Urban Institute nonprofit social and economic policy research
October 19, 2012


Low-Income Working Families

Low-Income Working Families

Visit the new web site for the Low-Income Working Families project. It features the latest information on factors that contribute to poor outcomes for these families and policy options that would reduce barriers and promote meaningful work for adults and positive outcomes for children. Visit Site.

Fiscal cliff chart

Toppling Off
the Fiscal Cliff

The looming fiscal cliff threatens to boost taxes by more than $500 billion in 2013 when many temporary tax provisions are scheduled to expire. Nearly 90 percent of Americans would pay more tax. Read TPC's analysis of the tax increases, including effects on revenue, distribution, and marginal tax rates. Read More.

Family sitting at the park

16th Anniversary of Welfare Reform

On the anniversary of groundbreaking welfare reform, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant reaches fewer than one in three poor families, and the amount of assistance has fallen in all states. A new paper, brief, and factsheet examine TANF changes over the last 16 years, and offer specific recommendations to address the challenges. Read more

Presidential Candidates' Tax Plans

Presidential Candidates' Tax Plans

The Tax Policy Center provides an analysis of the distributional effects of tax proposals from the 2012 candidates.

Plans from President Obama, Mitt Romney, and Republican vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan are examined. Read more