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Safe Drinking Water Act Implementation Tools

  • Arsenic Virtual Tradeshow
    The Arsenic Virtual Trade Show is a learning portal designed to help water systems comply with EPA's Arsenic Rule.Learn about arsenic treatment technologies, decide on a mitigation strategy that is right for you, prepare to work with treatment vendors and find them using the searchable database.

  • CCRiWriterCCRWriter & CCRiWriter
    EPA designed these software applications to help community water systems quickly create a consumer confidence report.

  • CUPSS Check Up Program for Small Systems (CUPSS)
    CUPSS is a free, easy-to-use, asset management tool for small drinking water and wastewater utilities. CUPSS provides a simple, comprehensive approach to record your assets, schedule required tasks, better understand your financial situation and a tool to tailor your asset management plan.

  • pniwriterPNiWriter
    Designed to allow water operators or other designated personnel to enter data to generate a public notice that meets federal requirements.

  • Sampling Guide for Drinking Water Treatment Operators
    This guide will help drinking water system owners and operators better understand the general procedures involved in collecting Safe Drinking Water Act compliance samples. Additional sample shipping suggestions, sample tips, and sample requirements are made available within the body of this interactive guide.

Water Security Tools

  • Alarm Estimation Tool (Microsoft Excel) (263K)
    The Alarm Estimation Tool (AET) is a spreadsheet designed to assist drinking water utilities with establishing alarm thresholds for the Customer Complaint Surveillance component of a Contamination Warning System. The AET provides estimates of the number of alarms expected based on user-supplied data, user preferences and statistical variables. The AET provides both tabular and graphical output displays, and a user's guide is included as a separate spreadsheet tab.
    Document Type: Technical Assistance
    Date Published: February 2011

  • Climate Ready Water Utilities Toolbox
    This searchable toolbox contains resources that support all stages of the decision process, from basic climate science through integration of mitigation and adaptation into long-term planning.Resources include reports, articles and other publications, grant programs, current activities, models and tools and upcoming seminars, workshops and training sessions.

  • CBWR ToolCommunity-Based Water Resiliency Electronic Tool (CBWR)
    An easy way to assess your community's current resiliency to water service disruptions, and learn about tools and resources that can be used to enhance resiliency.
  • CREATClimate Resilience Evaluation and Assessment Tool (CREAT)
    This PC-based tool is under development to assist drinking water and wastewater utility owners and operators in understanding potential climate change impacts and in assessing the related risks at their utilities.
  • TTX ToolTabletop Exercise Tool for Water Systems:
    Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Climate Resiliency

    This PC-based Tabletop Exercise Tool for Water Systems: Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Climate Resiliency (TTX Tool) contains materials that assist those interested in planning and facilitating tabletop exercises that focus on Water Sector-related issues. The TTX Tool expands on the capabilities of the first version of the tool, published in 2005. The updated TTX Tool contains fifteen scenarios that address an all-hazards approach to emergency preparedness and response, including natural hazards and manmade incidents, as well as introduces users to the potential impacts of climate change on the Water Sector.

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  • VSAT Vulnerability Self Assessment Tool (VSAT)
    A risk assessment software tool for water, wastewater, and combined utilities of all sizes. The tool assists drinking water and wastewater owners and operators in performing security threats and natural hazards risk assessments, as well as updating utility Emergency Response Plans. The upgraded tool includes a new user-interface, an enhanced natural disaster threat assessment process, and a revised risk assessment approach.

  • WCIT toolThe Water Contaminant Information Tool (WCIT)
    A secure, online database developed by the U.S. EPA that provides information on contaminants of concern for water security. As a planning tool, WCIT can be used to help create and update emergency response plans and site-specific response guidelines. As a response tool, WCIT can be used to provide real-time data on water contaminants to help utilities make decisions if contamination occurs.

  • WHEATWater Health and Economic Analysis Tool (WHEAT)
    A consequence analysis tool designed to assist drinking water and wastewater utility (water sector) owners and operators in quantifying human health and economic consequences for a variety of scenarios that pose a significant risk to the water sector.  WHEAT is a generalized, threat-neutral consequence analysis tool designed to be used by utility owners and operators to supplement their expert opinion in risk assessment methods by providing a more detailed consequence analysis. WHEAT software analyzes two kinds of scenarios for drinking water and wastewater utilities: 1) the loss of one or more assets; and 2) the release of a stored hazardous gas.

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