

Top 12 Management Issues

December 22, 1999
Project ID: CE-2000-026


This document was prepared in response to a September 22, 1999, request from the Chairmen of the Senate Governmental Affairs and Budget Committees, and the Majority Leader and Chairmen of the Committees on Government Reform and Budget, U.S. House of Representatives. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) was requested to identify the top-priority management issues in the Department of Transportation (DOT). This document provides the information presented to the requesters for your information and use.

Our listing of top-priority management issues encompasses programs that require continual attention to ensure ever safer transportation, programs on which there are significant economy and efficiency concerns, and programs with questionable success in achieving results. Our summaries for each of these items includes a description of progress made by the Department in the last year and open issues and recommendations.

We have grouped the issues on this year’s list into the following subject areas:

  • Aviation Safety
  • Surface Transportation Safety
  • Air Traffic Control Modernization
  • FAA Financing and Reauthorization
  • Surface, Marine, and Airport Infrastructure
  • Transportation Security
  • Computer Security
  • Financial Accounting/Chief Financial Officers Act
  • Amtrak Financial Viability and Modernization
  • Coast Guard Deepwater Capability Replacement Project
  • Ship Disposal Program
  • Government Performance and Results Act Implementation
  • .