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New York State Department of Labor Apprenticeship

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Businesses and Sponsors

Registered apprenticeship is a formal training relationship between an employer and an employee. It is for a specific period of time. During this time, the worker or apprentice learns a trade.

It combines hands-on work experience and classroom instruction. This leads to professional, independent, skilled workers.

Are you part of a business or an association that wants to:

  • Have a skilled workforce?
  • Reduce employee turnover?
  • Improve employer/employee relationships?
  • Train workers in the latest technologies without losing valuable production time?
  • Gain respect in your community as an industry leader for providing employment and training opportunities?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then registered apprenticeship training may be for you.

Learn how to become a sponsor.

As a Sponsor

The sponsor is responsible for:

  • Planning the program
  • Administering the program
  • Paying for the program

Both the sponsor and the apprentices must register with the New York State Department of Labor. Both parties also have to sign a written agreement that acknowledges the shared commitment to the training process and assures the program operates in accordance with:

  • Apprenticeship standards
  • Federal regulations
  • State laws

The New York State Department of Labor approves this agreement. At the completion of training, all apprentices receive certificates of apprenticeship issued by the Department of Labor. This is a nationally recognized credential.

Why Sponsor an Apprenticeship Program?

By registering an apprenticeship training program, you will:

  • Consistently train your workers at the highest skill levels
  • Be nationally recognized for your program
  • Gain the benefits of registered apprenticeship under the Department of Labor Laws and Regulations.

Employers benefit in two ways:

  1. Economic Benefits
    • You qualify to pay apprentice wages (usually 40% - 50 % of journey worker wages).
    • You do not pay overtime to apprentices for the related instruction part of the training.
    • You may qualify for tax credits if you hire people who meet certain criteria and your business is located in specific areas.
    • Many sponsors report reduced turnover. We believe this is because the apprentice knows that the employer values trained workers and this improves morale.
  2. Intrinsic Benefits

Apprentices in registered training programs know they have jobs in the future. They work for an employer who values life-long learning, so there is a reason to improve their skills and achieve a Certificate of Completion. The Certificate is a nationally recognized credential.

Apprentices will learn the techniques of a trade, and also:

  • Understand why they do what they do
  • Become good problem solvers
  • Work better as team members
  • Demonstrate more interpersonal skills

Apprentices become skilled and motivated craft workers with a strong work ethic who:

  • Know company policy
  • Have better attendance
  • Are dedicated to the industry and specific employer
  • Possess the latest technological skills
  • Are flexible and productive
  • Fill critical needs for skilled workers in the face of retirements
  • Offer highly productive staff in a reduced workforce

Current Sponsors

Helmets to Hardhats

The New York State Department of Labor Apprenticeship Training Unit actively supports Helmets to Hardhats. We encourage apprenticeship sponsors to participate in this program whenever possible. We will give sponsors any help necessary to make sure the Helmets to Hardhats program is successful. This program has the potential to expand interest in careers in the trades, and we are excited about this opportunity.

There are a large number of skilled laborers reaching retirement age and leaving the workforce. These numbers are especially large in the building and construction trades. The Helmets to Hardhats program will help to fill the shortfall of workers in those trades.

Learn more about hiring Veterans.

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