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Physics Software

(showing 1 - 8 of 8)
Electron holography
Last Modified: 10/04/2012

An electron hologram is a fringe modulated image containing the amplitude and phase information of an electron transparent object. The HolograFREE … more

FPGA-based multicoincidence recipe and software
Last Modified: 05/30/2012

The Data Acquisition Platform project allows one to build their own data acquisition instruments that collect and, if necessary, statistically … more

jb95 Spectral fitting program
Last Modified: 10/03/2011

A graphical user interface program, JB95 , based on a Windows 95 © API platform has been written in the C programming language to aid in the … more

Modeled integrated scattering tool (MIST)
Last Modified: 08/07/2012

The MIST program has been developed to provide users with a general application to model an integrated scattering system. The program performs an … more

NIST's Integrated colony enumerator (NICE)
Last Modified: 04/09/2012

Enumeration of bacterial colonies on an agar plate is simple in concept, but automated colony counting is difficult due to variations in colony … more

Noncollinear phase matching in uniaxial and biaxial crystals
Last Modified: 05/30/2012

Although significant work has been done to characterize collinear phase matching and to present many of its applications, noncollinear phase … more

OOF: Finite Element Analysis of Microstructures
Last Modified: 02/17/2011

The OOF software provides a finite-element modeling capability to users in the field of materials science. It encapsulates advanced numerical … more

Last Modified: 10/02/2012

SCATMECH is an object-oriented C++ class library developed to distribute models for light scattering applications. Included in the library are … more

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