PubChem Deposition Gateway Announcements PubChem Deposition Gateway Announcements 2010-12-08T11:38:20-05:00,2010:05C37661-332F-43B6-A012-A9CD8533C1AA.40520.4848330787 BioAssay Descriptions Now Input Via CSV or Other Spreadsheet Files BioAssay Descriptions can now be input via the web using CSV or other popular spreadsheet file formats (.ods,.xls,.xlsx). <A href="">Click here</A> for more information.<BR> PubChem 2010-12-08T11:38:20-05:00,2010:534E9B57-EBB3-4A06-B973-D26243066CB4.40520.4778740046 Upcoming Systems Maintenance <P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoPlainText><FONT face=Consolas>The PubChem Deposition Gateway will be unavailable for about two hours on Thursday (2010-09-30) at 8:00 AM EST.</FONT></P> <P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoPlainText><?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p><FONT face=Consolas>&nbsp;</FONT></o:p></P> <P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoPlainText><FONT face=Consolas>Please contact us with any concerns: </FONT><A href=""><FONT color=#0000ff face=Consolas></FONT></A><FONT face=Consolas>.</FONT></P> PubChem 2010-09-28T15:22:18-05:00,2010:D6864091-0564-4BB1-9149-0C90920CCF49.40449.681090787 PubChem deposition gateway updated The user interface (UI) for the substance deposition of the PubChem deposition gateway is <A href="">updated</A>. PubChem 2010-08-12T16:29:56-05:00,2010:54A4BA19-1AAA-44ED-8F33-5C8F5525A8BF.40402.7284443287 RSS feed available for PubChem Deposition Gateway Announcements An <A href="deponews.rss">RSS feed</A> is now available for PubChem Deposition Gateway Announcements (<A href="deponews.atom">Atom version</A>). PubChem 2010-01-13T14:51:09-05:00,2010:50CEBB50-2B3B-4AB9-A52C-6F734A09329A.40190.6163607523 Panel Assays can now be deposited into PubChem <A href="">Panel Assays</A> can now be deposited into PubChem. Our <A href="">help page</A> contains a full explanation&nbsp;including links to three videos describing the purpose of a panel<BR>assay and how to deposit your data as a panel assay.<BR> PubChem 2009-07-03T14:46:29-05:00,2010:8CF37D05-7249-4FBD-98C0-A124F11BA217.40190.6119781481