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Office of Advocacy - The voice for small business in the Federal Government and the source for small business

Franchising Economic Research


August 2008 – Do Business Definition Decisions Distort Small Business Research Results? [PDF file] an Office of Advocacy Working Paper by Brian Headd and Radwan Saade, Office of Advocacy, Research Summary [PDF]

May 1999 Research Study [PDF file], Women and Minorities in Franchising and Financing Practices, submitted by Women in Franchising Inc., Research Summary.

August 1997 Research Study [PDF file], Why New Franchisers Succeed, submitted by Scott Shane Research Summary.

1996 Research Study, Survival Patterns Among Franchises & Non-franchises Started in 1986/87, submitted by Timothy Bates Research Summary [HTML file].

1996 Research Study, Differences Between Successful and Unsuccessful Franchisers, submitted by Scott Shane Research Summary [HTML file].

Historical research

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