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Water: Clean Water State Revolving Fund

Clean Water State Revolving Fund

America’s largest water quality financing source…

American Reinvestment and Recovery Act

American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) of 2009: ARRA provided the CWSRF programs with $4 billion to fund high priority infrastructure projects. Find out how ARRA is being implemented.

Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) programs provided more than $5 billion annually in recent years to fund water quality protection projects for wastewater treatment, nonpoint source pollution control, and watershed and estuary management.
CWSRFs have funded over $89 billion, providing over 30,012 low-interest loans to date.

How the CWSRF Program Works
Law, Regulation, & Policy
Fact Sheets and Other Publications
Local Successes & Innovation
Green Project Reserve
Federal Allotments for State Programs (PDF)
CWSRF Performance
Financing Alternative Comparison Tool (FACT)
Regional & State Contacts

CWSRFs offer:

  • Low interest rates, flexible terms
  • Significant funding for nonpoint source pollution control and estuary protection
  • Assistance to a variety of borrowers
  • Partnerships with other funding sources

Key features of the program include:

  • Low Interest Rates, Flexible Terms—Nationally, interest rates for CWSRF loans average 2.2 percent, compared to market rates that average 4.5 percent. For a CWSRF program offering this rate, a CWSRF funded project would cost 19 percent less than projects funded at the market rate. CWSRFs can fund 100 percent of the project cost and provide flexible repayment terms up to 20 years.
  • Significant Funding for Nonpoint Source Pollution Control and Estuary Protection—To date, the CWSRF has provided over $3 billion in funding for nonpoint source projects and 5.8 million for estuary management.
  • Assistance to a Variety of Borrowers—The CWSRF program has assisted a range of borrowers including municipalities, communities of all sizes, farmers, homeowners, small businesses, and nonprofit organizations.
  • Partnerships with Other Funding Sources—CWSRFs partner with banks, nonprofits, local governments, and other federal and state agencies to provide
    the best water quality financing source for their communities.

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