Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Ensuring a safe and sound national banking system for all Americans Site Map | Text Size: S M L


More resources for national banks

Bank Management

The OCC provides information and resources to help national bank management understand and fulfill their responsibilities. Resources range from bank directors workshops held throughout the country to publications that address strategic issues, risk management, and compliance.

Sign up on the E-mail List Service for e-mail notification of educational programs.

OCC Director Workshops

Basic Series

Risk Management Series

Web and Telephone Seminars

Register for upcoming seminars and view materials from past seminars.

Comptroller's Handbook

Duties and Responsibilities of Directors
Covers directors' duties and responsibilities with respect to national bank management as well as compliance and regulatory matters of importance to bank directors.

Insider Activities
Provides guidance on how national banks may legally and prudently engage in transactions with insiders and implement risk management processes to control and monitor insider activities.

Management and Board Processes
Provides guidance for examiners in appraising management and directors’ supervision and evaluating the quality of the decision-making processes.

Other Publications 

The Director's Book (index updated March 2011)
Provides general guidance to directors of national banks and outlines board responsibilities and the duties and liabilities of individual directors. 

Detecting Red Flags in Board Reports
Highlights red flags in board reports that may signal existing or potential problems. A shorter, quick reference, version A Pocket Guide to Detecting Red Flags in Board Reports is also available. 

Internal Controls—A Guide for Directors
Describes basic, essential internal controls and includes questions to help directors and management better evaluate their bank's internal control systems.

Related News and Issuances
Publish DateIdentifierTitle
10/09/2012  NR 2012-142, OCC Releases Final Rule Regarding Large Bank Stress Tests
10/03/2012  NR 2012-140, Comptroller Curry Addresses the National Bankers Association
08/24/2012  OCC 2012-23, OCC Issuances: Rescission of Documents