U.S. Department of Defense
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
News Release
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October 18, 2012

United States -- Thailand Defense Strategic Talks

            Senior delegations from the United States and the Kingdom of Thailand met today at the Pentagon to conduct the United States -- Thailand Defense Strategic Talks.  The Defense Strategic Talks are the two allies’ premier forum for coordinating security policies and consulting on a wide array of security issues. 

            These discussions reflect enduring American and Thai commitment to cooperation and consultation on security issues based on shared priorities and mutual respect.  Both nations resolved to continue strengthening the alliance as a true 21st century partnership that aims to promote a peaceful, secure, and prosperous region and contribute to global stability. 

            The U.S. delegation was led by Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asia Pacific Security Affairs Mark Lippert.  The Thai delegation was led by the Permanent Secretary of Defense General Thanongsak Apirakyothin.  Both delegations reaffirmed the importance of bilateral and multilateral interoperability and readiness. 

            The U.S. and Thai delegations look forward to next steps for the alliance, including their commitment to continue senior defense dialogues and future senior defense official visits. 

            The Joint Statement for the United States-Thai Defense Strategic Talks is available at:  http://www.defense.gov/news/USThaiDefenseStrategicTalksJointStatement.pdf .