September 10, 2012
Christine Campigotto | (703) 875-4357

Developing the Environment for Long-Term Sustainable Development

CAIRO, EGYPT –Today, Mr. Carl B. Kress, USTDA Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), and Ms. Heather Lanigan, Country Manager for North Africa, joined a U.S. Egypt Business Council delegation of over 100 U.S. businesses and government officials visiting Egypt to find opportunities for closer commercial collaboration between the two countries. During a meeting at the Four Seasons Nile Plaza, USTDA concluded two grant agreements designed to expand Egypt's information communication technology infrastructure and support economic growth. The first grant conferred with the Cairo Airport Company will provide a blueprint to guide the implementation of an integrated airport ICT system that will enhance the management of existing and future information technology needs at the Cairo International Airport. The second grant agreement signed with Summit Technology Solutions will provide business, financial and technical recommendations and an implementation plan to build a data center in Katameya, Egypt.

The grant agreement between USTDA and the Cairo Airport Company ($622,225) was signed by Mr. Kress and Major General Eng. Wael El Maadawy, Chairman & CEO of the Egyptian Holding Company for Airport & Air Navigation.   The grant agreement between USTDA and Summit Technology Solutions ($351,000) was signed by Mr. Kress and Ms. Magda El Sabee, CEO of Summit Technology Solutions.   

The Cairo International Airport is the main gateway into Egypt and has been engaged in an extensive modernization effort to serve existing and future demand. The technical assistance will provide an in-depth analysis on current airport operations, and provide recommendations for technology solutions that could be integrated with existing software and customized to the particular needs of an airport-wide enterprise resource planning system.

Established in 2004, Summit Technology Solutions (STS) is an Egyptian systems integrator with projects throughout the region. Employing approximately 250 people, STS is a business partner to leading U.S. technology vendors, including serving as one of only two platinum partners to Avaya in the Middle East and a gold partner to Hewlett Packard and Cisco. Implementation of the new data center will enhance productivity for Egyptian businesses, create jobs for local ICT professionals, and result in advanced technology transfer. The feasibility study will be conducted by Global Resources, Inc. from Irvine, California.

Mr. Kress also announced that USTDA is supporting a port automation reverse trade mission that will introduce public and private stakeholders from Egypt to U.S. technologies and services in the port automation sector, including freight arrival and distribution, efficient trucking management systems, and river transportation. The visit is anticipated to take place in December, 2012.

"These three activities represent tangible examples of the continued cooperative efforts between the United States and Egypt to further closer commercial and economic ties. They are designed to support further Egyptian advancement in two priority sectors, information technology and transportation infrastructure, and will spur increased U.S. business engagement in both sectors, to mutual benefit."

The opportunity to conduct the USTDA-funded technical assistance with the Cairo Airport Company will be competed on the Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) website. A link to the FBO announcement will be posted to USTDA's website at Interested U.S. firms should submit proposals according to the instructions in the FBO announcement.

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The U.S. Trade and Development Agency helps companies create U.S. jobs through the export of U.S. goods and services for priority development projects in emerging economies. USTDA links U.S. businesses to export opportunities by funding project planning activities, pilot projects, and reverse trade missions while creating sustainable infrastructure and economic growth in partner countries.

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