Become a part of the Cast and Crew.

Army Entertainment is seeking technicians and performers for the 2013 U.S.

Army Soldier Show and Army Concert Tour. Don't miss this opportunity to
showcase your talents whether it's in the spotlight or behind the scenes.
Auditions are open to all Soldiers - Active, Reserve and Guard - and all
nominees must have a minimum of 90 days time in service remaining after
completion of 2013 tour (on or about 30 November 2013). Nominees must be
deployable worldwide as Army Entertainment will tour to overseas areas.
Video auditions and technical review will take place mid-January 2013 and
finalists will be notified by Army Entertainment. Soldiers selected for
2013 Army Entertainment programs will have change of duty or change of rater
evaluation reports completed prior to departure from the parent unit.
Additional requirements for performer and technician applicants, a sample
application packet and templates of required forms are available and
detailed to the right.

Nominations are due to Army Entertainment 1 November 2012.  



Application Requirements:
Performers: Technicians:
  • DVD/CD
  • Entertainment Resume
  • DA Photo, 3/4 length
  • References/Portfolio
  • Technical Resume
  • DA Photo, 3/4 length 
Mail Application:
U.S. Postal:
Army Entertainment,
Attn: Selection Committee,
2455 Reynolds Road,
Bldg 2266,
Fort Sam Houston, TX
Application Submission
Nomination packet, to exclude video, can be scanned and emailed
Audition video can be mailed or uploaded to web link

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