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Advancing Paraguay’s Civil Society

September 4, 2012
Ambassador Thessin, playing the Paraguayan harp.

Ambassador Thessin, playing the Paraguayan harp.

Last Friday, U.S. Ambassador, James Thessin, visited NGO Semillas para la Democracia (Semillas) for an Open House and presentation of three small projects implemented under their Civil Society Strengthening program. 

The U.S. Government, through USAID’s Democracy Program has been helping Civil Society Organizations improve their government oversight and issue-tracking capabilities through a Cooperative Agreement with Semillas para la Democracia. Semillas is providing technical assistance and training to Civil Society rganizations in areas such as managerial capability, financial processes, organizational structure, fundraising, project development, communication strategies, and monitoring and evaluation. 

The Ambassador interacted with the organizations’ representatives and heard firsthand of the impact that USAID-supported programs is having in shaping Paraguayan civil society to act as a responsible and legitimate force for policy change in the democratic arena, in a sustained and consistent manner over time.  Mr. Thessin also enjoyed typical Paraguayan food and music, and even had a chance to play the Paraguayan harp.