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Water: Septic (Onsite / Decentralized) Systems

Septic (Onsite/Decentralized) Systems

Homeowner Outreach and Education Are Core Activities of the Decentralized Wastewater Program

Innovative Technologies Allow Decentralized Systems to Protect Public Health and the Environment

EPA Decentralized MOU Partnership Position Papers Highlight the Uses and Benefits of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment

Nearly one in four households in the United States depends on an individual septic system (also referred to as an onsite system) or small community cluster system to treat their wastewater.

These various types of decentralized wastewater treatment, if properly executed, can protect public health, preserve valuable water resources, and maintain economic vitality in a community. EPA concluded in its 1997 Response to Congress (PDF) (101 pp, 5.8MB, About PDF) that "adequately managed decentralized wastewater systems are a cost-effective and long-term option for meeting public health and water quality goals, particularly in less densely populated areas."

Unfortunately, in far too many cases, these systems are installed and largely forgotten – until problems arise. EPA helps to ensure the success of these systems through the promotion and implementation of effective decentralized wastewater management programs.

Why is EPA concerned about onsite wastewater treatment systems?

Onsite wastewater systems include a wide range of individual and cluster treatment systems that process household and commercial sewage. These systems are used in approximately 20 percent of all homes in the United States. An estimated 10 to 20 percent of these systems malfunction each year, causing pollution to the environment and creating a risk to public health. More information on septic system usage in the United States can be found in the Septic System Fact Sheet (PDF) (2 pp, 118K, About PDF).

Who regulates onsite wastewater treatment systems?

States, tribes and local governments are responsible for regulating individual onsite systems. EPA provides guidance and technical assistance to help develop and enhance onsite programs.

What is EPA doing to help manage onsite systems?


Homeowners most often are responsible for maintaining their onsite wastewater treatment systems. Proper system maintenance as well as mindful daily household use (ex., avoid putting cooking grease down the drain) will help keep a system from malfunctioning and will help to maintain their investment in their home. An onsite system is the endpoint for a home's plumbing, collecting wastewater from a home's sink, shower, toilet, and washing machine. Homeowners can use the resources listed below and can contact their local or state health department for more information about onsite wastewater practices in their community at Contacts.

Homeowner's Guide to Septic Systems (PDF) (19 pp, 1.3MB, About PDF) - Booklet that describes how a septic system works and what homeowners can do to help their systems treat wastewater effectively (EPA 832-B-02-005).

Homeowner Septic System Checklist (PDF) (1 pp, 293K, About PDF) - Worksheet that allows homeowners to keep track of septic system inspections and maintenance. This checklist is included in the booklet above or may be used separately (EPA 832-F-03-006).

Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Homeowner's Guide to Evaluating Service Contracts (PDF) (8pp, 137K, About PDF) Exit EPA Disclaimer- This guide from the Texas Cooperative Extension aims to help homeowners who are seeking services from maintenance providers of onsite wastewater treatment systems. It includes definitions of common terms used in service contracts, types of service contracts available and factors to consider when choosing a service provider.

State, Tribal, and Local Officials

State, tribal, and local officials are responsible for regulating onsite wastewater treatment systems. EPA offers a wide variety of resources to assist state and local governments in their efforts to manage these systems.   

EPA's Voluntary National Guidelines for Management of Onsite and Clustered (Decentralized) Wastewater Treatment Systems (PDF) (2 pp, 55K, About PDF) are a principal resource for state and local officials. EPA has issued these guidelines to raise the quality of local management programs, suggest minimum levels of activity, and encourage institutionalizing the concept of decentralized wastewater management. Implementation of the guidelines can help communities meet water quality and public health goals, provide a greater range of options for cost-effectively meeting wastewater needs, and protect consumers' investment in home and business ownership.
To learn about real world examples of communities that have implemented decentralized management programs to address their local wastewater needs, check out EPA's Case Studies of Individual and Clustered (Decentralized) Wastewater Management Programs. These 14 case studies highlight differing communities that have taken various approaches at the local level to better manage their decentralized wastewater systems.

The EPA's Wastewater Information Systems Tool (TWIST) is an off-the-shelf, user-friendly management tool that allows state and local health departments to effectively inventory and manage small wastewater treatment systems in their jurisdictions. It is designed to track information related to homes and facilities served, permits, site evaluations, types of systems, inspections and complaints.

Industry and Professional Service Providers

Professional service providers are the front line when it comes to siting, designing, servicing, and maintaining onsite wastewater systems. This site offers many resources for professionals to promote a highly trained and competent service industry.

Design Manual: Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems (PDF) (409 pp, 9MB, About PDF) - This document provides technical information about onsite wastewater treatment and disposal systems. It does not contain standards for those systems, nor does it contain pertinent rules or regulations. The intended audience for this manual includes those involved in the design, construction, operation, maintenance and regulation of wastewater systems (EPA 625-1-80-012).

Source Water Protection Practices Bulletin: Managing Septic Systems to Prevent Contamination of Drinking Water (PDF) (5 pp, 578K, About PDF) - This fact sheet discusses ways to prevent septic systems from contaminating sources of drinking water (EPA 816-F-01-021).

Utility Bill Insert (PDF) (2 pp, 150K, About PDF) - This colorful 3" x 5" bill insert is intended for use by wastewater and water supply utilities. One side has information for customers that discharge to sanitary sewer systems; the other side is for customers with septic systems (EPA 832-F-03-007).

Not in My Septic System! Magnet (PDF)  (1 pp, 548K, About PDF) - This is a magnet that septic tank pumpers can distribute to customers. It lists items that homeowners should not dump down the drain and provides a reminder of the next service date (EPA 832-E-05-001). For ordering information, contact NSCEP. If you would like to print your own magnets, see Printing a Publication Using a Professional Printer for more information.

Also check out our Technical Information page for more information on:

EPA's Wastewater Information Systems Tool (TWIST) is an off-the-shelf, user-friendly management tool that allows state and local health departments to effectively inventory and manage small wastewater treatment systems in their jurisdictions. It is designed to track information related to homes and facilities served, permits, site evaluations, types of systems, inspections and complaints.

EPA's Decentralized Wastewater Management MOU Partnership

EPA and 16 partner organizations are joined by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to work collaboratively at the national level to improve decentralized performance and protect our nation's public health and water resources. EPA initiated this MOU partnership in 2005 through an MOU with 8 public and private sector organizations; the MOU was then expanded in 2008 to 14 partners and again in November 2011 to 16 partners, with the addition of both the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention and NSF International. The 2011 MOU renews the commitment of EPA and its partner organizations to work together to encourage proper management of decentralized systems and increase collaboration among EPA, state and local governments, and decentralized system practitioners and providers. 

Decentralized Partnership Products

  • 2011 MOU Renewal
  • EPA's Septic Wiki - A collaborative website hosted by the EPA MOU Decentralized Management Partnership, EPA's Septic Wiki allows all registered users to share best practices, case studies, and lessons learned related to decentralized systems.

  • Decentralized MOU Partnership Papers - The EPA Decentralized MOU Partnership recently developed four short position papers for state, local, and tribal government officials as well as interested stakeholders which include information on the uses and benefits of decentralized wastewater treatment and examples of where it has played an effective role in a community's wastewater treatment infrastructure.  



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Additional Partners to the Decentralized Program

Indian Health Service (IHS)Exit EPA Disclaimer - IHS's goal is to assure that comprehensive, culturally acceptable personal and public health services are available and accessible to American Indian and Alaska Native people.

National Association of Counties (NACo)Exit EPA Disclaimer - NACo's homepage contains information for county officials, including legislative affairs, projects and programs, and conferences and events.

National Association of County and City Officials (NACCHO)Exit EPA Disclaimer - NACCHO offers tools and programs for local health officials on various issues. It also offers an up-to-date review of public advocacy issues and a comprehensive bookstore.

National Environmental Training Center for Small CommunitiesExit EPA Disclaimer - NETCSC assists small communities by providing training and training-related information and referral services in the areas of wastewater, drinking water and solid waste. 

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Utilities Service (USDA-RUS)Exit EPA Disclaimer - The Water Program section of this site contains information on grant programs as well as informative pamphlets.

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