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GOP's pre-emptive calls for repealing reform mount -- Businesses seek changes to Senate bill -- Heart doctors sue Sebelius – Fred Barnes on the 'tyranny of the minority'
By: on December 29, 2009 @ 5:22 AM

It’s Tuesday. “I want your love and I want your revenge. You and me could write a Pulse romance.”

ALREADY TALKING REPEAL — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and other conservative GOP leaders are already talking about Republican candidates running on a platform that includes repealing health care reform. The talk not only reinforces the Democratic narrative that passage is inevitable, it shows that, no matter what happens in the next month, health care reform will continue to dominate the political dialogue through at least 2010. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell on Sunday was careful to dance around the subject of whether repeal would be a major GOP plank saying, “There's no question that this bill, if it were to become law and frankly even if it doesn't become law, it will be a big, if not central, issue not only in the 2010 election but in the 2012 election.” Perhaps the most interesting dynamic is that Republicans aren’t the only ones trying to hang their opposition with health reform. Democrats, too, are working a message that GOP opposition to reform demonstrates how Republicans have sided with insurance companies and moneyed interests over the public. Now, it appears the race is on to frame the issue.

TNR’S JONATHAN COHN’S TAKE: “Republicans are vowing to repeal health care reform if they get into power — and, I suppose, it's possible they'll succeed. But it seems far more likely that, once enacted, health care reform is here to stay. However unpopular this bill is today, the underlying concept — that government ought to make health insurance a right — remains popular. To repeal health care reform, Republicans would have to convince voters that they're better off without laws prohibiting insurers from discriminating against the sick — and without subsidies that would help middle class people, as well as the poor, pay for their premiums. I just don't see that happening. Instead, the coming fights over health care are likely to be over how to improve whatever measure Obama signs into law — which will mean, among other things, arguing over whether to regulate insurance practices even more aggressively, whether to use government bargaining power with the drug industry, and, yes, whether to start some kind of public plan. In these debates, Democrats won't be the ones championing the interests of the health care industry. The Republicans will. It's hard to imagine the voters won't notice.”

AND IT’S NOT GOING AWAY — POLITICO alum Avi Zenilman, sitting in for the vacationing Greg Sargent, reports: “In an interview with me just now, Max Pappas, the vice president for public policy of Dick Armey’s FreedomWorks, said that if the bill passes, politicians should call for a full repeal. ‘This has an unusual ability to be repealed, and the public is on that side.’ he said. ‘The Republicans are going to have to prove that they are worthy of their votes.’ He emphasized that all the different parts of the bill fit together, and that Congress would need to try to repeal the whole thing. This could put GOP candidates in a bind. We first reported that the Dem game plan in 2010 is to put politicians on the spot on this question, but Mitch McConnell this Sunday declined to go that far when Jake Tapper asked him if Republican candidates would call for full repeal. … That’s not good enough for right-wing activists. Erick Erickson of redstate.org criticized McConnell for dodging the question. ‘Politicians should actually say ‘yes’ when they mean ‘yes’ and ‘no’ when they mean ‘no,’ instead of dancing around the issue,’ he wrote. … By insisting on ideological purity and making a bet that the bill will be universally unpopular, conservatives are leaving Republican candidates with no room for flexibility. This one isn’t going away.”

** Reform is needed now — to cover everyone, fix care, and make care affordable. Any plan that does all three is a winner and will help people. Watch http://tiny.cc/1aXVx for more. **

CLICK OF THE DAY: The NYT has your interactive timeline of health care reform going back to 1912.

GOP's pre-emptive calls for repealing reform mount -- Businesses seek changes to Senate bill -- Heart doctors sue Sebelius – Fred Barnes on the 'tyranny of the minority'

BIZ PUSHES FOR CHANGES, reports WSJ’s Neil King Jr.: “Businesses are set to push for modifications to the Senate-approved health bill, while urging lawmakers to steer clear of the version passed by the House. The Senate bill, which passed 60-39 on Christmas Eve with no Republican backing, has drawn tentative support from some large corporations and industry groups, despite containing a range of provisions that they hope to change. By contrast, businesses of all sizes oppose the House bill, which contains more-stringent requirements on employers to offer health coverage to employees. … The support of business leaders isn't critical for passage, but it could help Democrats blunt Republican criticism that their bill is bad for the economy. Many of the country's biggest employers have raised alarms over a provision in the Senate bill that would tax a government subsidy on retiree drug benefits. The move could force an accounting step that would require hundreds of companies to sharply lower their earnings next year. Big businesses also worry that new taxes and fees proposed in both versions of the health legislation could come years before measures meant to contain wasteful spending in the delivery of health care by doctors and hospitals take effect. … Groups representing smaller and medium-sized firms have largely denounced the overall effort, saying it would drive up their costs. The Senate bill ‘implements crippling new taxes, and hurts our ability to create jobs at the worst possible time for the economy,’ said U.S. Chamber of Commerce Executive Vice President Bruce Josten.”

CONFERENCE GROUNDWORK BEING LAID, reports Roll Call’s David Drucker: “Congressional aides began laying the groundwork Monday for Democratic leaders in the House and Senate to negotiate competing health care reform bills into legislation that can be signed by President Barack Obama, a senior Senate aide confirmed. … ‘Everything happening this week is happening behind the scenes,’ the Senate aide said of preparations to reconcile the House and Senate bills. ‘Staff is taking the week to review documents. Informal staff meetings may happen, but nothing is scheduled just yet.’”

STATE LEVEL ACTION — NYT’s David Kirkpatrick reports: “Like about a dozen other states, Florida is debating a proposed amendment to its state constitution that would try to block, at least symbolically, much of the proposed federal health care overhaul on the grounds that it tramples individual liberty. But what unites the proposal’s legislative backers is more than ideology. Its 42 co-sponsors, all Republicans, were almost all recipients of outsized campaign contributions from major health care interests, a total of about $765,000 in 2008, according to a new study by the National Institute on Money in State Politics, a nonpartisan group based in Helena, Mont. It is just one example of how insurance companies, hospitals and other health care interests have been positioning themselves in statehouses across the country to influence the outcome of the proposed health care overhaul. Around the 2008 election, the groups that provide health care contributed about $102 million to state political campaigns across the country, surpassing the $89 million the same donors spent at the federal level, according to the institute. Any federal legislation is likely to supersede state constitutional amendments. But backers of the state measures say they want to send a message to Congress and also lay groundwork for fights about elements of the health care package that are expected to be left up to the states.”

COMPARATIVE EFFECTIVENESS IN SENATE BILL, reports Inside Health Policy: “The Senate’s final health care reform bill would not prevent [the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services] from using comparative effectiveness data, but it would impose limits and hurdles for the use of such research in reimbursement and coverage decisions by Medicare and other payers. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-NV) manager’s amendment tweaked the earlier bill’s comparative effectiveness research language but did not alter the overall impact of the legislation on CER. … Even though the legislation does not explicitly direct CMS to use CER data, the legislation provides HHS with a vehicle to incorporate CER data in decisions.” $5:

MEDICARE ADVANTAGE CUTS — AP’s Matt Sedensky reports: “Insurers constantly caution seniors that their Medicare Advantage perks, such as hearing aids, dental payments and even gym memberships will fizzle if Democrats get their way and cut government subsidies for them. But tens of billions of Medicare dollars funneled through insurers also pay for extras that never reach beneficiaries: multimillion-dollar salaries, executive retreats in Hawaii, Scotland and Cancun and massive expenditures on marketing to lure more customers to the privately administered Advantage plans that serve as an alternative to government-provided Medicare. The government-subsidized benefits that seniors on Advantage plans receive — often at premiums lower than Medicare premiums — are real, and are legitimately in danger in some cases if Democrats succeed in their health care overhaul. Medicare Advantage subsidies are on the chopping block to pay for the overhaul. Though there are marked differences between House and Senate versions, both bills would lower payments to private Medicare Advantage plans, which on average cost the government 14 percent more than traditional Medicare. The harshest critics of the Advantage program say patients are exchanging hassle-free coverage for a plan with cheap perks that may ultimately deny them necessary treatment.”

HEART DOCS SUE HHS, reports USA Today’s Steve Sternberg: “Heart specialists on Monday filed suit against Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius in an effort to stave off steep Medicare fee cuts for routine office-based procedures such as nuclear stress tests and echocardiograms. The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, charges that the government's planned cutbacks will deal a major blow to medical care in the USA, forcing thousands of cardiologists to shutter their offices, sell diagnostic equipment and work for hospitals, which charge more for the same procedures. … The issues raised in the lawsuit are not related to the health reform legislation being hammered out on Capitol Hill. But the dispute offers a revealing case study of the impact of payment reform on one specialty — cardiologists — and, ultimately, their patients."

LONG TERM CARE – AP’s Carla K. Johnson takes a look: “Most people don't buy long-term care insurance. They simply don't want to think about moving into an assisted living center or hiring a stranger to bathe them. … A program tucked into the health care overhaul legislation emerging from Congress … would create a voluntary long-term care insurance program to be run by the government. Voluntary, yes. But workers at participating companies would be automatically enrolled — critics say ‘tricked into’ enrolling — unless they opted out. People would see a deduction for the program from their paychecks — estimates range from $160 to $240 a month — unless they signed a form or clicked a box saying they wanted to keep the money. The proposed program would help shift the financial burden of an aging population from Medicaid, now the largest funder of long-term care, to individuals. The federal-state health insurance program for the poor is straining state budgets.”

Fred Barnes WSJ Op-Ed: “Democrats in Washington do have large majorities in Congress. But instead of reflecting popular opinion, they are pursuing wideranging initiatives in defiance of the views of the majority of Americans. This stands de Tocqueville's concept on its head. The most striking example is health-care reform. It is intensely unpopular but was approved by the House in November and the Senate on Christmas Eve. Asked in a Rasmussen poll in mid-December if they'd prefer no bill to ObamaCare, 57% said they would. Only 34% said they'd rather ObamaCare be enacted. Yet Democrats are forging ahead as if the public actually approves of their health-care reform. Why, when Republicans are preparing to hammer them on the issue in next year's elections, would they do that? Democrats offer different explanations — besides their obsessive attachment to national health care — which suggests that they aren't quite sure of the political fallout. After Senate Democrats locked up the 60th vote to assure Senate passage of ObamaCare, Mr. Obama sounded worry-free. Risk? What risk? … The president didn't mention the public's disapproval as expressed in countless polls. … David Axelrod, a senior adviser to the president, is more realistic. While acknowledging bad poll numbers, he suggested recently on ABC's ‘This Week’ that enactment of sweeping health-care legislation will melt public misgivings. … Ms. Pelosi, too, is brimming with wishful thinking. ‘Now we will have the attention placed on the truly great things that are in the bill that we have in common,’ she declared recently. And Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) told Politico, ‘When people see what is in this bill and when people see what it does, they will come around.’ … ‘I regard as impious and detestable the maxim that in matters of government the majority of a people has the right to do everything,’ de Tocqueville wrote roughly 175 years ago. But what about a congressional majority — which lacks a mandate from a majority of Americans — seeking to do everything? The Frenchman might have dubbed that the ‘tyranny of the minority.’”

WHO’S HIRING WHOM? POLITICO’S Kendra Marr reports on the lobbying contracts since Dec. 21: 
— McLeod Regional Health System hired Strategic Health Care. 
— Hall of Fame Foundation, Ltd., hired Hengen Group, LLC. 
— Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine hired Arent Fox LLP. 
— Physician Sales & Service, Inc. hired The Fiorentino Group, LLC.
— North Colorado Medical Center Foundation hired Strategic Health Care. 
— Westview Hospital hired The Winston Terrell Group.


** Reform should have three goals — cover everyone, fix care, and make care affordable. Any plan that does all three is a winner. The debate should be about helping people and fixing care. Reform is needed now. View the video http://tiny.cc/1aXVx and visit http://kp.org/reform for thoughts on health care reform. **

Reader's Comments (8)

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default avatar for user handsome38
Party: Democrat
Reply #1
Date: Dec. 29, 2009 - 8:02 AM EST

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default avatar for user cowboys61
Party: Independent
Reply #2
Date: Dec. 29, 2009 - 10:55 AM EST

handsome38: Dec. 29, 2009 - 8:02 AM EST


Do you even know what will be in the THE FINAL BILL ? No! How many of your Liberal Leaders have even read the Bill? Zip!

Have you ever written something without using the Caps Lock? No!

Unfortunately I do believe there there are millions of mindless people just like you.

You're all Listening to the Pied Piper of Socialism, marxism , political correctness, free hand outs, environmental extremism. moral relativism, and so on. You don't know where the Pied Piper is leading you but his music is so emotional it brings tears to your eyes which Cloud your vision . You and your buddies are unable to see the cliff you just stepped off . Even as you fall, I hear the singing of Kumbayyah splat!

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default avatar for user teasly
Party: NA
Reply #3
Date: Dec. 29, 2009 - 12:50 PM EST

It strikes me that the Republicans should run on repeal, however they should have their own plan for change. At least by doing that we would learn what the general population actually wants. If the majority wants Obamacare the Democrats will most likely retain power. If not, the Republicans can try again.

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avatar for user Cas for Senate
Party: Conservative
Reply #4
Date: Dec. 29, 2009 - 2:13 PM EST

The reality is that bill is unconstitutional and I am glad to see our AG and others fighting this bill. My major concern with the leadership who passed this legislation knows that it is unconstitutional but knowingly still pass it. If they don't know what the constitution says then they should not be in office. They should along with the President be disqualified for office for high crimes and misdemeanors. The President is first and foremost protector and defender of our constitution and if he knowingly violates it then he violates his oath of office to protect and defend the constitution of the United States. He should then face the constitutional consequences for his actions along with any other Congressperson who supports it. Part I Article I Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution reads: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States. The Senate Bill that was passed showed favoritism towards specific states as it relates towards reimbursement for Medicaid tax exemptions. This is not uniform throughout the United States. Congress cannot collect tax revenue from one state to help pay for another?s state deficits. This has been done repeatedly in the past but until now has not been challenged. The same argument can be made about the financial bail out in which Congress used tax payer money to support the economy of one state versus other states. The Fifth Amendment of the United States reads: nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation, Congress is taking the private property (Money) from the American Citizens for public use (Health care) without just compensation. Just compensation is defined as ?n. 1) in general a fair and reasonable amount of money to be paid for work performed or to make one "whole" after loss due to damages. 2) the full value to be paid for property taken by the government for public purposes guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which states: ?nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation. If the amount offered by the governmental agency taking the property is not considered sufficient, the property owner may demand a trial to determine just compensation. Although Congress is attempting to demonstrate that it will be just in determining who gets what health care and at what expense it will not be a just compensation for what I pay now and get now with my current health care system. Collecting tax revenue, duties, impost or excise tax from a majority of American citizens and compensating other citizens who have not paid such taxes or who have paid more cannot be considered just compensation.
Andrew "Cas" Castanuela
Candidate for U.S. Senate (Texas)
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default avatar for user beckjr2000
Party: N/A
Reply #5
Date: Dec. 29, 2009 - 4:41 PM EST

I think it's incredibly funny that President Obama and the Kleptocrats blamed and continue to blame the Insurance industry for the ills of Healthcare. The Insurance industry donates more money to the Kleptocrats than Republicans and the administration has set up numerous side deals with them and big pharma. No one knows what is really in the bill, probably not even Reid. No one with at least a high school education believes that this bill will reduce the deficit by a single dime. Retired folks lose big time. Physicians lose big time. Everyone who get insurance through there job loses big time. This give a whole new meaning to the old saying: "Bend over and spread em, I'm from the Government I'm here to help!"

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default avatar for user challenge22
Party: Democrat
Reply #6
Date: Dec. 29, 2009 - 7:06 PM EST

Republicans have reached a new low in disgracing themselves and the country with their behavior. It seems as they become more inept they will either eventually reinvent themselves or fail as a party. Wake-up fools you are becoming a circus, the Ameican Public is tired of your antics. Show a little common sense, class, participate in government dont just obstruct. Most Americans view you as selfish,inexcusable, laughable FOOLS. WAKE UP FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR COUNTRY.
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default avatar for user challenge22
Party: Democrat
Reply #7
Date: Dec. 29, 2009 - 7:06 PM EST

Republicans have reached a new low in disgracing themselves and the country with their behavior. It seems as they become more inept they will either eventually reinvent themselves or fail as a party. Wake-up fools you are becoming a circus, the Ameican Public is tired of your antics. Show a little common sense, class, participate in government dont just obstruct. Most Americans view you as selfish,inexcusable, laughable FOOLS. WAKE UP FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR COUNTRY.
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default avatar for user BajaLaJolla
Party: Independent
Reply #8
Date: Dec. 30, 2009 - 2:24 PM EST

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money" - Margret Thatcher

Anyone who thinks "government" health care is free is an idiot. Anyone who thinks destroying the greatest incentive for health science advances - profits from one's work - is a good idea is an idiot. Anyone who thinks Obama ISN'T an admirer of communists and their philosophies is an idiot.

Only Bill Ayers and the "useful idiots" who believe in socialism are happy today.

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