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Welcome to the IBA Website

Message from the Chairman

Today is

     Welcome to the website of the New York State Industrial Board of Appeals (IBA). The IBA was created by the Legislature in 1975 as an independent review agency with the primary duty of reviewing the validity and reasonableness of certain rules, regulations or orders issued by the Commissioner of Labor. The IBA procedures are usually initiated by the filing of a petition by a concerned party with the Board within 60 days of the issuance of the Commissioner’s rule, regulation or order.

     Information contained in the website include a Sample Petition, IBA Rules of Procedure & Practice, a Summary of the Appeal process and Hearing Procedures, a Current Case Docket, and IBA decisions. I hope that you find this website useful and if you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Anne P. Stevason
Chairman of the IBA

How Do I ...?

... File a petition to appeal an Order?

... Find a Sample Petition?

... Find a copy of the Board's Rules?

... Find recent decisions of the Board?

... Find the status of a pending case?

... Find frequently asked questions?

... Request public records from the Board?

... Find copies of the Board's Annual Reports?

... Find helpful Labor Law links?

... Find current members of the Board?

... Contact the Board for more info?

About the Industrial Board of Appeals

     The New York State Industrial Board of Appeals is an independent review and appeals board charged under the Labor Law with providing an impartial administrative review of the validity or reasonableness of rules, regulations or orders issued by the Commissioner of Labor. The broad review powers of the Board provide the many individuals, businesses and unions in this State who are affected by the Labor Law, with continued exercise of sound and established principles of due process in administrative proceedings.

     In addition, pursuant to the Business Corporation Law and the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law, the Board is empowered to review and approve, or disapprove, certificates of incorporation and other corporate documents where the powers and purposes of the corporation include labor related activities or where the proposed corporate name may indicate such a purpose.

     Board hearings and other functions are conducted on a statewide basis and the Board maintains offices in Albany and New York City.

     The Board consists of five (5) members, each appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the New York State Senate, at least one (1) of whom must be an attorney. The Governor designates one (1) member of the Board to serve as Chairman. A listing of the present members and personnel of the Board may found in our Personnel Directory.

NYS Industrial Board of Appeals
State Office Building Campus
Building 12, Room 116
Albany, New York 12240
tel: (518) 474-4785

© 2008 NYS Industrial Board of Appeals