How Do We Implement I. A.M. STRONG?

Army leaders at every level are working to establish command climates of trust and accountability and are joining with Soldiers across the Army in a commitment to free our Army of sexual assault and harassment.

We are enhancing our climate of strong bonds of trust, safe reporting and appropriate accountability. We are fostering a climate of confidence within our team. Cultural change is successful when Soldiers reject the precursors of sexual assault. Precursors to sexual assault are sexual innuendos, sexual harassment, demeaning behaviors, like hazing, and other sexually offensive actions. Proof of cultural change will occur when sexual assault is eliminated in the Army and Soldiers are adamant that sexual assault is "not what we do because this is not who we are."

We are creating a culture in which Soldiers live the Warrior Ethos, Soldiers never leave a fallen comrade, and Soldiers convey by every act, word, and deed to other Soldiers, "I've got your back."

I. A.M. STRONG. I. A.M. Army Strong. And so are you.

Intervene. Act. and Motivate.

Join your fellow Soldiers in combating this crime.