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  • (303)497-3333
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Student Programs
  • Ann Thorne
    Student Programs Coordinator
    Phone: 303-497-4600

Events at ESRL

FIM model image.

4th Workshop on the Use of Isentropic & other Quasi-Lagrangian Vertical Coordinates in Atmosphere & Ocean Modeling

October 7-9, 2008
Considerable development & testing of quasi-Lagrangian vertical coordinates has occurred since the last hybrid-Θ modeling work shop 4 years ago. This work, in both the atmosphere & ocean, has demonstrated further the potential for isentropic & other quasi-Lagrangian vertical coordinates to improve simulations & forecasts of geophysical fluid flows. This workshop will include both invited & contributed papers on the latest progress in this rapidly developing field.
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Science on a Sphere

Celebrate Earth Day 2008 with NOAA

April 22, 2008
NOAA in Boulder is hosting a full day of Science On a Sphere® showings to celebrate Earth Day. Science On a Sphere showings will be presented for 30 visitors each hour on the hour from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Visitors will also be able to view Cloud Paintings and Poetry: an Exhibit of Art and Science by the 2nd grade class of Mesa Elementary.
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Climate, Stratospheric Ozone, and Air Quality

ESRL Atmospheric Chemistry Research Review

January 29-31, 2008
Laboratory scientific reviews are conducted every four years to evaluate the quality, relevance, and performance of research conducted in OAR laboratories. This review covers the atmospheric chemical sciences research of ESRL over the last four years. Research topics include Stratospheric Ozone, Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Climate, Non-CO2 Climate Gases, Regional Air Quality, Chemical Transformation and Long Range Transport, and Aerosols and Climate.
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2007 Events

Conference Marks 50th Anniversary of Global CO2 Record
The 50th anniversary of the global CO2 record, begun by Dr. Charles David Keeling at the South Pole and in Hawaii in 1957, was celebrated at a symposium in Kona, Hawaii, near the Mauna Loa Observatory, on 28-30 November 2007. More information...
NOAA 200th Celebration in Boulder, Colorado
On November 9, 2007 NOAA in Boulder celebrated and commemorated NOAA science,from its beginnings in the early explorations of our hemisphere, through its evolution as a preeminent science agency, and forward to its future role in the understanding and prediction of the Earth system.
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NOAA Atmospheric Chemical Modeling Workshop
October 10 - 11, 2007
A workshop focused on NOAA's atmospheric chemical modeling capabilities which are relevant to our research and operational needs and opportunities.
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