• Afghan soldiers with the 5th Kandak, 3rd Brigade, 205th Corps, hand out school supplies to children at the Pir Mohamed School in Sanjeray, Afghanistan, Oct. 11, 2012.

    ANA school supplies

    Afghan soldiers with the 5th Kandak, 3rd Brigade, 205th Corps, hand out school supplies to children at the Pir Mohamed School in Sanjeray, Afghanistan, Oct. 11, 2012.

  • Afghan soldiers with the 5th Kandak, 3rd Brigade, 205th Corps, hand out school supplies to children at the Pir Mohamed School in Sanjeray, Afghanistan, Oct. 11, 2012.

    ANA school supplies

    Afghan soldiers with the 5th Kandak, 3rd Brigade, 205th Corps, hand out school supplies to children at the Pir Mohamed School in Sanjeray, Afghanistan, Oct. 11, 2012.

  • Lt. Col. Sher Ali, who serves as commander of the 5th Kandak, hands out school supplies to children at the Pir Mohamed School in Sanjeray, Afghanistan, Oct. 11, 2012.

    ANA school supplies

    Lt. Col. Sher Ali, who serves as commander of the 5th Kandak, hands out school supplies to children at the Pir Mohamed School in Sanjeray, Afghanistan, Oct. 11, 2012.

  • Afghan children show off their new school supplies given to them by soldiers with the 5th Kandak, 3rd Brigade, 205th Corps at the Pir Mohamed School in Sanjeray, Afghanistan, Oct. 11, 2012.

    ANA school supplies

    Afghan children show off their new school supplies given to them by soldiers with the 5th Kandak, 3rd Brigade, 205th Corps at the Pir Mohamed School in Sanjeray, Afghanistan, Oct. 11, 2012.

COMBAT OUTPOST SANJERAY, Afghanistan (Oct. 16, 2012) -- Afghan soldiers with the 5th Kandak, 3rd Brigade, 205th Corps handed out school supplies to children at the Pir Mohamed School in Sanjeray, Afghanistan, Oct. 11.

Every child at the school was given pencils, pens, paper, and a pencil box to use throughout the school year. As schools begin to open across the country, these school supplies will help the students grow with a stronger education.

"Education is very important for the children of Afghanistan," said Haji Bismvlluh, who serves as the headmaster for the Pir Mohamed School. "These supplies will help them learn and gain a higher education."

The event also provided the soldiers with 5th Kandak the opportunity to build stronger bonds with the local population.

"Today was a great day," said Lt. Col. Sher Ali, 5th Kandak commander. "It allowed us to become closer to the people of this city and make the children happy."

The supplies were more than just a symbol of good will, but a symbol of hope for a brighter future for the Afghan children.

"Education is one of the pillars of our country," said Ali. "With a stronger education, our children will be able to make better decisions for both themselves and their country."

Page last updated Tue October 16th, 2012 at 00:00