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National Library of Medicine Technical BulletinNational Library of Medicine Technical Bulletin

Table of Contents: 2012 MAY–JUNE No. 386

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Upcoming PubMed, TOXNET, and Teaching with Technology Classes

Upcoming PubMed, TOXNET, and Teaching with Technology Classes. NLM Tech Bull. 2012 May-Jun;(386):e8.

2012 June 11 [posted]

Trainers from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and NLM Training Center (NTC) are offering no-cost classes this summer and autumn: "PubMed for Trainers," "TOXNET and Beyond," and "Teaching with Technology: Tips, Techniques and Tools." Classes are open to residents of the U.S. To register, visit the NTC Web site at

PubMed for Trainers

Would you like to gain new skills, brush up on existing PubMed skills and collaborate with colleagues to help create effective training strategies? PubMed for Trainers is held in four sessions; three online and one in-person session. The class is eligible for 15 hours of MLA CE credit. This hands-on course consists of lectures, individual exercises, group work and discussions in four sessions, with approximately 2-3 hours of independent work.

This hands-on class includes nine presentations created by the National Library of Medicine, interactive demonstrations, hands-on exercises, small group work and networking opportunities. By the end of the course, you should:

Upcoming Dates (for specific dates of each session, visit the NTC Web site at

TOXNET and Beyond

Learn how to use the NLM Environmental Health and Toxicology Portal by attending a one-day, in-person "TOXNET and Beyond" class. You will learn the basics of searching TOXNET, a Web-based system of databases in the areas of toxicology, environmental health, and related fields. We will also discuss the NLM Environmental Health and Toxicology Portal that provides environmental health resources beyond the TOXNET databases. The class is eligible for six MLA CE credits.

Upcoming Dates:

Teaching with Technology: Tips, Techniques and Tools

In this class, you will learn about using technology tools for teaching distance learning courses. We will discuss options and best practices for asynchronous and synchronous distance classes, as well as "blended" classes that offer both in-person and online options. Adult learning principles will be reviewed. We will examine and discuss examples of software and Web site tools in teaching.

The class is taught "asynchronously" using the Moodle course management system, so you can complete the classwork at a time convenient for you. Allow approximately two hours per week for independent classwork. There are four weeks of assignments, readings, and discussions, with the fifth week saved for a "catch-up" week. Upon completion of the class you will receive eight MLA CE credits.

Upcoming Dates:

If you have questions, contact the NTC at

NLM Technical Bulletin National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health