Special Program Security Certification

Ready to establish yourself as a credentialed security professional, and meet the challenges of today’s technology and the certification requirements mandated by EO 13434?

Establish your credibility and become a more valued member of the DoD Special Program Community by obtaining your Special Program Security Certification (SPSC) credentials today.

The Special Program Community, both Government and Industry, over the years has initiated a paradigm shift in national security that focuses on the business of security with an emphasis on risk managed decision-making, Information Assurance, and Operations Security. Essential to these areas is a well-defined developmental program united with credentials that objectively evaluate a Special Program security professional’s education and knowledge. The collection of credentials includes:

  • Special Program Security Certification Journeyman Level II – Designed for security professionals whose primary responsibilities are tactical rather than strategic and whose focus is the successful implementation of the security domains. Candidates provide security analysis of programs under review and recommend, initiate, and/or implement new procedures as necessary to resolve systemic security issues and security problems that may arise. Applicants must have a current SPēD Security Fundamental Professional Certification (SFPC) to qualify for SPSC Journeyman Level II.
  • Special Program Security Certification Master Level III – Designed for security professionals whose primary responsibilities are and decisions have an impact both within and outside the organization. Candidates provide comprehensive knowledge of security policy requirements and apply new security theories and developments to major conflicts in policy that are not readily resolved by accepted security methods, technology, or procedures. Applicants must have a current SPSC Journeyman Level II to qualify for SPSC Master Level III.

As of November 1, 2011, SPSC’s Apprentice Level I is no longer an SPSC track. Alignment of SPSC with the global DoD SPēD Program has allowed the transition of key parameters of the level and program to be integrated to either the SPSC Journeyman Level II and/or SPēD’s Security Fundamentals. Therefore SPēD’s Security Fundamentals Professional Certification (SFPC) will be required as entry into the SPSC Program.

Contact Pentagon_SPSC@navy.mil for questions about Special Program Security Certification.