Petroleum & Other Liquids

Energy in Brief articles

How dependent are we on foreign oil?

The United States relied on net imports (imports minus exports) for about 45% of the petroleum (crude oil and petroleum products) that we consumed in 2011. Just over half of these imports came from the Western Hemisphere. Our dependence on foreign petroleum has declined since peaking in 2005.

Who are the major players supplying the world oil market?

The world oil market is complicated. Companies are often thought of as the primary actors in this market, but governments play a large role as well.

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Petroleum Explained

Why are gasoline prices higher in some regions than in others?

Although price levels vary over time, average retail gasoline prices are often highest in certain States or regions. Besides taxes, there are other factors that contribute to regional and even local differences in gasoline prices.

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Biofuels: Ethanol and Biodiesel Explained

What are biofuels?

"Biofuels" are transportation fuels like ethanol and biodiesel that are made from biomass materials. These fuels are usually blended with the petroleum fuels — gasoline and diesel fuel, but they can also be used on their own. Using ethanol or biodiesel means we don't burn quite as much fossil fuel. Ethanol and biodiesel are usually more expensive than the fossil fuels that they replace, but they are also cleaner-burning fuels, producing fewer air pollutants.

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image of snow-covered red house with chimney smoke Short-Term Energy and Winter Fuels Outlook

Released October 10, 2012 | Next Release: November 6, 2012

EIA's monthly energy projections through 2013. Includes supply, consumption, and price projections for oil and liquid fuels. The Market Prices and Uncertainty Report is a regular monthly supplement to the Short-Term Energy Outlook.

image of two crude oil barrelsThe Availability and Price of Petroleum and Petroleum Products Produced in Countries Other Than Iran

Released October 25, 2012

This is the latest in a series of reports to Congress on the availability and price of petroleum and petroleum products produced in countries other than Iran in the 60-day period preceding the submission of the report.

drilling rig U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and NG Liquids Proved Reserves

Released August 1, 2012

Proved reserves of U.S. oil and natural gas in 2010 rose by the highest amounts ever recorded since EIA began publishing proved reserves estimates in 1977.

photo of a refineryPotential Impacts of Reductions in Refining Activity on Northeast Petroleum Product Markets

Released February 27, 2012
Jones Act Addendum: May 11, 2012

This report is an update to a previous EIA report, Reductions in Northeast Refining Activity: Potential Implications for Petroleum Product Markets, released in December 2011. This update analyzes possible market responses and impacts in the event Sunoco's Philadelphia refinery closes this summer, in addition to the recently idled refineries on the East Coast and in the U.S. Virgin Islands.