Round Three Has Begun

1997 Software, 1996 Database
Now Available on Internet

The Energy Information Administration is pleased to announce the official launch of the Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program's 1997 reporting cycle, accepting reports on activities through 1996. This occasion is marked by the release of the 1997 reporting software and the Public Use Database containing all reports received by the program during the first two reporting cycles.

The software and database are both available on the Program's FTP (File Transfer Protocol) site at: New users of FTP sites should consider starting with our FTP Help page at In any case, it is strongly recommended that users begin their visit to the FTP site with the read1605.txt file, which contains documentation and instructions for accessing the necessary files.

The site also contains PDF (Portable Document Format) files of other program materials, such as the Guidelines and Supporting Documents, the first annual report, copies of the paper reporting forms, and a worksheet to assist reporters in calculating sequestration from urban tree-planting projects.

The software is being duplicated and will be mailed by early October. If you reported last year, or requested software from us in the past, you will be mailed your copy in the same format (CD-ROM or diskettes) as you received last year. To request the software, or to change the format you wish to receive, please contact the Communications Center at 1-800-803-5182.

New Database Deadlines

EIA is committed to narrowing the gap between the close of the data year and the release of the Public Use Database and the annual summary of reports received. We plan to do this in two ways.

First, we will adhere strictly to the reporting deadline (October 31, 1997 for the 1997 reporting cycle). Second, we will move future reporting cycles up in the calendar. Beginning with the 1998 reporting cycle (which will cover activities through 1997), forms and software will be distributed in January and the deadline for reports to be included in the Public Use Database will be April 30. This will enable us to release information on activities occurring in 1997 well before the end of 1998.

We will greatly appreciate your assistance as we endeavor to provide the results of the Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program to the public in a more timely manner. Again, those reporting deadlines are:

1997 Reporting Cycle (data thru 1996):

October 31, 1997

1998 Reporting Cycle (data thru 1997):

April 30, 1998

1996 Annual Report Due Mid-October

The next Annual Report, entitled Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Voluntary Reporting, is scheduled for release in mid-October. The publication highlights submissions from 142 volunteers who reported 967 projects that reduced emissions by 216 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 1995. Further reductions of 84 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent were reported as a result of entity-wide activities for the same year.

If you reported in 1996 or previously requested an Annual Report, you will be sent a copy of the 1996 report as soon as it is available. Otherwise, you can request your copy by contacting us at one of the addresses on the back.

1997 Reporting Software More User-Friendly

While there are no major changes to the software used to report last year, EIA has been working steadily to improve the interface, exterminate a few final bugs, and generally make it more intuitive and user-friendly.

We are confident you will find this year's software easier to use, and encourage all reporters to give electronic reporting a try this year. We still welcome comments and feedback, as we continually strive to produce a superior product.

Edit Subsystem Updated

One notable area of improvement in the new software is the Edit Subystem. This subsystem consists of a set of electronic edit checks that identify data anomolies and inconsistencies in a report. By using these checks you can correct your report before submitting it to EIA, and speed its acceptance into the Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Database.

Partners of the Climate Wise Recognition Program comprise the second largest, and the fastest growing, group of voluntary reporters to date. Climate Wise, sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency, is one of the voluntary programs initiated by President Clinton and Vice-President Gore in the Climate Change Action Plan, and works with the manufacturing sector toward turning energy efficiency and environmental responsibility into corporate assets.

The Climate Wise staff are working with over 300 Partners to identify creative and replicable ways to streamline operations, cut down on waste, and prevent pollution. In many cases, this results in the dual benefit of decreased costs and reduced greenhouse gas emissions, as reflected in the EIA-1605 reports received by the Voluntary Reporting Program from Climate Wise Partners. Last year the following Climate Wise Partners submitted reports: DeBourgh Manufacturing Company, The Dow Chemical Company, DuPont Company, General Motors Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Majestic Metals, Quad/Graphics, IBM, and the Rochester Institute of Technology.

For more information on the Climate Wise Recognition Program, call the Wise Line at 800-459-WISE (800-459-9473)

New EIA Environmental Web
Site is a 'Hit'

Anyone interested in the links between energy use and the environment will want to visit the EIA's new Environmental Publications and Data web page at environment.html. This site provides links to EIA publications and data reports as well as other sites of potential interest, in the following general categories:

  • Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, including US and International emissions estimates and projections;
  • The Utility Sector, including environmental statistics and Clean Air Act issues;
  • The Transportation Sector, including Alternative-Fuel Vehicles;
  • Environmental/Energy Legislation, including links to the text of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and EIA's Clean Air Act Browser; and
  • Other Environmental Links, linking to DOE's Energy and the Environment page and beyond.

EIA is very pleased to note that the number of monthly 'hits' (times the page is visited) has been increasing rapidly since the page was first posted to EIA's web server. The page also offers a direct link to the Voluntary Reporting homepage.

We encourage you to make use of EIA Internet resources. These pages provide a wealth of information about the Voluntary Reporting Program, greenhouse gases in general, and broader energy and the environment issues. EIA also welcomes your comments about our web pages.

The first reports are in! Special recognition for filing the first report of the new reporting cycle goes to:

City of Sherrill Light & Power
(Sherrill, NY).

They were closely followed by:
Jacksonville Electric Authority
(Jacksonville, FL);

Shrewsbury's Electric Light Plant
(Shrewsbury, MA);

Dragon Products Company, Inc.
(Thomaston, ME),
our first new reporter for 1997; and

Enron Renewable Energy Corporation
(Houston, TX).

We encourage everyone to follow suit and
get your reports in early!

For More Information About Voluntary Reporting...

Voice: 1-800-803-5182 or 202-586-0688 Fax: (202) 586-3045
Mailing Address: Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program,
U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, EI-81,
1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20585.