Federal Aviation Administration

Students Experience Joy of Flight First Hand at ACE Academy!

Students fly with Maine Air National Guard during refueling operation at ACE Academy

Students fly with Maine Air National Guard during refueling operation at ACE Academy

An experience created by the FAA's Aviation and Space Education Program (AVSED) AVSED Program, unique to any in the country, is the Aviation Career Education (ACE) Academy. First launched in 1990, the ACE Academies are co-sponsored by the FAA, and held in partnership with a wide variety of industry groups and organizations around the country, every year. ACE Academies are typically a weeklong experience for the student, which exposes them to a wide variety of aviation and aerospace career opportunities. Students learn about aircraft design and maintenance, flight simulation, aviation history, meteorology and the theory of flight. Many students also experience their first flight lessons in a General Aviation (GA) aircraft, fly a seaplane, or even experience soaring. Some academies tour Air Traffic facilities, airlines, maintenance facilities, and airport operations centers. They are also exposed to educational opportunities and careers in the military.

One of the unique elements to the FAA co-sponsored ACE Academy is the partnership, which has been formed between the AVSED Program and the Department of Defense. Students enrolled in FAA co-sponsored ACE Academies have the ability to ride aboard U.S. military aircraft for an orientation flight if aircraft is available. Several exciting examples include a trip aboard a KC-135 Stratotanker for an actual refueling mission, flights on C-130's and Blackhawk helicopters. .

The enthusiasm and excitement of our industry is infectious, and the students are often eager to share the impact that ACE Academies has had on their lives: .

"I had a blast and after the experience I have decided that I am definitely going to work my hardest to become a pilot."
2007 ACE student.

"Thank you so much, I wouldn't be on this road towards a career in Aviation without the help of ACE Academy! I can't thank you enough!"

2006 ACE student

"If it wasn't for ACE Academy I don't think I'd be flying around in Blackhawks all day *smiles*"
2002 ACE student.

The FAA has recognized that our young men and women are our most valuable resource, and has committed to continuing this exciting outreach program. For many ACE Academy students, the experience would not have been available otherwise. Thousands of students participate each year, and for many the experience is their first step in what ultimately becomes a rewarding career in the aerospace industry.

This program has been created, and continues, due in no small part to a relatively tiny group of dedicated and passionate FAA employees and their partners in the industry. Volunteerism is a major component of this program, and is vital to its continued success. Due to the support of state aviation education councils, state aeronautics divisions, educational institutions and local aviation businesses, the ACE Academy program now occurs in virtually every state in the country. The diversity of opportunities that these volunteers can provide makes each ACE Academy unique in its offerings and highlights the intriguing career paths available in their region. .

If you want more information about how you can become involved in ACE Academies, contact your regional FAA Aviation and Space Education Program Manager.

Page Last Modified: 10/01/12 07:50 EDT

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