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Hi-Res Gridded MOS QPF
Frequently Asked Questions

Why are the HRMOS QPF products missing (or not current)?

The website graphics can be missing (or old) because of a malfunction on the workstation computer that produces them. Also, we monitor the web pages on a limited basis, as they are not considered operational. (Please read the National Weather Service Disclaimer and Privacy Policy, links at the bottom of the page.) In addition, the QPF products could be missing because of problems on the NCEP super-computer that generates them. Since HRMOS QPF is an experimental product, operational monitoring is sporadically performed by the developers. We encourage you to alert us immediately (by using the Contact Us link) when you spot a problem. For us, system trouble shooting and fixes are top priority.

National Weather Service
1325 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Office of Science and Technology
Meterological Development Laboratory
Gridded MOS QPF
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