land force that's been built over the last 10 years, and ensure we remain in the future what we are today: the greatest land power the world's ever seen."

- Secretary of the Army John McHugh
in Soldiers Magazine - June 2012

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Secretary John McHugh became the 21st Secretary of the U.S. Army on September 21, 2009.

  • Education:
  • State University of New York's Nelson A. Rockefeller Graduate School of Public Affairs
  • Utica College of Syracuse University
  • Most Recent Assignment:
  • Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, represented northern and central New York from January 1993 to September 2009

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Page last updated Thu October 25th, 2012 at 14:05