* Trade Adjustment Assistance - logo Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms - Guiding American Business Toward Success Trade Adjustment Assistance - photos
Trade Adjustment Assistance - federal financial assistance for manufacturers and firms
Effective October 21, 2011, Congress enacted PL 112-40, which extends the provisions of the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms (TAAF) program that had expired in February 2011.

Effectively, this means that as of October 21, 2011 the law:

  • Reincorporates the eligibility of service firms for assistance;
  • Reincorporates the extended "look-back" period for firm certification (firms can use a 24 or 36 month look back period to demonstrate eligibility;
  • Requires EDA to reconsider petitions denied due to the expiration of Trade and Globalization Adjustment Assistance Act (TGAAA) of 2009; and
  • Requires EDA to render a final decision on petitions submitted for certification within 40 days of acceptance.

To learn more, please contact your regional TAA Center representative. If you are unsure of whom to contact, please use the link below to identify the correct center.
Thank you.

Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms (TAA), a federal program, provides financial assistance to manufacturers affected by import competition. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce, this cost sharing federal assistance program pays for half the cost of consultants or industry-specific experts for projects that improve a manufacturer's competitiveness.


TAA Program benefits - photo TAA Program benefits
Discover how manufacturers, or those that work with manufacturers, can benefit from the matching funds available through this unique federal assistance program.

Find the TAA Center nearest you

Contact your regional center to learn more about this business assistance opportunity.

View a complete list of all TAA Center locations.

Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common questions about Trade Adjustment Assistance.

TAA program results - photo TAA program results
Examine dramatic results from participating manufacturers that have used this financial assistance to improve competitiveness against imports.
Getting started with the TAA program - photo Getting started with the TAA program
Find out how manufacturing firms become eligible for this straightforward Department of Commerce program.
About us - photo About us
This government program is regionally managed by a network of eleven not-for-profit organizations across the country.
Links - photo Links and resources for manufacturers and those who assist manufacturers
Explore other resources available to manufacturing firms and those that assist manufacturers.

See how we can provide substantial financial assistance to defray the cost of projects aimed at strengthening operations and sharpening competitiveness for manufacturers in a variety of industries. This customized business assistance is used for a wide range of initiatives, including marketing, information technology, manufacturing, engineering, and quality.

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Trade Adjustment Assistance For Firms
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce
Economic Development Administration
Washington, DC 20230

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