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Provides emergency communications that link military members with their families back home, access to financial assistance, counseling and assistance to veterans.

Includes tips for military spouses, deployment checklist, tips for returning military members, how to use the American Red Cross during family emergencies when a National Guard or Reserve Member is absent.

Provides some tried-and-true methods to help parents prepare their children for a deployment. From Ameriforce Publishing, Inc.

Designed to help fathers maintain and strengthen the relationships they have with their children while they are away.

Booklet designed to meet the needs expressed by teachers and other school personnel for background information and intervention strategies to support the military child during mobilization and deployment.

Supporting your spouse while he is on a military deployment can be difficult, especially when you're the one who is at home waiting and worrying. He needs your love and encouragement more than ever though through this hard time. Making an effort to support him will ultimately keep the two of you closer together no matter how far apart you may be at the moment.

reaching out to a deployed family member during the holidays

An agency within the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, established to promote cooperation and understanding between Reserve component members and their civilian employers and to assist in the resolution of conflicts arising from an employee's military commitment.

"Children of deployed members of the military experience a broad range of reactions to the experience of family deployment. Reactions of these children to parent or guardian deployment often include anger, sadness, fear, confusion, and feelings of abandonment, loss, anxiety, and depression."

Provides ways for families to keep in touch with their soldiers while they are away from home. From Ameriforce Publishing, Inc.

Booklet from the Military Child Education Coalition created to help parents and educators, support children during this potentially stressful time. Also discuss ways that parents and educators can work together to ensure that the education process stays on track during a deployment.

Coping with a deployment extension.

Designed to help couples who have to be away from each other to maintain and strengthen the relationship they have with each other while they are away.

Helping Little Ones Cope During Deployments

Designed to help mothers maintain and strengthen the relationships they have with their children while they are away.

Operation Best Wishes is offered free to families by America's credit unions, through WesCorp Federal Credit Union and the Defense Credit Union Council. The program, currently in its 2006 national tour, is visiting credit unions and military families in Alaska, California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Utah, and Virginia. Operation Best Wishes sets up a mobile webcast studio at the credit union and gives families up to 10 minutes each to record and send special greetings. The deployed loved one can either watch the webcast message LIVE or access the archived recording over and over again.

Operation Homefront is a national nonprofit community of military wives and women that provides emergency support and morale to our military troops, the families they leave behind during deployment and wounded warriors when they return home.

Operation Special Delivery (or OSD) provides volunteer doulas for pregnant women whose husbands or partners are deployed at the time that they are due to give birth.

Operation Uplink is a unique program that keeps military personnel and hospitalized veterans in touch with their families and loved ones by providing them with a free phone card. Using contributions from supporters like you, Operation Uplink purchases phone cards and distributes them to servicemen and women who are separated from those they care about.

Servicemembers from all components and their families can obtain a mental health self-assessment or screening through a Web site co-sponsored by the Department of Defense and Screening for Mental Health Inc., a nonprofit organization

Serves as a clearinghouse to help couples locate and select marriage, family and couples courses.

Information and resources for military families.

The goodbyes have been said, the first (of many) tears shed as you watched that bus, plane or ship move away, and there you are, wondering what you’ll do for the time your service member is activated or deployed. The responsibility for the family is on your shoulders, whether that family consists of you alone or you and your children or other family members who may live with you.

Free bilingual kits to help military families cope with feelings, challenges, and concerns experienced during various phases of deployment: pre-deployment, deployment and homecoming. The kits include a sesame street dvd, a parent/caregiver magazine, and children's activity poster.

This online brochure provides information to help parents understand and support children throughout the deployment experience.

Guide describes the psychological, and event-related aspects of deployments experienced by military families for use as a tool in education, intervention and research.

An underway quality-of-life program for military families, helps keep parents and children connected while separated during long deployments, through the medium of reading aloud on videotape. This program can be utilized by all deployed personnel as they may choose to read aloud to a younger brother or sister, grandchild, or even a child they are mentoring.

Magazine article: Parents’ deployment draws mixed emotions from teens

As a service member on deployment, you can take advantage of a program that makes the process easier, safer and more affordable than buying a car outside the military. The key is int he Exchange New Car Sales (ENCS) program. From Ameriforce Publishing, Inc.


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