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Science, Technology and Innovation Economic Research

November 2010 – The Impact of Broadband Speed and Price on Small Business [PDF File] a Congressionally mandated research report by Columbia Telecommunications Corporation, Research Summary. [PDF File]

September 2009 – Toward Effective Education of Innovative Entrepreneurs in Small Business: Initial Results from a Survey of College Students and Graduates [PDF file] by Summit Consulting, Research Summary [PDF]

July 2009 – High-tech Immigrant Entrepreneurship in the United States [PDF File] by David Hart, Zoltan Acs, and Spencer Tracy, Jr., Research Summary. [PDF File]

March 2009 – Innovation in Small Business: Drivers of Change and Value [PDF File] by Ceteris, Inc., Research Summary. [PDF File]

November 2008 – An Analysis of Small Business Patents by Industry and Firm Size [PDF file], submitted by Anthony Breitzman and Diana Hicks, Research Summary [PDF file].

March 2007 – Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley During the Boom and Bust [PDF File] submitted by Robert Fairlie, Research Summary. [PDF File]

January 2007 – Self-Employment in the Veteran and Service-Disabled Veteran Population [PDF File] submitted by Open Blue Solutions, Research Summary. [PDF File]

December 2006 – Research Study [PDF file], Identification of the Technology Commercialization Strategies of High-tech Small Firms, submitted by Diana Hicks, Dirk P. Libaers, Alan L. Porter, David J. Schoeneck (Search Technology, Inc.), Research Summary.

March 2006 – Research Study [PDF file], Innovation and Small Business Performance: Examining the Relationship Between Technological Innovation and the Within Industry Distributions of Fast Growth Firms, submitted by Peregrine Analytics, LLC., Research Summary.

December 2005 – Small Firms: Why Market-Driven Innovation Can't Get Along Without Them [PDF file], submitted by William Baumol

December 2005 – Research Study [PDF file], Broadband Use by Rural Small Businesses, submitted by Telenomic Research, Research Summary.

June 2005 – Research Study [PDF file],Technology and Entrepreneurship: A Cross-Industry Analysis of Access to Computers and Self-Employment, submitted by Robert Fairlie,Research Summary.

April 2005 – Research Study [PDF file],The Innovation-Entrepreneurship NEXUS: A National Assessment of Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Growth and Development, submitted by S. Michael Camp, Advanced Research Technologies, LLC., Research Summary.

June 2004 – Research Study [PDF file], Trends in Electronic Procurement and Electronic Commerce and Their Impact on Small Business , submitted by Innovation and Information Consultants, Inc., Research Summary.

March 2004 – Research Study [PDF file], A Survey of Small Businesses’ Telecommunications Use and Spending, submitted by BJK Associates Research Summary.

January 2004 – Research Report [PDF file], Small Firms and Technology: Acquisitions, Inventor Movement, and Technology Transfer; submitted by CHI Research Inc., Research Summary.

June 2003 – Research Report [PDF file], Self-Employment and Computer Usage; Includes available data and information on the demographics and characteristics of self-employed with computer ownershipResearch Bulletin.

April 2003 – Research Study [PDF file], Foreign Patenting Behavior of Small and Large Firms: An Update, submitted by Mary Ellen Mogee Research Summary.

March 2003 – Research Study [PDF file]Small Serial Innovators: The Small Firm Contribution To Technical Change, submitted by CHI Research, Inc., Research Summary.

October 2002 – Research Study [PDF file], Influence of R&D Expenditures on New Firm Formation and Economic Growth submitted by BJK Associates Research Summary.

October 2002 – Research Study [PDF file], E-Biz: Strategies for Small Business Success, submitted by Joanne H. Pratt Research Summary.

December 2001 – Research Study [PDF file], E-Commerce's Impact on the Travel Agency Industry, submitted by Heartland Information Research Research Summary.

January 2001 – Research Study [PDF file], Impact of E-commerce on Auto Dealers, submitted by Jack Faucett Associates .Research Summary.

September 2000 Research Study [PDF file], The High-Tech Rural Renaissance? Information Technology, Firm Size and Rural Employment Growth, submitted by Jed Kolko Research Summary.

June 2000 Research Study [PDF file], Developing High-Technology Communities: San Diego, submitted by Innovation Associates Inc., Research Summary.

June 2000 Research Report [PDF file], Small Business Expansions in Electronic Commerce – summarizes the available studies on how small firms are helping shape e-commerce.

July 1999 Research Report [PDF file], E-commerce: Small Businesses Venture Online - summarizes the available studies on e-commerce related to small business.

April 1999 Research Study [PDF file], Measuring Contribution of Small Business (Using Assoc. Directories for Technology Study),  submitted by Nestor E. Terleckyj Research Summary.

April 1999 Research Study [PDF file], Survey of High Technology Firms, submitted by Joseph J. Cordes; Henry R. Herzfeld; and Nicholas S. Vonortans Research Summary.

September 1996 Research Study, Small Firm Innovative Success: External Resources and Barriers, submitted by Maryann Feldman Research Summary.

1996 Research Study, Foreign Patenting Behavior of Small and Large Firms, submitted by Mary Ellen Mogee and Associates Research Summary [HTML file].

1996 Research Study, Technology Transfer to Small Manufacturers: A Literature Review, submitted by Mt Auburn Associates Inc., and Regional Technology Strategies, Inc., Research Summary [HTML file].

1995 Research Study, Impact of Electronic Data Interchange on Small Firms (EDI), submitted by Peter Ashton Research Summary [HTML file].

Historical research

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