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Water: Ocean Survey Vessel

EPA's Ocean Survey Vessel (OSV) Bold

About the OSV Bold

The Ocean Survey Vessel (OSV) Bold is EPA's only ocean and coastal monitoring vessel. It is a converted naval monitoring vessel acquired by EPA from the Navy on March 31, 2004. Measuring 224 feet long and 43 feet wide, the OSV Bold is equipped with state-of-the-art sampling, mapping, and analysis equipment, including: sidescan sonar, underwater video, and water and sediment sampling devices.

Scientists use the OSV Bold to conduct many different types of surveys, including: monitoring of ocean dredged material disposal sites and wastewater ocean outfalls, assessment of water quality in sensitive and important ecosystems, and evaluation of critical coral reef habitat. These surveys are performed in U.S. coastal waters, including the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Florida Keys, the Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico.

With coastal populations increasing, pressures on oceans and coastal waters are also growing. EPA recognizes that accurate and timely data collection and analysis along our coasts will help us take actions necessary to keep our nation's coastal and ocean waters healthy. The information gathered through the use of the OSV Bold allows EPA to more effectively monitor and control pollution sources, and is helping to chart a healthier course for our oceans.

For more information about EPA's OSV Bold, please visit the following webpages or navigate through the tabs above.
OSV Bold History
OSV Bold Brochure (2005)
OSV Bold Factsheet (2005)


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