National Energy Modeling System/Annual Energy Outlook 2003 Conference

Tuesday March 18, 2003


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Link to previous Annual Energy Outlook Conference Handouts


Opening Remarks - Guy F. Caruso - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Overview of the Annual Energy Outlook 2003 - Mary J. Hutzler - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Keynote Address: Analysis and Policy for Electricity Markets - Bill Hogan - N/A

Concurrent Session A

Projecting Future Liquefied Natural Gas Imports - Philip Budzik 

LNG's Role in Meeting Future Natural Gas Demand - Phyllis Martin - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

LNG Trade Prospects in the Atlantic Basin - David Nissen - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Regulatory Issues Surrounding Development of Import Terminals in the U.S. - Richard W. Foley - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF


Analyzing The Impacts of Multi-Pollutant Strategies - Scott Sitzer 

EIA Multi-Pollutant Analyses - Alan Beamon - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Reaction to Multi-Emissions Legislative Proposals - John Kinsman - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

EPA's Analysis of the Clear Skies Act - Sam Napolitano - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF


Perspectives On World Energy Markets - John Conti

Trends in World Energy Demand: Projections from the International Energy Outlook 2003 - Linda Doman - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Energy Technology Perspectives: Long-term Scenarios to Investigate - Fridtjof Unander/Carmen Difiglio - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

The Medium-Term Oil Market Outlook: Implications for the Demand for OPEC Oil - Mark Finley - HTML, PDF

Concurrent Session B

The Challenges of Restructured Electric Transmission Markets - Robert Eynon 

Data for Electricity Transmission Analysis: Is there a Connection? - Douglas Hale - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

FERC's Standard Market Design Proposal: Background and Data Implications - Udi Helman - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Facilitating Infrastructure Development: a Critical Role for Electric Restructuring - Russell Tucker - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF


Domestic Refining Capacity or Product Imports? - James M. Kendell 

Petroleum Supply, Consumption, and Imports from Annual Energy Outlook 2003 - Han Lin-Lee - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF (with notes), PDF (without notes)

Challenges Facing U.S. Refiners - Michael A. Lobue - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Corps of Engineers Navigation Economics, Analytical Issues and Constraints - Gloria Appell - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF


Improving Mid-Term Energy Forecasts for Buildings - Steve Wade - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Developing Energy Consumption Estimates by End-Use for EIA's Buildings Surveys - Robert Latta - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Developing Energy Efficiency and Cost Projections of Future Building Technologies for NEMS - C. Edward Barbour - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Leveraging NEMS to Produce State-Level Commercial End-Use Forecasts - Dr. Frank A. Monforte - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Concurrent Session C

Challenges/Issues for Controlling Energy-related Emissions in the Midterm - Andy S. Kydes

The Outlook for Energy Related Multi-Pollutant Legislation Issues and Challenges - Dallas Burtraw - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Gasification Repowering, the Innovation Option for Old Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants - Dale Simbeck - HTML, PDF

Overview of the CO2 Capture and Storage Joint Industry Project - Dr. Helen Kerr - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF


Air Transportation Demand - Are There Constraints? - John Maples 

Air Travel Demand through 2025: Recovery and Factors Influencing Long-Term Growth - Amar Mann - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Airport Capacity Benchmarks: Trends and Issues in Airport Utilization - Bill Swedish - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

FAA Forecasts 2003-2014: Slow Recovery and an Uncertain Outlook - Roger Schaufele - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF (with notes), PDF (without notes)


Renewables - What Affects Their Penetration? - Thomas W. Petersik 

Recent Updates to the NEMS Wind Model - Chris Namovicz - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF (with notes), PDF (without notes)

Renewable Energy: Opportunity or Challenge? - Terry Peterson/Dr. Chuck McGowin - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF

Pacific Northwest Renewables: Recent Experience and Future Prospects - Jeff king - HTML, Powerpoint, PDF