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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
Blood Cell Transplant

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Transplant Resources

Learning about bone marrow transplantation or umbilical cord blood transplantation.

Each year, thousands of people are diagnosed with a life-threatening disease such as leukemia, lymphoma, aplastic anemia, or a metabolic or immune system disorder. One treatment option for these patients is a bone marrow transplant (also called a BMT) or umbilical cord blood transplant. A transplant replaces a patient's unhealthy blood-forming cells with healthy cells.

The C.W. Bill Young Cell Transplantation Program (Program) helps patients who need a bone marrow or cord blood transplant by providing information about the transplant process to patients, their families, and health care providers.

  • Understanding Bone Marrow Transplantation as a Treatment Option—See a list of diseases that may be treated with a bone marrow or cord blood transplant. Learn about the transplant process, including questions to ask your doctor.
  • Planning for a Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT)—Learn about topics to consider when choosing a transplant center and the costs of a bone marrow or cord blood transplant. Find tips that other patients have found helpful in making changes in daily life so everyone knows what to expect, including information specific to children and teenagers undergoing a transplant.
  • Searching for a Marrow Donor or Cord Blood Unit—Learn how your doctor looks for blood-forming cells for your transplant.
  • Patient Support Resource for Bone Marrow Transplantation—Find links for educational materials, patient organizations, and services that help patients and families, from diagnosis through survivorship.
  • Physician Resources for Bone Marrow Transplantation—Find information written for physicians, such as guidelines for referring a patient for a transplant, advances in autologous and allogeneic transplantation, and how to begin a preliminary search for a marrow donor or cord blood unit. (Some patients prefer to read this technical information; other patients may provide this information to their doctor.)
Patient Support

Speak with a patient services coordinator, and request an interpreter if needed, at Be The Match Patient Services.

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