Business Answers was designed to make it easier to start and conduct business in the State of Maine. Any comments or suggestions you have to make it more useful are welcome.

Need help now?
Contact us weekdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. eastern time
1-800-872-3838 in Maine or 1-800-541-5872 from outside of Maine

You can also e-mail us at

I want to...

(Get help determining the business licenses and permits you'll need to start your business.)

(Can't find your business type? Let us know.)

(Find the a specific business license or permit by keyword, category or agency.)

(This may include, departments, bureaus, offices, divisions, authorities, etc.)

Need help now? Please contact Business Answers toll-free telephone system (1-800-872-3838 in Maine and
1-800-541-5872 outside Maine) or