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A Strategy for American Innovation

by on Feb 04, 2011




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  • KevinDuncil Kevin Duncil, Concrete Laborer at Concrete Design Dear Mr. President, While I whole heartedly endorse this initiative, there are further steps that need to be taken to steer our great nation, and it's people, back to the path of economic growth and sustainability. First things first. A panel of economists, (that to my thinking, should be headed by, or at the very least include Alan Greenspan, one of the most brilliant economic minds of our time), needs to be tasked with going over the anti trust laws that were repealed over the last two to three decades, and then go about getting them reinstated. These laws that fell under the ax of corporate greed and coruption, were not the aimless directives, set into motion by small brained, economic dinosaurs, as the special interest groups; (BIG OIL), to name one, but rather the carefully thought out product of some of the worlds foremost economic minds of the time, and they no less than pulled not only this country, but the world, back from the brink of the exact same economic black hole which we are now in danger of plunging headlong into. It is my most sincere wish, and my most solemn request that you take this into consideration. My best regards, and thanks to you and your family, as well as your staff , and the members of both houses, for your hard work, and diligence in the face of such adversity. Yours Truly, Kevin Duncil 9 months ago
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  • mrbobm mrbobm @mfaaa My email is rwm666@yahoo.com lets take a look at what you have in mind. 10 months ago
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  • mrbobm mrbobm Having created patents I can tell you the problem is how to protect the idea until you can profit from it. The ideas are everywhere. If I ran a 60 sec ad on TV that could promise protection and provide a search with funding options, I could have hundreds to review. Protecting the property through the marketing process is what is needed. Note the ideas posted above. mrbob 10 months ago
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  • Sudeep_Motupalli_Rao Sudeep Motupalli Rao, Engineer | Designer | Artist | Entrepreneur at www.beautifulCommunities.org The Strategy for American Innovation is ok. I dont see how we can really lift the American economy out of its doldrums without focusing on community-level initiatives. Communities are where people are. All these other technologies and industry sectors can innovate in their fields but their ability to impact America in the next 2-5 years is marginal and definitely not disruptive. For true disruption that leads to a new America, we need to fully integrate social innovation into the mix that engages every American esp the unemployed. The service sector is the keystone for our recovery and service to and within our communities is the most powerful transformation we can look back on in 25 -50 years as the Great Recovery of the 2st Century. 10 months ago
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  • mrbobm mrbobm Dear Sir.
    My name is Robert Murray, I am a conceptual designer and holder of several patents.
    I have a plan that would create jobs throughout the U.S.. This plan is based upon harnessing innovation contained within the population. It would require government to protect these ideas and financing to bring them to market. I know several large law firms that could assist in the legal aspects.
    My thinking would run ideas through a protected clearing house to search for similar intellectual properties, then forwarded to design centers for prototyping and testing. Basically assisting the product to market. When products are determined to be profitable the original innovator would have the option to sell the idea to a US company or produce it himself, creating more jobs.
    In this present environment we need the benefits of innovation for the businesses and jobs they will create. Businesses will open, and plant and equipment they will require will be purchased. The money that will purchase American goods and services will provide profits from these small businesses. Businesses that will grow and needing more of everything we produce. We presently have a negative multimillion dollar imbalance of trade. Our cash is flowing out much faster for imported goods. What do we have to sell? Steel, cars, electronics, cloths, shoes, or just about everything you pick up has a foreign origin. Large companies will continue to avail themselves of the cheaper factors of production. The small innovators business is going to them. Business in the US has turned into service based. What do we produce in the US any more, what do we sell to the world to offset our imbalance of trade.
    At one point in recent history Poland was one of the best examples of Capitalism in the world. (Note The Commanding Heights Book, series shown on PBS). When England and the world drove Communism from Poland by assisting Lec Walesa to organize the ship yards, a drastic change occurred. Hundreds of small businesses sprang up. Dress Makers, Shoe Cobblers, Bakers, and so on. Each was making money and putting some into government. Shown in the book The Commanding Heights, also shown on the public broadcasting channel in a three part series, it was Capitalism at its best.
    I have lost a battle with a large off shore corporation that would have enabled me employed many people. My Patent was taken then designed around. I spent three years and became suicidal trying to fight this large corporation. My story is not unique, note 'flash of genus', the movie. Unless you can protect the innovator from the large corporation and make an inexpensive path for evaluation of these ideas, it won't work. I would like the opportunity to discuss my plan to get our economy back on track in a time. The small innovator needs protection and an economical process to get his product to market. The production of these products here in the US would solve the job problem in a few years.
    R Murray
    1 year ago
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  • akpitzer akpitzer I have PAT. PENDING RIGHTS to a ANTIBIOTIC-FREE poultry house! It INCREASES productivity 160% it creates a new world ORGANIC liquid N FERTILIZER and a WORLD SOURCE of (METHANE) (METHANE) (METHANE)!!!!!!!!! IF I continue to get no response from my government, I PROMISE YOU America I will SELL to China and Europe because they do return emails and answer my calls. 1 year ago
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  • viking2965 Grant Millin at InnovoGraph LLC Thanks, Mr. President! Great plan. 1 year ago
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  • AmandaWaine Amanda Waine i like the idea of having gov loan the cost and then get a % of roalties if this was a realistic world i could take the pel grant cash and pattent my invention start up manufacturing in the states and sell my invention internationaly and not be extorted for 5,000 dollars a huge company knows i don't have so they can steal and sell my idea to their choice of manifacturers 1 year ago
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  • AndjelMoredu Andjel Moredu Formula is <><>M= -0+ can replace fosil and non-fosil fuels and
    nuclear power plants.
    1 year ago
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  • solarMD solarMD I see there was substantive work behind this Initiative. I can't read through the entire site, but can
    offer this simple concept --Enable the citizen inventors by underwriting the patent application fees, with the provision that government will take a royalty share when commercialization realizes any revenue.
    1 year ago
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