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New York State Department of Labor Workforce Professionals

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About the Board

The State Workforce Investment Board (SWIB) is the governance body for the workforce development, one-stop services delivery system as designated under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA). The NYS Department of Labor is administrator of the WIA funds and staff to the Board. The State Board includes 49 members: 8 Executive Branch; 4 Legislative; 25 Business; and 12 Other Members as required under Section 852 of State Labor Law.

Message from the Chair

Welcome to the website of the State Workforce Investment Board. As we await the appointment of a new Chairperson to lead the Board’s work, please browse our site, read the latest news, and learn about the work of the Board over the past several years. We are proud of the Board’s accomplishments since its establishment in 2000; you can read about the Board's initiatives in the Annual Reports section of the website.

Contact Us

Daphne J. Forezzi
Staff to the SWIB
NYS Department of Labor
State Office Building Campus, Bldg. 12, Rm. 450
Albany, New York 12240

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